Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Castaway Not given Ebury Screen edit 11/01/00
Chasing the Wind Fossett, S. Virgin Screen edit 05/06/06
Deep into Blue Hole Palmer, R. Unwin Hyman Indexing 30/11/88
Deep into BlueHoles Palmer, R. Unwin Hyman Copy-editing 22/09/88
Deep into BlueHoles Palmer, R. Unwin Hyman Metrication 23/09/88
Deep into BlueHoles Palmer, R. Unwin Hyman Galley proofs 20/10/88
Impossible Survival Denham Granada Publg Read/report 12/07/80
Juggernaut Hutchison,R Heinemann (Wm) Proofreading 18/08/87
Just a Little Run 1 Swale PopeR HarperCollins Copy-editing 06/03/09
Just a Little Run 2 Swale PopeR HarperCollins Copy-editing 09/04/09
Last Wrestler Trower, M. Ebury Press Copy-editing 06/04/06
Lost Ark of the Cov Parfitt, T HarperCollins Copy-editing 07/09/07
Making a Killing Ashcroft, J Virgin Copy-editing 11/05/06
My Big Year Pollock, MM Pollock, Mark Rewriting 19/11/08
New Mercenaries,The Mockler,A Corgi Books Copy-editing 28/03/85
New Mercenaries,The Mockler,A Corgi Books Proofreading 24/06/85
New Mercenaries,The Mockler,A Corgi Books Indexing 07/07/85
New Mercenaries,The Mockler,A Corgi Books Proofreading 21/08/85
Raising the Dead Finch, P. HarperCollins Copy-editing 29/11/07
Seashore Studies unid Allen & Unwin Galley proofs 10/09/82
This House of Sky Doig, I. Granada Publg Read/report 12/07/80
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Aircraft Facts&Feat Taylor/Mond Guinness Super Copy-editing 16/02/88
Aircraft Facts&Feat Taylor/Mond Guinness Super Galley proofs 17/04/88
Aircraft Fuel Syste Langton, R. Wiley, J Copy-editing 01/07/08
Aircraft Peformance Swatton, P. Wiley, J. Copy-editing 06/03/08
Aircraft Systems 3e Moir, Ian Wiley, J. Copy-editing 17/12/07
Central Amer. Trip Roberts,C.M Unpublished Copy-editing 21/03/97
Central Amer. Trip Roberts,C.M Unpublished Edit. advice 21/03/97
Computational Mod. Diston, D. Wiley, J. Copy-editing 26/01/09
Farnborough Story Turnill, R. Granada Publg Read/report 25/10/80
Flight Training Man Stephens, N Robert Hale Copy-editing 29/10/88
Harrier Unid Brian Trodd Copy-editing 25/11/88
Jekyll Island Roberts,C.M Unpublished Copy-editing 26/03/97
Space Flight Record Guinness Guinness Super Copy-editing 01/04/85
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Future of Air Power Brown, N. Croom Helm Ltd Copy-editing 17/03/86
US Air Force Roberts, M Brian Trodd Copy-editing 12/09/88
US Air Force Roberts, M Brian Trodd Metrication 14/09/88
US Air Force Roberts, M Brian Trodd Galley proofs 19/10/88
US Air Force Roberts, M Brian Trodd Galley proofs 16/11/88
US Air Power Roberts, M. Brian Trodd Galley proofs 19/10/89
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Farmer's Handbook Handbook Kluwer Pubs Proofreading 28/02/84
More Scenes Griffin, C. Ebury Copy-editing 06/04/06
Part-Time Farming Gasson,R Longman Group Copy-editing 24/04/87
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Ageing of Grass-Clo Verbic,Joze Ag.I.Slovenia Editg on disc 10/04/00
Agr.Devel.in China Ash, R.F. SOAS/OUP Indexing 17/11/97
Agric. Investment Bluffstone Eartscan Indexingf 28/02/11
Effect of Ageing Verbic etal Verbic, Jose Editg on disc 22/10/01
European Agricultur Alexandrato Pinter Pubs Proofreading 28/04/90
European Agricultur Alexandrato Pinter Pubs Indexing 05/05/90
Forage Preservation Verbic, J. Ag.I.Slovenia Editg on disc 18/02/99
Forest Certific.Hbk Nussbaum, R Earthscan Indexing 0-/02/05
Harvests of Change Goddard,N Quiller Press Indexing 09/09/88
Microb.Prot.Synthes Verbic, J. Verbic, Jose Editing & cod 20/02/02
Protein & Starch Verbic etal Verbic, Jose Editing & cod 30/09/02
Protein Degradation Verbic etal Verbic, Jose Editing & cod 22/06/01
Seeds & Agric.Prod. Kelly, A W Pinter Pubs Proofreading 12/10/88
Species Dispersal Bunce, R ed Pinter Pubs Copy-editing 09/03/90
World Agriculture 2 Alexandrato Pinter Pubs Proofreading 20/08/88
World Agriculture I Unid Pinter Pubs Indexing 16/08/88
World Agriculture P Unid Pinter Pubs Proofreading 16/08/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Breakfast in Hell unid Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 04/08/86
Brochure Alin,Fadumo Alin, Fadumo Editing 08/02/05
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
CPF Grants:9/10/92 CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 16/09/92
Chairmans Review 91 CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 10/04/92
Consolidated Index CPF City Parochial Indexing 12/09/92
London Almanac Hems/Passey NCVO Proofreading 28/02/00
Minutes: 17/7/92 CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 30/07/92
NW Almanac Hems/Passey NCVO Proofreading 28/02/00
Reports 01 Feb. 92 CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 08/02/92
Reports 02 Apr. 92 CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 16/03/92
Reports 03 May 92 CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 31/05/92
Reports 04 Jul. 92 CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 05/06/92
TFL Paper No. 2 CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 03/07/92
Trust for London CPF City Parochial Copy-editing 24/08/92
UK Almanac Hems/Passey NCVO Proofreading 28/02/00
UK/Regional Almanac Hems/Passey NCVO Publicns Editg on disc 29/11/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Discovg.Human Body Knight Granada Publg Read/report 25/11/80
Bernstein'sConstructLatash,M.L. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Fishing in Ireland Gough, H Unwin Hyman Indexing 11/07/89
Fishing the Dry Fly Wilson,D. Unwin Hyman Proofreading 08/06/87
Freshwater Fishing FalkusBullr Stanley Paul Indexing 01/10/87
Salmon Fish.of Scot Little, C Unwin Hyman Indexing 01/03/90
Trout Fishing Pullen, G Ashford Press Galley proofs 21/09/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Animal Rights[untit Hall,R Wildwood House Copy-editing 05/01/84
Animal Smugglers,Th Nichol Christphr Helm Proof+collatn 06/11/86
Casanova's Parrot Bryant,Mark Ebury Press Editing & cod 07/06/02
Gentlemen & Poacher Munsche Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 06/05/81
Gibbons of Siberut Whitten,T J.M.Dent & Son Copy-editing 25/03/81
Hibernating Bats Ransome, R Christphr Helm Proof+collatn 16/02/90
Hibernating Bats I Ransome, R Christphr Helm Indexing 17/02/90
Lost World, Book 2 Noble, M. Dorling Kind. Text creation 20/01/97
Lost World, Book 3 Noble, M. Dorling Kind. Text creation 20/01/97
Lurcher Goes to War Summers, G. Methuen London Read/report 05/06/80
My Boy Butch Murray, J. HarperCollins Copy-editing 08/11/10
Populr Sight Hounds Culiffe, J. Stanley Paul Indexing 26/10/91
Return from th Wild Warren,J Mirror Pubs Read/report 04/06/81
ThreatenedFreshwaterDudgeon, D. Routledge Copy-editing 22/03/22
Vet.Notes for Cats Turner,T. Stanley Paul Indexing 08/04/94
Vet.Notes for Dogs Turner,T ed Stanley Paul Indexing 16/06/90
Vet.Notes fr.Horses Hayes,M H Stanley Paul Indexing 24/07/87
Whales & Dolphins Evans, PGH Christphr Helm 2nd proofread 19/06/87
WritingAboutAnimals Spencer, J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 03/12/19
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Anthr.Appr.to Psych Skultans, V J.Kingsley Pub Indexing 08/06/00
Def.Maids & Stub.Fs Cosentino Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 11/11/81
Dry Grain Agrar.Sys Hill Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 20/01/82
History of Family 1 Burguiere,A Blackwell Pubs Proof index 23/10/95
History of Family 2 Burguiere Blackwell Pubs Index editing 31/10/95
History of Family:2 Burguiere,A Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 06/10/95
History of Family:I Burguiere,A Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 04/10/95
Mind and Nature Bateson, G. Fontana Proofreading 09/07/80
Mind and Nature Bateson, G. Fontana Indexing 09/07/80
Missionaries, The Lewis, N Secker & Warb. Copy-editing 11/11/87
Missionaries, The Lewis, N Secker & Warb. Copy-editing 19/01/88
Missionaries, The Lewis, N Secker & Warb. Editl queries 25/01/88
Reader in Anthropol Lambeck ed. Blackwell Publ Proofreading 12/07/01
Sister Peg Raynor,D ed Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 22/12/81
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Archaeology:BriefIntFagan&Durra Routledge Copy-editing 15/06/21
Computer Archaeolog Lock, G. Shire Publictn 2nd proofread 25/09/87
Curr.Sc.Tech.in Arc unid Croom Helm Ltd 2nd proofread 09/09/86
Greek World 479-323 Hornblower Methuen Academ Proofreading 10/07/83
Hellenistic World Walbank,F Fontana Proofreading 16/01/81
Secrets of Ice Age Hadingham Magnum,Methuen Read/report 01/05/80
Secrets of Ice Age Hadingham, Granada Publg Read/report 17/11/80
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Craft Directory Smith, R.J. Robert Hale Copy-editing 17/09/89
Design Control Hall, Tony Butterworth-H. Editg on disc 05/08/95
Elements of Style multi Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 20/01/91
Elements of Style 2 multi Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 26/01/91
Elements of Style 3 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 25/02/91
Elements of Style 4 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 19/03/91
Elements of Style 5 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 11/04/91
Elements of Style 6 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 15/04/91
Elements of Style 7 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 29/04/91
Elements of Style 8 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 08/05/91
Inc.& Sym.in Design Baglivo/Gra Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 08/04/82
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Aquatecture Wylson,A Architect.Pres Rewriting 04/03/86
Aquatecture Wylson,A Architect.Pres Copy-editing 04/03/86
Aquatecture Wylson,A Architect.Pres Pict.captions 04/03/86
Archit.Meaning&Ment Malone, P. Routledge Copy-editing 08/03/17
Architects QMS Thomas, A. Butterworth-H. Editg on disc 27/11/95
Architect.&SacramentWang, David Routledge Copy-editing 03/01/20
Automated House,The unid Architect.Pres Indexing 13/09/85
Cinema Development Reynolds,GE Ennis, GE Copy-editing 23/03/05
Constr.Craft to Ind Sebestyen,G Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 19/12/96
Constr.Craft toInd2 Sebestyen,G Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 28/02/97
Design & Econ.Bldng Morton/Jagg Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 20/02/95
Design Modelling Bairstow, J Hodder Educatl Indexing 05/10/99
Digital Building Day, Alan Butterworth-H. Copy-editing 26/07/96
Exper.of Modernism Gold, John Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 05/05/97
Lethaby,W R unid Architect.Pres Proofreading 03/12/85
Low Energy Hospital Powell Moya Powell & Moya Proofreading 10/10/84
Low Energy Hospital Powell-Moya Powell & Moya Proofreading 16/10/84
Low Energy Hospital Powell-Moya Powell & Moya Proofreading 23/10/84
MobilisingPlaceManagLassen, C. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
Oxf.Dict.ofArchitectStevensCurl Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 26/12/20
Restaurants,Clubs.. Lawson,F. Architect.Pres Galley proofs 23/06/87
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
PIP Doors AJ Supplemt Architect.Pres Copy-editing 18/08/83
PIP Fire Equipment AJ Supplemt Architect.Pres Copy-editing 21/09/83
PIP Fixgs & Fastgs AJ Supplemt Architect.Pres Copy-editing 24/06/83
PIP Glass glazing AJ Supplemt Architect.Pres Copy-editing 17/04/83
PIP Glass glazing AJ Supplemt Architect.Pres Proofreading 06/05/83
PIP Glass[Tables] AJ Supplemt Architect.Pres Copy-editing 18/04/83
PIP Sealants AJ Supplemt Architect.Pres Proofreading 10/06/83
PIP Sealants AP Supplemt Architect.Pres Copy-editing 20/05/83
tech.writer 1970 Brick Bulln House Pubs Text creation 01/01/70
tech.writer 1970 Brick Bulln House Pubs Rewriting 01/01/70
tech.writer 1970 Brick Bulln House Pubs Copy-editing 01/01/70
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
IAV O'Leary, K. Academic Editing 01/04/15
Monochrome Staff, C. Aptara Proofreading 13/05/15
Unica Zurn Plumer, E. Aptara Proofreading 13/05/15
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
African Objects Meyer,Laure Terrail Copy-editing 08/12/94
Art Nouveau Gallagher,F Pavilion Books Proofreading 14/09/99
Creative Acrylic PT Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Pubs Indexing 21/08/95
Creative WatercolPT Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Pubs Indexing 21/08/95
Disc.Eng.Watercolrs Ambrose, A. Shire Publictn Galley proofs 21/09/87
Fable of Modern Art Ashton, D. Granada Publg Read/report 28/10/80
Gilloch Gilloch Blackwell Pubs Index editing 29/08/95
Gluck Souhami, D Unwin Hyman Proofreading 29/07/88
Gluck Souhami, D Unwin Hyman Indexing 29/07/88
Illustrated books Various Terrail Copywriting 20/12/94
Illustrated books 2 Various Terrail Copywriting 22/12/94
Life with Lowry Marshall,T Granada Publg Read/report 08/12/80
Marriage of a Rebel Clemo, J. Granada Publg Read/report 04/03/80
Painter's Progress unid Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 03/06/82
Portuguese Artists Oliveira,L. Routledge Copy-editing 12/10/19
Psychol. Aesthetics Maclagan,D, J.Kingsley Pub Indexing 15/12/00
ParticipationInArt Stierli I.B.Taurus Proofreading 27/02/15
Rodin Jarrasse,D. Terrail Copy-editing 07/01/95
Rodin (P) Jarrasse,D. Terrail Proofreading 21/01/95
Venetian Hours Honour,H. Walker Books Indexing 23/07/90
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Art Nouveau Pavilion Pavilion Books Proofreading 14/09/99
Body Art titles Noble, M. Henderson Text creation 07/04/99
Conserv.EaselPaintngStoner,J.H. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
Design Modelling Bairstow, J Hodder Educatl Indexing 05/10/99
Hearts:intro M.M.&Dunbar Matthews,M.& D Rewriting 30/03/77
How to Drape Saris Boulanger,C.Unpublished Screen editg 09/08/97
Intro. to Antiques Mitchell B. Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 12/04/89
Introd to Antiques Unid Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 28/02/89
Invg Ant.Silv.Toys Jackman,W.G AESOP Pubs Copy-editing 10/06/11
Lacquers unid Phoebe Phillip Proofreading 17/06/82
Medicine on Coins Penn, R. G. B.T.Batsford Proofreading 07/02/94
Papier Mache Unid Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 18/10/89
Panorama Comment, B Reaktion Books Indexing 03/08/99
Period Style unid Mitchell Beaz. 2nd proofread 20/02/89
Pewter of G.Britain Peal John Gifford Indexing 11/01/82
QueerngPostBlackArt Murray,D.C. Aptara Proofreading 03/08/15
Stained Glass Not given Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 04/04/89
Successful Stencill Warrender,C Andre Deutsch Indexing 20/05/88
Sunrise series various Matthews,M.& D Rewriting 01/01/78
VisionsOfTheHuman Slevin, Tom I.B.Taurus Proofreading 24/10/14
Wedgwood Circle,The Wedgwood,D Granada Publg Read/report 12/10/80
Written on Body:Bib Caplan, J Reaktion Books Editg on disc 14/09/99
Written on the Body Caplan, J Reaktion Books Editg on disc 01/09/99
Written on the Body Caplan, J Reaktion Books Indexing 17/12/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Allen,Woody:Joking McKnight,G W H Allen & Co Proofreading 27/01/82
Allen,Woody:Joking McKnight,G W H Allen & Co Indexing 27/01/82
Andrews,Julie Windeler W H Allen & Co Proofreading 12/01/82
Brooks,Mel:Com.Art Yacowa, M. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 30/03/82
Brooks,Mel:Com.Art Yacowa, M. W H Allen & Co Indexing 30/03/82
Burton, Richard Cashin, F. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 12/07/82
Connery, Sean Callan, M. W H Allen & Co Indexing 05/11/82
Connery, Sean Yule,Andrew Little, Brown Copy-editing 23/11/92
Eastwood, Clint Cole/Willms W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 02/02/83
Film Revw 82-3: 1 Speed,M ed W H Allen & Co Galley proofs 31/05/82
Francis F. Coppola Unid Andre Deutsch Indexing 27/08/88
Garbo anthology Haining ed W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 09/12/83
Gardner, Ava unid W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 07/06/82
Gardner, Ava unid W H Allen & Co Indexing 09/08/82
Guinness Taylor,J R Pavilion Books Galley proofs 20/01/84
Harris, Richard Smith, G. Robert Hale Copy-editing 19/01/90
Hepburn, Katharine Freedland,M W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 20/09/83
Hope,Bob: Superstar Thompson,C Methuen London Indexing 30/04/81
Keaton, Buster Dardis, T. Granada Publg Read/report 08/04/80
NFT: 50 Years Eyles,Allan NFT Rewriting 04/12/01
Norma Jean Jordan, T Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 27/01/90
Redford, Robert Downing, D. W H Allen & Co Indexing 14/04/82
Redford, Robert Downing, D. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 26/04/82
Reynolds, Burt unid Mirror Pubs Read/report 02/11/79
Streisand, Barbra Zec,D New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 02/04/82
Streisand, Barbra Zec,D New Engl.Lib. Indexing 02/04/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Morley, S Pavilion Books Galley proofs 15/04/88
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Pic.research 19/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 19/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Proofreading 19/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Proofreading 24/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Pict.captions 24/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Proofreading 26/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Pict.captions 26/03/82
Touch of Collins,A Collins, J. Columbus Books Indexing 08/07/86
Truffaut Insdorf, A. Granada Publg Read/report 08/04/80
Turner, Lana unid W H Allen & Co Indexing 31/08/82
Wallace & Gromit Lane, Andy Boxtree Editing & cod 25/03/04
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Basque Cinema Stone, R. I.B.Taurus Proofreading 18/12/14
Comp.to German Cine Ginsberg, T Wiley Copy-editing 23/06/11
Comp.toWong Kar-wai Nochimson.M Wiley Indexing 14/09/15
ConcentrationaryIma Pollock, G. I.B.Taurus Proofreading 02/04/15
Cult Movies French,P&K Pavilion Books Editg on disc 22/02/99
Digital Horror Blake&Reyes I.B.Taurus Proofreading 27/02/15
Feeling Revolution Toropova,A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/04/20
Film Revw 82-3: 2&3 Speed,M ed W H Allen & Co Galley proofs 23/06/82
Film Revw 82-3: 4 Speed,M ed W H Allen & Co Galley proofs 27/06/82
Film Revw 82-3: 5&6 Speed,M ed W H Allen & Co Galley proofs 19/07/82
Film Revw 83-4 Speed,M ed W H Allen & Co Galley proofs 19/07/83
Film Revw 86-7 Speed,M ed Columbus Books Indexing 11/09/86
FromFranceWithLove Harrod,Mary I.B.Taurus Proofreading 28/12/14
Geographies InternetWarf,Barney Routledge Copy-editing 28/04/20
Hollywood Riots Dibbern, D. I.B.Taurus Proofreading 18/12/14
Home Movies Jenkins, C. I.B.Taurus Proofreading 17/12/14
Landmark Films Wolf, W & L Granada Publg Read/report 10/06/80
ParticipationInArt Stierli I.B.Taurus Proofreading 27/02/15
Philosopher at End Rowlands, M Ebury Press Editing & cod 04/02/03
SocialLifeInThMoviesDowd, J.J. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
Sportswomen in Cine Chare, N. I.B.Taurus Proofreading 16/08/14
Time on TV Jowett, L. I.B.Taurus Proofreading 18/12/14
Tom Cruise O'Donnell,R I.B.Taurus Proofreading 27/02/15
Top 100 Films Kobal,J ed Pavilion Books Copy-editing 06/05/88
Top 100 Movies Kobal, J Pavilion Books Edit+retyping 15/05/88
Top 100 Movies Kobal, J Pavilion Books Proofreading 17/06/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Art of Bond Bouzereau,L Boxtree Copy-editing 07/01/06
Austin Powers Lane, Andy Boxtree Proofreading 13/08/02
Bond Girls Are Fore Cork, John Boxtree Copy-editing 06/05/03
Death in Hollywood Underwood,P Piatkus Books Copy-editing 28/04/91
Hollywood Riots Dibbern, D. I.B.Taurus Proofreading 18/12/14
Making of HHGG Simpson, P. Boxtree Copy-editing 14/12/04
What Hap.to Hollywd Lasky, J.Jr Magnum,Methuen Read/report 01/04/80
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
25 Years of Viz Cook, W. Boxtree Editing & cod 08/03/04
Allen,Woody:Joking McKnight,G Allen,W.H. & C Proofreading 27/01/82
Allen,Woody:Joking McKnight,G Allen,W.H. & C Indexing 27/01/82
Another weird year3 Davies, Huw Ebury Press Editing & cod 19/06/04
Austin Powers Lane, Andy Boxtree Proofreading 13/08/02
Book of Sex Lists Gerber, A. W H Allen & Co Rewriting 15/01/82
Bounder's Companion Chance, H. Ebury Press Proofreading 04/07/01
Brooks,Mel:Com.Art Yacowa, M. Allen,W.H. & C Proofreading 30/03/82
Brooks,Mel:Com.Art Yacowa, M. Allen,W.H. & C Indexing 30/03/82
Carry On Secombe Secombe, F. Joseph, Michae Proofreading 20/09/88
Dawn French: Biog. Bowyer, A. Headli I Indexing 14/07/00
Dawn French bio:pbk Bowyer, A. Headli Ir Repag. index 04/03/01
Eating Your Auntie Arnott, S. Ebury Press Editing & cod 20/05/04
Enc.of Insultg Behr Encyclopaed Futura Proofreading 13/07/81
Footballers Wives Reynolds,J. Boxtree Editing & cod 19/06/03
Footlights Hewison, R Methuen London Indexing 08/03/83
Freddie Starr Unwra Starr, F. Virgin Publg Editing & cod 16/04/01
From Fringe to F.Cs Wilmut, R. Methuen London Proofreading 28/03/80
From Fringe to F.Cs Wilmut,R Methuen London Indexing 17/06/80
Gimme Gimme Gimme Harvey, J. Boxtree Proofreading 24/06/02
Gnomes & Gardens Pavilion Pavilion Books Editg on disc 27/11/99
Googlewhack Gorman, D. Ebury Press Editing & cod 30/10/03
Green Side Up Parker, C. Mirror Pubs Read/report 10/08/79
Growing Old Disgrac Candappa, R Ebury Press Editing & cod 17/05/02
High Hopes: Corbett Corbett, R. Ebury Proofreading 12/07/00
High Hopes:CorbettI Corbett, R. Ebury Indexing 12/07/00
Hope,Bob: Superstar Thompson,C Methuen London Indexing 30/04/81
How to Avoid Yr Rnd unid New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 01/06/79
It's Not Me,It'sYou RichardsonJ HarperCollins Copy-editing 20/04/11
Jim Davidson 2 Davidson, J Ebury Press Editorial que 28/07/01
Jim Davidson autob. Davidson,J. Ebury Press Editing & cod 03/07/01
Join Me Wallace, D. Ebury Press Editing & cod 21/02/03
Join Me, 2nd edn Wallace, D. Ebury Press Proofreading 22/03/04
Keaton, Buster Dardis, T. Granada Publis Reading and r 08/04/80
King of the Castle Plimmer, M. Ebury Press Editing & cod 12/05/02
Krankies Joke Book Krankies W H Allen & Co Text creation 15/03/87
L.Bk of Camel Sutra Candappa, R Ebury Press Proofreading 29/10/01
Megawatts Watts, M. Hudson Editg on disc 24/05/00
Officl Sick Joke Bk Hodes Futura Proofreading 06/08/80
One Hit Wonderland Hawks,Tony Ebury Press Editing & cod 28/05/02
Out of Order Johnson Robson Books Indexing 11/08/82
Phoenix Nights Kay, Peter Boxtree Proofreading 26/06/03
Planet Simpson Turner, C. Ebury Press Editing: Angl 06/06/04
Playing Muldovans Hawks, Tony Ebury Press Editg on disc 16/09/99
Punch selection Freud,C Robson Books Proofreading 20/07/82
Ruby Wax Autiobiog. Wax, Ruby Ebury Press Editing & cod 08/08/02
Sit-Down Comedy Hardee,M.ed Ebury Press Editing & cod 17/04/03
Sling Your Hook Parker, C. Mirror Pubs Read/report 10/08/79
Spythatcher Rushden, W. Pavilion Books Proofreading 14/09/87
Stress for Success Candappa,R. Ebury Editg on disc 20010323
Stupid Boy, A Perry,Jimmy Purdie, Andrea Editing & cod 26/08/02
Sweet & Sour Labrad Carrott, J. Arrow Books Proofreading 26/07/82
Taking Off unid Methuen London Indexing 31/07/84
Talking Cock Herring, R. Ebury Press Editing & cod 26/06/03
Wallace & Gromit Lane, Andy Boxtree Editing & cod 25/03/04
Where Did It All Go Collins, A. Ebury Press Editing & cod 11/06/02
World Beard Champs Ames, M. Boxtree Proofreading 01/06/04
World of Waite Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Pict.captions 28/04/81
Yes Minister: Vol.2 Lynn,Jay # BBC Books Galley proofs 27/07/82
Yes Minister: Vol.2 Lynn,Jay # BBC Books Proofreading 01/09/82
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Rhythm & Timing Goodridge,J Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 08/02/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Craft Directory Smith, R.J. Robert Hale Copy-editing 17/09/89
Design Control Hall, Tony Butterworth-H. Editg on disc 05/08/95
Design Modelling Bairstow, J Hodder Educatl Indexing 05/10/99
Elements of Style multi Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 20/01/91
Elements of Style 2 multi Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 26/01/91
Elements of Style 3 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 25/02/91
Elements of Style 4 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 19/03/91
Elements of Style 5 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 11/04/91
Elements of Style 6 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 15/04/91
Elements of Style 7 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 29/04/91
Elements of Style 8 Contributed Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 08/05/91
Inc.& Sym.in Design Baglivo/Gra Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 08/04/82
Mood Indigo Lee, Vinny Pavilion Books Proofreading 18/05/00
Perform Issue 1 Bawden,Anna Bawden, A. Proofreading 13/03/08
Prog.Interior Envir.Karpan, C. Routledge Copy-editing 06/09/19
Sustainable Design Chapman, J. Earthscan Indexing 09/07/07
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Follow-on Proposal Parsons, A. Parsons Proofreading 17/04/15
Hist.ofChin.Theatre Fu Jing Routledge Copy-editing 20/01/20
Shakespeare&TheActor Potter, L. Oxf.Uni.Press Copy-editing 05/01/22
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
As Luck Would Have Jacobi, D. HarperCollins Editing 13/03/13
Gielgud Unid Pavilion Books Indexing 20/01/84
Guinness Taylor,J R Pavilion Books Indexing 08/02/84
Hist.ofChin.Theatre Fu Jing Routledge Screen editg 20/01/20
Love,Curiosity,F&Dt Phoenix,P Arlington Bks Copy-editing 17/06/83
RamblingsOfActress Hancock, S Hutchinson Bks Indexing 10/08/87
Tomorrow Has Been C Wyler, R. Arrow Books Read/report 03/03/80
Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Mirror Pubs Read/report 11/07/78
Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 30/10/78
Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Mirror Pubs Proofreading 30/10/78
Will Real IC St.Up Carmichael Futura Indexing 24/05/80
Yo Yo Man,The Maynard, B. Mirror Pubs Read/report 10/08/79
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Art and Enterprise McQuilten,G Aptara Proofreading 17/12/14
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Almost an Autobiog. Davis, C. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 03/09/80
Almost an Autobiog. Davis, C. Mirror Pubs Copywriting 03/09/80
Almost an Autobiog. Davis, C. # Mirror Pubs Editl report 08/10/79
Carry On Secombe Secombe, F. Michael Joseph Proofreading 20/09/88
Farewell Leic.Sq. Hollis, H. Mirror Pubs Read/report 30/10/78
Farewell Leic.Sq. Hollis, H. Mirror Pubs Rewriting 29/01/79
Farewell Leic.Sq. Hollis, H. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 30/04/79
Farewell Leic.Sq. Hollis, H. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 31/05/79
Hamilton, David Hamilton,D Mirror Pubs Editl report 15/02/81
Jogging th.Memories Castle, Roy W H Allen & Co Rewriting 07/05/87
Kinds of Loving Everett, L. Columbus Books Rewriting 26/09/86
My Fabulous Brothrs Freeman, R. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 04/02/82
My Fabulous Brothrs Freeman, R. W H Allen & Co Indexing 04/02/82
My Fabulous Brothrs Freeman, R. W H Allen & Co Indexing 14/02/82
Oh Yes It Is # Frow BBC Books Indexing 10/07/85
See Me in Pyjamas Giddings,R Sphere Books Read/report 07/11/80
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Compan.to Concerto Anderson et Christphr Helm 2nd proofread 05/08/88
Leonard Bernstein Freedland,M Harrap Publg Indexing 25/08/87
Lives of Great Comp Schonberg Futura Proofreading 03/07/80
Maria:Beyond Callas Stassinop,A Sphere Books Read/report 02/08/80
Mozart in Italy Zaluski,I&P Peter Owen Editg on disc 16/02/98
Music for the Peopl Malone, G. HarperCollins Editing 22/02/11
MusicsWith&AfterTonaFleet, Paul Routledge Copy-editing 26/10/21
My Life Gobbi, T. Futura Proofreading 17/03/80
Offenbach,Jacques Harding,J Granada Publg Read/report 18/01/81
Promise Me Sing Mud Wallace,I Granada Publg Read/report 25/11/80
Schumann Finson, J.W Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 21/06/88
Schumann's 1st Symp Finson, J.W Oxf.Univ.Press Editl queries 10/10/88
Travels w.My Cello Lloyd Weber Pavilion Books Copywriting 08/03/84
Words and Music Ray,R Methuen London Indexing 25/06/84
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
African All-Stars Stapleton Quartet Books Indexing 05/09/87
Beatles 62-3 Barrow,T Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 06/07/82
Beatles Chronology1 Levinsohn,M Octopus Publg Copy-editing 04/11/91
Beatles Chronology2 Levinsohn,M Octopus Publg Copy-editing 09/11/91
Beatles Chronology3 Levinsohn,M Octopus Publg Copy-editing 15/11/91
Beatles Chronology4 Levinsohn,M Octopus Publg Copy-editing 22/11/91
Beatles Chronology5 Levinsohn,M Octopus Publg Copy-editing 24/11/91
Beatles Chronology6 Levinsohn,M Octopus Publg Copy-editing 02/12/91
Beatles/Stones cal. Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Text creation 01/07/83
Beck! Jovanovic,R Virgin Pubs Editg on disc 01/11/99
Black Vinyl Napier Bell Ebury Editg on disc 28/09/00
Black Vinyl (2) Napier Bell Ebury Indexing 30/12/00
Black Vinyl (3) Napier Bell Ebury EC Editg on disc 11/01/01
Britney Smith, Sean Boxtree EC Copy-editing 11/07/05
Britney 2 Smith, Sean Boxtree Copy-editing 20/07/05
Catatonia Owens,David Ebury EC Editg on disc 25/05/00
Cider with Roadies Maconie, S. Ebury Press Editing & cod 24/07/03
Encyclop.of Singles Paragon Foundry Text creation 17/02/98
EnglishRhythm&Blues Larroque,P. Routledge Copy-editing 02/06/21
Glastonbury Tales Aubrey, C. Ebury Press Editing & cod 17/12/03
Guide to Recrd.Jazz Kernfeld,B. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 14/06/95
Guide to Recrd.Jazz Kernfeld,B. Blackwell Pubs Index paginat 14/06/95
Guitar Greats,The Tobler,J BBC Books Galley proofs 18/10/82
Hist.of Music:20thC Banfield Blackwell Pubs Proof index 23/08/95
Hungry for Heaven Turner, S Virgin Publg Indexing 28/12/87
I'm Coming to Take Napier-Bell Ebury Press Copy-editing 02/11/04
Inside Music 2005 Harris, K. Ebury Press Editing & cod 19/04/04
Int.Enc.Heavy Metal Jasper,T ed Sidgwick & Jac Copy-editing 13/06/83
It's Not Me,It'sYou RichardsonJ HarperCollins Copy-editing 20/04/11
Jimi Hendrix Mitchell,M Octopus Publg Copy-editing 26/02/90
Jimi Hendrix:Prolog Mitchell,M Octopus Publg Copy-editing 11/03/90
JLS: OurStorySoFar JLS HarperCollins Copy-editing 03/06/09
Joni Mitchell O'Brien, K. Virgin Publg Editing & cod 07/06/01
John Lennon Tribute Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 13/12/80
Jumpstart! Music FosterPeter Routledge Copy-editing 03/01/20
Kylie Naked Goodall, N. Ebury Press Rewriting 31/03/02
Last Orders Please Melly, Jim Ebury Press Editing & cod 16/12/02
Life Is a Rollerco. Keating, R. Ebury Proofreading 13/08/00
Love You Make,The Brown/Gaine Macmillan Lond Copy-editing 15/06/83
Love You Make,The Brown/Gaine Macmillan Lond Proofreading 07/07/83
Mathis:Facturama unid W H Allen & Co Galley proofs 31/01/83
Nineties 1 Robb, John Ebury Press Editg on disc 10/04/99
Nineties 2 Robb, John Ebury Press Editg on disc 27/06/99
Nineties 3 Robb, John Ebury Press Indexing 08/07/99
No Sleep Till Canve Burch, Will Virgin Pubs Editg on disc 30/11/99
O'Donnell: Songs O'Donnell,D Virgin Pubs Editg on disc 05/08/07
One Hit Wonderland Hawks,Tony Ebury Press Editing & cod 28/05/02
Petula Clark Kon,A W H Allen & Co Proofreading 12/09/83
R.E.M. Fiction Buckley, D. Virgin Publg Editing & cod 31/03/02
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 1 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 26/11/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 2 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 03/12/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 3 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 07/12/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 4 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 11/12/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 5 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 19/12/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 6 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 16/01/91
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 1 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 16/12/89
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 2 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 07/01/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 3 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 13/01/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 4 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 22/01/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 5 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 30/01/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 6 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 06/02/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 7 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 12/02/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 8 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 14/02/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 9 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 21/02/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 10 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 28/02/90
Rock'n'Roll Yrs 11 NME comp. Octopus Publg Copy-editing 02/03/90
Slipknot Arnopp, J. Ebury Editg on disc 31/01/01
Soul Recording Unid Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 15/04/93
Still Got It Spence, L. HarperCollins Copy-editing 12/05/11
Stone Roses, The Robb, John Ebury Copy-editing 21/02/01
Stone Roses, The Robb, John Ebury Proofreading 09/04/01
Tony Bennett Jasper,T W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 17/01/84
Tony Bennett:discog Jasper,T W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 24/01/84
This Is a Call Brannigan,P HarperCollins Copy-editing 18/07/11
Ult.Bk.Pop Trivia Swern/Rowan Robson Books Proofreading 04/10/01
Ult.Bk.Pop Trivia 1 Swern&Rowan Robson Books Postage, fare 05/10/01
Who I Am (1) Townshend,P HarperCollins Editing 05/08/12
Who I Am (2) Townshend,P HarperCollins Editing 05/08/12
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Good Morning Nantwi Jupitus, P. HarperCollins Copy-editing 22/06/10
Radio Luxembourg Nichols, R. AllenW Indexing 03/07/83
It'sNotWhatYouThink Evans,Chris HarperCollins Copy-editing 26/07/09
It'sNotWhatYouThink Evans,Chris HarperCollins Copy-editing 19/09/09
Wireless World Potter et al.Oxf.Univ.PressCopy-editing 07/03/22
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Dictionary of Arts Helicon Helicon 2nd proofread 09/02/94
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
40Yrs Magic Roundbt Lane, Andy Boxtree Editing 04/04/05
BBC & Public Servic Various Premiu Editing 05/03/08
Call Me Oil Tanker Glover, Fi Ebury Rewriting 01/12/00
Cult TV Detectives Pavilion Pavilion Books Copy-editing 14/05/99
Cult TV Stars Lewis/Stemp Pavilion Books Screen edit 15/03/00
Days Seemed Longer Plomley, R. Methuen London Proofreading 03/06/80
Everything I Know Rowlands,M. Ebury Press Editing & cod 05/07/04
Radio Luxembourg unid W H Allen & Co Indexing 03/07/83
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Gravity,Black Holes Nicholson, Granada Publg Read/report 02/02/81
Reversing Earth,The Warlow,P J.M.Dent & Son Copy-editing 31/03/81
Supernova Elmes, G. Sphere Books Read/report 31/10/80
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Bk Browsers Erotica Lewis, R.H. David&Charles Proofreading 09/03/81
Dict.of Book Histry Feather Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 31/05/86
Dict.of Book Histry Feather Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 06/06/86
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Agnelli - Fiat Friedman,A Harrap Publg Indexing 09/08/88
Alex Bell 1 Clark, B. HarperCollins Copy-editing 07/04/08
Alex Bell 2 Clark, B. HarperCollins Copy-editing 10/06/08
Allen,Woody:Joking McKnight,G W H Allen & Co Proofreading 27/01/82
Allen,Woody:Joking McKnight,G W H Allen & Co Indexing 27/01/82
Andrews,Julie Windeler W H Allen & Co Proofreading 12/01/82
Anywhere Away From1 Salter,Anne Salter, Anne Rewriting 10/12/08
Anywhere Away From2 Salter,Anne Salter, Anne Rewriting 22/02/10
Anywhere Away From3 Salter,Anne Salter, Anne Rewriting 25/02/10
As Luck Would Have Jacobi, D. HarperCollins Editing 13/03/13
Axis Sally 1 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 23/03/05
Axis Sally 2 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 29/04/05
Axis Sally 3 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 22/07/05
Axis Sally 4 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 11/11/05
Axis Sally 5 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 03/12/05
Axis Sally 6 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 20/04/06
Axis Sally 7 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 11/05/06
Axis Sally 8 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 07/08/06
Axis Sally 9 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 12/12/07
Axis Sally 10 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 08/03/07
Axis Sally 11 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 29/03/07
Axis Sally 12 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 08/05/07
Axis Sally 13 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 16/01/08
Axis Sally 14 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 29/01/08
Axis Sally 15 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 14/03/09
Axis Sally 16 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 15/04/09
Baked Beans & Chand Kemp, A. Kemp, A. Rewriting 29/09/06
Baked Beans & Chan2 Kemp. A. Kemp, A. Rewriting 15/11/06
Battered Fenton,John HarperCollins Editing 24/05/07
Beauvoir, Simone de Moi Blackwell Pubs Proof index 28/09/93
Better Me, A Basrlow,GaryBonnier Copy-editing 16/06/18
Black Museum, The Goodman, J. Harrap Publg Indexing 21/08/87
Black, White & Gold Holmes,Kell Virgin Editing 20/04/06
Bloody Wednesday Harrison, J Mirror Pubs Read/report 02/11/79
Breathe Deeply My S Wermuth, H. Frank Cass Rewriting 23/11/90
Bring Out the Glam1 Giuli, C. Giuli Rewriting 16/05/11
Bring Out the Glam1 Giuli, C. Giuli Editing 03/10/12
Bring Out the Glam1 Giuli, C. Giuli Cover creatn 30/11/12
Brittain, Vera Gorham, D. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 19/09/95
Britney Smith, Sean Boxtree EC Copy-editing 11/07/05
Britney 2 Smith, Sean Boxtree Copy-editing 20/07/05
Brooks,Mel:Com.Art Yacowa, M. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 30/03/82
Brooks,Mel:Com.Art Yacowa, M. W H Allen & Co Indexing 30/03/82
Burton, Richard Cashin, F. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 12/07/82
Collins, Wilkie Clarke, W. Allison & Busb Indexing 10/06/88
Connery, Sean Callan, M. W H Allen & Co Indexing 05/11/82
Connery, Sean Yule,Andrew Little, Brown Copy-editing 23/11/92
Convent, The 1 Chater, M. Chater, M. Copy-editing 11/02/12
Convent, The 2 Chater, M. Chater, M Copy-editing 21/02/16
Crime Inc [Mafia] unid # Methuen London Indexing 20/08/84
Dad, Help Me Please Odell, R. W H Allen & Co Indexing 26/06/89
Dare to Stand Alone Niblett, B. Niblet, B. Et#siting 03/01/07
David Batty (pbk) Batty,David Headline Indexing 07/06/02
David Batty Autobio Batty,David Headline Indexing 27/06/01
David Beckham,MySon Beckham, T. Boxtre Editing 30/06/05
Dawn French: Biog. Bowyer, A. Headli I Indexing 14/07/00
Dawn French bio:pbk Bowyer, A. Headli Ir Repag. index 04/03/01
Dear Me Evans,Chris Fostermco Editing 21/05/14
Deliver Us From Evi Yallop, D. Futura Indexing 23/04/81
De Lorean biography unid Macdonald Orbi Proofreading 22/07/83
Descent into Abyss Cockerill,A Cockerill, Art Editing 14/09/10
Diaries: Vol.1 Benn, T. Hutchinson Bks Indexing 15/07/87
Diaries: Vol.1 Benn, T. Hutchinson Bks Indexing 20/07/87
Dickens Companion,A Page, N. Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 23/08/82
Displaced Persons Halifax, P. Halifax Read/report 11/05/11
Dorothy Thompson 01 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 16/05/14
Dorothy Thompson 02 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 15/07/14
Dorothy Thompson 03 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 18/08/14
Dorothy Thompson 04 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 18/09/15
Dorothy Thompson 05 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 02/10/15
Dorothy Thompson 06 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 17/12/15
Dorothy Thompson 07 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 18/07/16
Dorothy Thompson 08 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 25/09/16
Dorothy Thompson 09 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 23/11/16
Dorothy Thompson 10 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 14/04/17
Dorothy Thompson 11 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 02/08/17
Dorothy Thompson 12 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 02/08/17
Dorothy Thompson 13 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 23/12/17
Dorothy Thompson 14 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 31/01/18
Dorothy Thompson 15aLucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 10/09/18
Dorothy Thompson 15bLucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 10/09/18
Dorothy Thompson 15cLucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 10/09/18
Dorothy Thompson 16 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 08/04/19
Dorothy Thompson 17 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 08/04/19
Dorothy Thompson 18 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 18/07/19
Dorothy Thompson 19 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 18/07/19
Eastwood, Clint Cole/Willms W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 02/02/83
Eclipse of Destiny1 Al Tellawy Al Tellawy, S. Rewriting 30/01/07
Eclipse of Destiny2 Al Tellawy Al Tellawy, S. Rewriting 20/09/20
Eclipse of Destiny3 Al Tellawy Al Tellawy, S. Rewriting 09/12/09
Eclipse of Destiny4 Al Tellawy Al Tellawy, S. Rewriting 16/12/09
Eclipse of Destiny5 Al Tellawy Al Tellawy, S. Editing 04/04/12
Elegy in Arcady Browne, P. Ashford Press Postage/fares 08/07/88
Elegy in Arcady Browne, P. Ashford Press Rewriting 07/09/88
Elegy in Arcady Browne, P. Ashford Press Copywriting 07/09/88
Elegy in Arcady Browne, P. Ashford Press Copy-editing 05/12/88
Eva's Story Goeriger,E W H Allen & Co Rewriting 08/02/88
Film Revw 82-3: 1 Speed,M ed W H Allen & Co Galley proofs 31/05/82
Fiver! Whittemore Sphere Books Read/report 27/11/80
Forsyth, Frederick Cabell, C. Robson Books Proofreading 05/09/01
Francis F. Coppola Unid Andre Deutsch Indexing 27/08/88
Frank Ramsey Misak, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 26/08/19
Frank Ramsey Misak, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 12/11/19
Freddie Starr Unwra Starr, F. Virgin Screen edit 16/04/01
From Coaldust to St Cockerill,G HarperCollins Screen edit 30/06/10
FromLondonToLincoln Dunlop, F. Aesop Publicat.Editing 14/08/19
FromLondonToLincoln Dunlop, F. Aesop Publicat.Indexing 14/08/19
FromLondonToLincoln Dunlop, F. Aesop Publicat.Publication 01/09/19
Gangbuster unid Futura Proofreading 27/09/84
Gangbuster unid Futura Indexing 27/09/84
Garbo anthology Haining ed W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 09/12/83
Gardner, Ava unid W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 07/06/82
Gardner, Ava unid W H Allen & Co Indexing 09/08/82
George Best Collins,Roy Ebury Press Editing & cod 14/06/01
Goldsmith,Sir James unid Fontana Proofreading 23/02/82
Gielgud Unid Pavilion Books Indexing 20/01/84
Great Liquidator,Th Grombach, J Granada Publg Read/report 18/02/80
Grumpy Young Man 1 Humphries,V V. Humphries Rewriting 27/08/07
Grumpy Young Man 2 Humphries,V V. Humphries Rewriting 14/10/07
Grumpy Young Man 3 Humphries,V V. Humphries Rewriting 29/11/07
Grumpy Young Man 4 Humphries,V V. Humphries Cover blurb 18/06/08
Guinness Taylor,J R Pavilion Books Galley proofs 20/01/84
Handstands in Dark Godley, J. Ebury Press Copy-editing 21/01/05
Harris, Richard Smith, G. Robert Hale Copy-editing 19/01/90
Hepburn, Katharine Freedland,M W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 20/09/83
High Hopes: Corbett Corbett, R. Ebury Proofreading 12/07/00
High Hopes:CorbettI Corbett, R. Ebury Indexing 12/07/00
Hitler's Vienna unid Granada Publg Read/report 20/10/80
Hope,Bob: Superstar Thompson,C Methuen London Indexing 30/04/81
Hornby McCreavy, A Ebury Press Editing & cod 31/03/02
Housman,AE:Crit.Bio Page,N Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 11/06/82
Housman,AE:Crit.Bio Page,N Macmillan Acad Proofreading 29/11/82
In Two Minds 1 Cerra, F.M. Cerra Copy-editing 11/02/08
In Two Minds 2 Cerra, F.M. Cerra EC Copy-editing 21/02/08
In Two Minds 3 Cerra, F.M. Cerra EC Copy-editing 23/04/08
In Two Minds 4 Cerra, F.M. Cerra EC Copy-editing 07/11/08
It'sNotWhatYouThink Evans,Chris HarperCollins Copy-editing 26/07/09
It'sNotWhatYouThink Evans,Chris HarperCollins Copy-editing 19/09/09
Jesus Weed Taylor, G. Ebury Press Editing & cod 07/08/04
Joyce McKinney Delano, T. Mirror Pubs Proofreading 03/06/78
Junk bond Revolutio Bailey, F. Fourth Estate Indexing 19/07/91
Just a Little Run 1 Swale PopeR HarperCollins Copy-editing 06/03/09
Just a Little Run 2 Swale PopeR HarperCollins Copy-editing 09/04/09
Keaton, Buster Dardis, T. Granada Publg Read/report 08/04/80
Kevin Keegan Woolnough,B Ebury Editg on disk 06/07/00
King of the Castle Plimmer, M. Ebury Press Editing & cod 12/05/02
Laboratory Detects. Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Read/report 26/02/79
Ladykiller Mallanson,T Arrow Books Read/report 02/07/80
Ladykillers 2 unid # Granada Publg Proofreading 24/05/81
Lambs to Slaughter unid Little, Brown Copy-editing 16/11/92
Letting Go 1 Hanscombe,A HarperCollins Copy-editing 28/06/16
Letting Go 2 Hanscombe,A HarperCollins Copy-editing 25/09/16
Life Is a Rollerco. Keating, R. Ebury Proofreading 13/08/00
Literal Woman, The1 Tredusco, P.Tredusco, P. Copy-editing 31/03/09
Literal Woman, The2 Tredusco, P.Tredusco, P. Copy-editing 24/12/09
Look Who It Is! Carr, A. HarperCollins Editing 10/06/08
Loss of Innocence Clem, R&C Virgin Editing 16/10/06
Love,Curiosity,F&Dt Phoenix,P Arlington Bks Copy-editing 17/06/83
Lucan Mystery,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Editl report 04/10/79
Mad Dogs & Englishm English, D. Virgin Publg Editing & cod 06/03/02
Major:Making of PM Anderson,B. Fourth Estate Indexing 21/05/91
Major:Making of PM2 Anderson,B. Fourth Estate Index revisng 02/06/91
Max Clifford Levin, A. Virgin Editing 11/05/06
Me:Moir Reeves, Vic Virgin Editing 20/04/06
Memr of DH Lawrence Neville,G Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 02/06/81
Midwest Memories Koeller, K. Koelle Rewriting 17/03/00
Midwest Memories 2 Koeller, K. Koelle Editl report 27/03/00
Modern Slavery Fossey,R Mirror Pubs Read/report 06/04/81
Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 05/09/78
Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Proofreading 05/09/78
Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 10/08/79
Mum, Men & My Many Helliwell,W Helliwell. W. Rewriting 08/05/07
My Boy Butch Murray, J. HarperCollins Copy-editing 08/11/10
My Big Year Pollock, MM Pollock, Mark Rewriting 19/11/08
My Life 1 Hyams, S. Hanover, Joan Copy-editing 21/08/14
My Life 2 Hyams, S. Hanover, Joan Cover creation22/09/14
My Life 3 Hyams, S. Hanover, Joan Publication 20/10/14
Nipper, The 1 Mitchell,C. HarperCollins Rewriting 03/07/08
Nipper, The 2 Mitchell,C. HarperCollins Rewriting 25/07/08
Nipper, The 3 Mitchell,C. HarperCollins Rewriting 07/08/08
Norma Jean Jordan, T Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 27/01/90
O'Donnell: Songs O'Donnell,D Virgin Books Editing 05/08/07
Office without Powr Benn, T. Hutchinson Bks Indexing 21/07/88
Paradise Raped Mancham,J R Methuen London Indexing 04/02/83
Perons,The Pitt,I Methuen London Copy-editing 29/05/82
Pontin McConnell,B New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 02/02/79
Poor Eliz's Almanac Fuller, E. Arrow Books Read/report 28/02/80
Prisons of London Byrne, R. Harrap Publg Indexing 28/11/88
RamblingsOfActress Hancock, S Hutchinson Bks Indexing 10/08/87
ReconstructgStephen Francis, S. S. Franci Rewriting 03/05/06
ReconstructgStepheB Francis, S. S. Francis Jacket copy 21/06/06
Redford, Robert Downing, D. W H Allen & Co Indexing 14/04/82
Redford, Robert Downing, D. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 26/04/82
Reynolds, Burt unid Mirror Pubs Read/report 02/11/79
Richard by Kathryn Apanowicz,K Virgin Pubs Editing 03/07/06
Ruby Wax Autiobiog. Wax, Ruby Ebury Press Editing & cod 08/08/02
Rupert Murdoch Tuccille, J Piatkus Books Index revisng 18/02/90
Screw It,Let'sDo It Branson, R. Virgin Editing 01/11/06
Screw It,Let'sDoIt2 Branson, R. Virgin Editing 08/11/06
Secrets of Notebook Haas, Eve HarperCollins Editing 09/12/08
Seven Days to Live Yarris, N. HarperCollins Editing 11/06/08
Sex Killers,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Read/report 30/04/79
Sillitoe 01 Cockerill,A Cocker Editing 05/08/07
Simenon:Mystery of Bresler, F. Heinemann/Quix Proofreading 19/10/82
Slim Jim Baxter Gallacher,K Virgin Publg Editing & cod 18/04/02
Small Yes & Big No Grosz,G Allison & Busb Indexing 28/05/82
Stalker Stalker, J Harrap Publg Indexing 08/12/87
Streisand, Barbra Zec,D New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 02/04/82
Streisand, Barbra Zec,D New Engl.Lib. Indexing 02/04/82
Stupid Boy, A Perry,Jimmy Purdie, Andrea Editing & cod 26/08/02
TalesOfGypsyDressMa Madine,T. HarperCollins Editing 16/01/12
Taylor, Elizabeth Morley, S Pavilion Books Galley proofs 15/04/88
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Pic.research 19/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 19/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Proofreading 19/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Proofreading 24/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Pict.captions 24/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Proofreading 26/03/82
Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Mirror Pubs Pict.captions 26/03/82
Tell Me Why, Mummy1 Thomas, D. HarperCollins Rewriting 19/03/07
Tell Me Why, Mummy2 Thomas, D. HarperCollins Rewriting 10/04/07
Tell Me Why, Mummy3 Thomas, D. HarperCollins Rewriting 30/04/07
Tell Me Why, Mummy4 Thomas, D. HarperCollins Rewriting 09/06/07
That Was Business Campbell, D Secker & Warb. Proofreading 05/12/89
This Isn't Love Bellis, A. HarperCollins Copy-editing 01/04/16
Tomorrow Has Been C Wyler, R. Arrow Books Read/report 03/03/80
Toshack, John Hughes, C. Virgin Publg Editing & cod 18/02/02
Touch of Collins,A Collins, J. Columbus Books Indexing 08/07/86
Tramps Gold Gold,Johnny Robson Books Indexing 24/09/01
Truffaut Insdorf, A. Granada Publg Read/report 08/04/80
Turner, Lana unid W H Allen & Co Indexing 31/08/82
Undaunted Gaunt, Jon Virgin Books Editing 05/08/07
Unmasked Lloyd-WebberHarperCollins Editing 11/09/17
Unmasked Lloyd-WebberHarperCollins Editing 18/12/17
Unique or Freak? Thomas, D. DMTInt Rewriting 18/04/07
Victoria's Letters1 Goodwin, D. HarperCollins Copy-editing 19/07/16
Victoria's Letters2 Goodwin, D. HarperCollins Captions 03/08/16
Voltaire en son tem Pomeau, R. Voltaire Found Index paginat 31/05/95
Voltaire en son tem Pomeau, R. Voltaire Found Index paginat 16/06/95
Voltaire en son tem Pomeau, R. Voltaire Found Index paginat 17/08/95
Weavers,Wanderers 1 King, T. Lasius Press Copy-editing 19/06/17
Weavers,Wanderers 2 King, T. Lasius Press Copy-editing 03/09/17
Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Mirror Pubs Read/report 11/07/78
Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 30/10/78
Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Mirror Pubs Proofreading 30/10/78
Where Did It All Go Collins, A. Ebury Press Editing & cod 11/06/02
Who I Am (1) Townshend,P HarperCollins Editing 05/08/12
Who I Am (2) Townshend,P HarperCollins Editing 05/08/12
Will Real IC St.Up Carmichael Futura Indexing 24/05/80
Wilson, Colin Dossor, H. Element Books Copy-editing 31/03/90
Yo Yo Man,The Maynard, B. Mirror Pubs Read/report 10/08/79
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Accountancy & Socty Perks, R.W. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 01/03/93
Acs'Prof.Negligence Pockson Macmillan Acad Proofreading 10/04/81
Annual Stat.table Morris, R. Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 25/07/95
Dict.of Accounting Khalik ed. Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 15/07/96
Group Fin.Stat.:Qs Dodge, Roy Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 08/08/95
Group Financl Stats Dodge, Roy Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 24/05/95
Housing Assoc.Accnt NFHA Nat.Fed.Housg Proofreading 09/05/88
Internat.Accounting Lawrence, S Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 06/01/95
Man.& Cost Acco. 1 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 2 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 3 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 4 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 5 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 6 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 7 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 26/02/12
Man.& Cost Acco. 8 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 01/03/12
Man.& Cost Acco. 9 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 27/04/12
Man.Acc.& Corp.Gove Midgley Macmillan Acad Proofreading 04/06/81
Management Accountg unid Pitman Publg Proofreading 02/11/85
Management Accountg unid Pitman Publg Proofreading 22/11/85
Managemt Co.Finance Samuels, J. Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 04/01/95
Practice of Banking unid Pitman Publg Proofreading 08/08/85
ResearchMethodsAcco Smith, M. Sage Copy-editing 11/07/14
Teachers' Manual Dodge, Roy Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 24/05/94
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Agnelli - Fiat Friedman,A Harrap Publg Indexing 09/08/88
De Lorean biography unid Macdonald Orbi Proofreading 22/07/83
Goldsmith,Sir James unid Fontana Proofreading 23/02/82
Junk bond Revolutio Bailey, F. Fourth Estate Indexing 19/07/91
Pontin McConnell,B New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 02/02/79
Rupert Murdoch Tuccille, J Piatkus Books Index revisng 18/02/90
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
ASP Report 001 PMP PMP Screen edit 26/09/00
Basics of InfoSyst. Rowley, J. Library Assoc. Copy-editing 22/09/95
Brit.Computer Indus Kelly, T. Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 06/12/86
Brochure StarTen Ltd Militron Editg/scann'g 18/02/99
Chordiant Report PMP PMP Screen edit 13/10/00
Diary of Events 88 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Text creation 25/06/87
Dictionary of MIS Davis Blackwell Pubs Index editing 25/10/96
Document World 4 Docum.World Document World Editg on disc 24/05/99
Document World 5 Docum.World Document World Editg on disc 11/08/99
Document World 6 Docum.World Document World Editg on disc 08/10/99
Document World 7 Docum.World Document World Editg on disc 21/01/00
Euro.ASP Report 1 PMP PMP Editg on disc 17/10/00
Euro ASP Report 2 PMP PMP Editg on disc 25/10/00
Euromethod in Pract GCIS Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 09/08/95
Extraord. Business Crofts, A. McGraw-Hill Copy-editing 01/02/90
Getting Started InfoSource Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 10/05/96
ICTAdoption NE SMEs Storey, A. Storey Rewriting 31/03/01
ICTAdoption NE SMEs Storey, A. Storey Rewriting 04/04/01
Info Systems:Answrs Clare,Chris Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 03/10/94
Info.Tech.& Org.Cha Eason, K. Taylor & Franc Proofreading 23/08/88
Mega-Merger Mayhem Gray, S.J. Mandarin Pbks Index revisng 19/07/90
Persp.on Behaviour Ayers et al Fulton Indexing 26/01/00
Prog.& Probs in IR Ellis D. Library Assoc. Copy-editing 08/11/95
Raw Material 0006 DML DML Proofreading 12/05/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Human Safety & Risk Glendon, I Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 22/04/94
Interest Rate Risk Manson, B. Graham & Trot. Editg on disc 31/03/92
Listing Securities Rayner, Ken Graham & Trot. Editg on disc 30/08/91
MSMEs in Vietnam Rand & Tarp Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 28/08/19
Oil & Insurance Conference Graham & Trot. Editg on disc 02/05/93
Pollution Insurance Fennigstor Graham & Trot. Editg on disc 02/07/93
Security Handbook Kluwer Pubs Proofreading 10/12/83
World-Wide Reassur. DML DML Proofreading 17/05/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
GlobalisingEverydayC BhattacharyRoutledge Copy-editing 27/02/21
Int.Oil & Gas Inves Walde/Ndi Graham & Trot. Editg on disc 15/11/93
Int.Oil & Gas Inves Walde/Ndi Graham & Trot. Copy-editing 21/01/94
RiseOfNewNetworkInd Montero, J. Routledge Copy-editing 06/01/21
Single Euro Market Locksley, G Pinter Pubs Copy-editing 13/12/89
State-FirmCoordinatn GarciaCalvo Oxf.Uni.Press Copy-editing 27/02/21
Telecommunications Mosteshar Graham & Trot. Editg on disc 03/02/93
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
5DL: 5 Dimensions Evans, R. Roger Evans Copy-editing 25/07/17
Appraising Perform. Philp, T. McGraw-Hill Edit: extra 11/10/89
Bus.Stud.in Practic Needham McGraw-Hill Proofreading 02/01/88
Bus.Ethics & SocietyCullen,J.G. Sage Indexing 08/08/21
Business Risk Manag Ritchie, B. Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 15/02/93
Business in Context Needle, D. Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 13/02/94
Business Genetics Tyler&Baker Wiley, John Indexing 22/02/07
Case Study (Ch. 8) Flitman, M. Melvyn Flitman Rewriting 06/06/01
Collab.for Future Gray&Purdy Oxford U.Press Copy-editing 06/09/17
Comp.Rev.& Pub.Admn Pitt/Smith Harvester Whea Copy-editing 12/02/84
Conducting NCA Dul, Jan Sage Indexing 31/08/19
Contemporary HRM Wilkinson,A Sage Copy-editing 06/04/21
Corporate Imaginatn Earl, P.E. Harvester Whea Copy-editing 04/12/83
Crisis Management Flitman, M. Flitma Editg on disc 19/04/01
Crisis Mgmt & Food Doeg, Colin Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 24/05/94
Cust.Serv.in InfEnv St Clair, G Bowker-Saur Editg on disc 02/08/93
Employee Recognitn Clutterbuck Clutte Editg on disc 21/07/00
Entrepreneurship Binks &Vale McGraw-Hill Copy-editing 10/08/89
ExploringEntrepren. Blundel, R. Sage Copy-editing 12/06/17
Fundamentals of TQM Kanji, G.K. Chapman & Hall Proofreading 08/07/97
GreenHRMinChin.Ente.Shen, Jie Routledge Copy-editing 13/10/19
Gt Writers & Organi Pugh,D.S.ed Dartmouth Pubg Proofreading 11/06/93
HowToManageYrGPPrac Clarke, F. Wiley Indexing 27/07/11
Incredible Bosses FreemantleD McGraw-Hill Copy-editing 21/04/90
Influential Manager Bryce, Lee Piatkus Books Indexing 23/05/91
Instructors' Manual Hodges&Gill Sage Copy-editing 11/10/14
InterculturalCommuniTuleja, E.A Routledge Copy-editing 10/02/21
Internat.Management Mead,Richrd Blackwell Pubs Editg on disc 18/12/93
Interpersonal Skill Clark, Mona Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 20/11/94
Leadership Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 04/03/02
Making Project Man. MacLachlan, Library Assoc. Copy-editing 12/08/96
Man.& Cost Acco. 1 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 2 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 3 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 4 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 5 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 6 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 7 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 26/02/12
Man.& Cost Acco. 8 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 01/03/12
Man.& Cost Acco. 9 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 27/04/12
Manager's Handbook Klower Kluwer Pubs Proofreading 26/02/84
Managing Change Dawson, P. Sage Copy-editing 24/10/16
Managing Comp.Comm. David, W. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 09/08/94
Managing&OrganizatnsClegg et al.Sage Indexing 08/08/21
Managing Organizns Wilson,D ed McGraw-Hill Copy-editing 01/12/89
Managing Personal L Clark, N. McGraw-Hill Copy-editing 26/06/90
Navig.NewRetailLandsTreadgold,A Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 03/07/20
Organization and Tim Hernes, TorOxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 18/08/21
People Projects & C Pegg Jones Premium Publg Indexing 27/04/06
Performance Drivers Gylfason,O. Gylfas Rewriting 04/09/00
Prac.Gde to Buying Farrington, Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 02/05/95
PrincipsOfManagementLaasch, O. Sage Copy-editing 16/01/20
Research Proposal Chuleekom,T Chuleekom, T, Rewriting 19/12/05
Reward Management Hume, D.A. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 04/08/95
Secretarial Admin. Jordan's Jordan & Sons Copy-editing 06/07/84
Secretarial Admin. Jordan's Jordan & Sons Copy-editing 28/08/84
Secretarial Admin. Jordan's Jordan & Sons Copy-editing 03/09/84
Stores Management unid Macdonald & Ev Proofreading 26/11/84
Strategic HRM Mabey/Salam Blackwell Pubs Proof index 11/08/95
Strategy in Action Thompson,JL Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 26/07/94
TQM-Based Proj.Plan Kimbler, D. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 01/05/96
Understandg Managmt Antony, Z Wearset Copy-editing 14/08/01
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Chewing Gum Book Kennedy Pub Kennedy Pubs Editing 19/07/05
Confection magazine Kennedy Pub Kennedy Pubs Editing 30/06/05
Making Chocolates Kennedy Pub Kennedy Pubs Editing 15/08/05
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
10M Transaction PR Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editing & cod 29/08/00
@rating Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 15/11/00
Adv.Methds Mark.Res Bagozzi,R.P Blackwell Pubs Copy-editing 24/09/93
Advertising Jefkins Macdonald & Ev Proof+collatn 07/03/85
Anderson MasterCard Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editg on disc 22/08/00
AskingRightQuestion Edge, Aspen Holistic Decis.Rewriting 04/07/06
B2B Marketing 4e Brennan, R. Sage Copy-editing 02/02/17
BecomgConsumerPsych.Monga, A. Routledge Copy-editing 24/08/19
Branding Governance Ind & Bjerk Wiley Editing 21/11/06
Brochure text CPJ Compass P. Jap Editing & cod 25/06/01
Buckland Mill DML/AG DML Proofreading 14/06/00
Building Customer L Linton, Ian Pitman Publg Copy-editing 25/11/92
Celebrex brochure AYM AYM Proofreading 23/05/00
Chandu Chhada story Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 07/06/02
China Rights Market Wang, H-P. WangHP Editg on disc 09/02/01
Community Chest Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Copy-editing 29/11/01
Connected Schools 1 Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 30/04/04
Conqueror: May 2001 DML Marketg DML Editg on disc 26/04/01
Consultation Louis, Y. Louis Consultancy 11/11/05
Crack&Deek Aboot 02 AG Comms DML Proofreading 13/09/00
Crack&Deek Aboot 03 AG Comms DML Proofreading 27/11/00
Dict.of Marketing Littler/Lew Blackwell Pubs 2nd proofread 28/07/96
Discourse of Advert Cook, Guy Wearset Proofreading 18/04/01
Doing Semiotics Oswald, L. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 31/12/19
Doing Semiotics [I] Oswald, L. Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 20/02/20
Drink fresh water Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 24/07/03
French White Goods Euromonitor Euromonitor Proofreading 03/06/88
Golden Age, The Euromonitor Euromonitor Proofreading 15/06/88
How to Code inPythonReid, Greg Hodder Educat. Copy-editing 03/12/19
HowToPresentAtMeeti Hall, G.M. Wiley Indexing 18/08/11
Int.Marketing Dir Euromonitor Euromonitor Proofreading 09/12/87
Int.Marketing Dir. Euromonitor Euromonitor Proofreading 22/12/87
Internat.Marketing Gilligan Croom Helm Ltd Copy-editing 13/03/86
Interview John Lee Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editg on disc 25/08/00
Interview Kate Lee Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editg on disc 11/11/00
Interview Kerry Lee Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editg on disc 14/12/00
Interview Mr Chan Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editg on disc 16/10/00
Investor Proposal Roberts,C.M Robert Editg on disc 21/01/00
July/Aug.2004: var. Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 07/08/04
Marketing Mercer, D. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 31/08/95
MarketingForTourism Hudson,S&L Sage Copy-editing 02/02/17
Marketing:Intro 3e Masterson,R Sage Copy-editing 08/08/13
Marketing Managemnt Pasquier, M Routledge Copy-editing 21/02/17
Marketing Yourself Leeds, D. Piatkus Books Proofreading 13/12/90
Marketing Yrself: I Leeds, D. Piatkus Books Indexing 14/12/90
Mezzanine I Hemels Hemels Proofreading 06/04/06
Mezzanine 2 Hemels Hemels Proofreading 24/05/06
Mezzanine 3 Hemels Hemels Proofreading 04/10/06
Nov/Dec.2004: var. Louis, Y. Louis, Y, Rewriting 22/01/05
NTT and BT Noguchi, Y. Noguch Rewriting 21/01/00
On the Line 0009 DML DML Copy-editing 26/09/00
On the Line 0501 DML Marketg DML Proofreading 12/05/01
Practical Advertisg Hart, N McGraw-Hill Copy-editing 27/04/88
Principles Markt.Re Bagozzi,R.P Blackwell Pubs Copy-editing 21/09/93
Prod.Innov.in Food Traill,B.ed Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 10/03/97
Promo copy:Feb/Mar Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 29/03/04
Quarterly Reports Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editing & cod 13/01/02
P.Smith & Mark.Mix Lin, D Doris Lin Editg on disc 06/12/99
Rating Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 15/11/00
Raw Material 0009 DML DML Proofreading 16/09/00
Raw Material 0009a DML DML Proofreading 04/10/00
Raw Material 0102 DML Marketg DML Proofreading 11/01/01
Raw Material 0102a DML Marketg DML Proofreading 18/01/01
Raw Material 0107 DML Marketg DML Marketing Proofreading 02/06/01
Raw Material 0111 DML Marketg DML Marketing Proofreading 19/10/01
Raw Material 0206 DML Marketg DML Marketing Proofreading 07/06/02
Raw Material 0211 DML Marketg DML Marketing Proofreading 25/10/02
Save the Children 1 Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 17/12/03
Shift, The Gratton, L. HarperCollins Copy-editing 17/01/11
Shipping Order 1 Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 15/11/00
Shipping Order 2 Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 15/11/00
Shirley Alexander Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 10/05/04
Signoff Procedures Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 24/07/03
Software Exhibition Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 21/11/00
Spanish Soft Drinks Euromonitor Euromonitor Proofreading 19/05/88
SustainableMarketingPeterson,M. Sage Editing 11/11/20
Sustaining Change Hodges/Gill Sage Proofreading 03/09/14
10M Transaction PR Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editg on disc 29/08/00
Translations 01 Various English Partne Proofreading 28/01/03
Translations 02 Various English Partne Proofreading 21/03/03
Translations 03 Various English Partne Proofreading 21/05/03
Ulf Lundin essay Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 04/05/04
Web hosting service Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Rewriting 27/11/00
W.German White Good Euromonitor Euromonitor Proofreading 03/06/88
World package hols Euromonitor Euromonitor Proofreading 29/04/88
Worldwide Reassur. AG Comms DML Proofreading 16/10/00
WorldWideReassur:03 AG Comms DML Proofreading 18/01/01
WorldWideReassur:04 AG Comms DML Proofreading 26/01/01
WorldwideReassur.05 AG Comms DML Proofreading 09/03/01
WorldwideReassur.05 AG Comms DML Marketing Proofreading 09/03/01
WorldwideReassur:06 AG Comms DML Marketing Proofreading 02/06/01
WorldwideReassur:07 AG Comms DML Marketing Proofreading 19/06/01
WorldWideReassur:08 AG Comms DML Marketing Proofreading 27/10/01
WorldWideReassur:09 AG Comms DML Marketing Proofreading 09/11/01
WorldWideReassur:10 AG Comms DML Marketing Proofreading 04/03/02
WorldWideReassur:11 AG Comms DML Marketing Proofreading 08/08/02
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Cogn.Behav.Coaching Spry, D. Spry Synopsis 11/03/11
Confident Conversat Glass,Lilli Piatkus Books Indexing 26/06/91
Occupational Stress Lin, Doris Lin Rewriting 05/04/00
PowerTalk System Godefroy, C Piatkus Books Proofreading 24/01/91
PowerTalk System: I Godefroy, C Piatkus Books Indexing 26/01/91
Self-Devel.in Orgs. Pedler,M.ed McGraw-Hill Copy-editing 10/01/90
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Abbey Nat.Stud.Guid Raynor,B Longman Group Copy-editing 25/10/85
Careers in Property unid Kogan Page Ltd Copy-editing 03/05/83
Guide to Home Earng Brady, C. Corgi Books Copy-editing 20/05/86
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
1983 Catalogue Croom Helm Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 83/05/83
educational catalog Methuen & C Methuen Academ Proofreading 14/09/83
2006a Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 03/12/05
2006b Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 17/05/06
2007a Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 01/11/06
2007b Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 07/09/07
2008b Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 29/01/08
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
A2 Chemistry Hunt,Andrew Hodder Educat. Indexing 05/04/01
Arsenic Henke, K. Wiley Copy-editing 07/11/08
Beet-Sugar Handbook Asadi, M. Wiley, John Indexing 15/09/06
Chem.of Nanocarbons Akasaka, T. Wiley Copy-editing 07/01/10
Chemistry AS-level Hunt,Andrew Hodder Educat. Indexing 21/01/00
Cryochemical Tech. Tretyakov,Y Chapman & Hall Editg on disk 20/03/97
Dict.of Body Chems. Fisher,R B Granada Publg Copy-editing 31/01/82
Dictionary of Drugs Fisher,R B Granada Publg Copy-editing 12/04/82
Low Dimensional Sol Bruce, D. Wiley Copy-editing 03/12/09
MetalAmideChemistry Lappert, M. Wiley Copy-editing 31/07/08
Molec.Bio.Weed Con. Gressel, J. Wearset Copy-editing 31/10/01
Nanostructured Mats Koch ed. William Andrew Indexing 20/01/06
Organic Azides Braese ed. Wiley Copy-editing 15/06/09
Protein Sructures Bujnicki,J. Wiley Copy-editing 09/09/08
Rapid Chemical Tech Greenwood,R Wiley Copy-editing 09/12/08
Supramolecular Chem Steed, Jon Wiley Copy-editing 04/08/08
Toxicology,Intro to Timbrell, J Taylor & Franc Copy-editing 07/07/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
New Active Birth Balaskas, J Unwin Hyman Indexing 11/04/89
Water Birth Gordon, Y Unwin Hyman Indexing 17/06/90
WhatEveryWomanNeeds Birthright Century Indexing 7 09/02/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Of Big & Unusual Dean's Book Dean's,Octopus Copy-editing 23/03/82
Of Big & Unusual Dean's Book Dean's,Octopus Proofreading 04/05/82
Truly Bizarre Priestley Mirror Pubs Read/report 30/11/79
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Lost World, Book 2 Noble, M. Dorling Kind. Text creation 20/01/97
Lost World, Book 3 Noble, M. Dorling Kind. Text creation 20/01/97
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
2006a Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 03/12/05
2006b Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 17/05/06
2007a Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 01/11/06
2007b Catalogue Egmont Egmont UK Ltd Indexing 07/09/07
Pkt.Bk.of Knowledge Funfax Henderson Indexing 01/02/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Autumn Gleanings Stephanides Hirst Copy-editing 14/03/11
CompanionToTacitus Pagan, E. Wiley Indexing 30/09/11
NotionOfHeresyInGreeLeBoulluec Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 23/02/22
Plautus & Rom.Slav. Stewart, R. Wiley Proofreading 17/02/12
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
3GL Program Design GCIS Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 04/07/95
Access for A Level Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 06/04/01
Adv.Computing Scien Bishop, P. Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 19/12/86
Adv.DB.Proj.3rd edn Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 29/11/07
Adv.DB.Proj.3rd eCD Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 07/12/07
Adv.SS.Proj.3rd e Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 17/12/07
Adv.SS.Proj.3e: CD Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 23/12/07
Artificial Intellig Born ed. Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 07/10/86
Business Models Kaul,S etal SNP Indexing 21/02/08
Comics & Videogames Rauscher,A. Routledge Copy editing 03/07/20
Connected Govt Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 02/11/04
Connected Homes 01 Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 05/07/04
Connected Homes 02 Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 12/07/04
Connected Homes 03 Premium Premium Rewriting 06/08/04
Connected Homes 04 Premium Premium Rewriting 27/09/04
Connected Manufactu Kuppens ed. Premium Rewriting 30/06/05
Connected Manufact. Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 22/01/05
Controlg w.Computrs Billingsly McGraw-Hill Proofreading 27/09/88
Creat.iMediaSkills Wells, K. Hodder Educatl Proofreading 06/02/17
CV 2005 Blackburn,R Blackburn, R. Rewriting 23/03/05
DarkwebCyberThreat Robertson,J Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 19/10/16
Data Science Ethics Martens,D. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/09/21
Database Projects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 12/03/03
Database Projects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 29/11/07
Database Projects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 07/12/07
DK: KISS Internet Foundry Foundry Screenshots 09/03/00
DK: KISS Internet Foundry Foundry Captions 09/03/00
DK: KISS Internet Foundry Foundry Proofreading 06/05/00
DK: KISS Internet Foundry Foundry Screenshots 08/05/00
DK: KISS Windows:S Foundry Foundry Screenshots 29/03/00
DK: KISS Windows:C Foundry Foundry Captions 29/03/00
DK: KISS Windows:S2 Foundry Foundry Screenshots 02/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:C2 Foundry Foundry Captions 02/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:Sr Foundry Foundry Screenshots 10/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:S3 Foundry Foundry Screenshots 10/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:C3 Foundry Foundry Captions 10/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:S4 Foundry Foundry Screenshots 12/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:C4 Foundry Foundry Captions 12/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:s Foundry Foundry Screenshots 24/05/00
DK: KISS Windows: P Levin, Rich Foundry Proofreading 07/06/00
DK: Kiss Windows:s1 Levin, Rich Foundry Screenshots 14/06/00
DK: KISS Windows:5 Foundry Foundry Screenshots 01/05/00
DK: Kiss WinME: S1 Levin, Rich Foundry Screenshots 11/11/00
DK: Kiss WinME: S2 Levin, Rich Foundry Screenshots 14/12/00
Encyc. cards Initiales Initiales Rewriting 22/01/05
Eur.Comp.Driv.Licen Clarke, A. Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 13/09/00
GCSE in Applied ICT Cushing, S. Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 21/01/02
GCSE in Applied ICT Cushing, S. Hod.& Stough.E Indexing 31/03/02
Get Online 1 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 07/04/99
Get Online 2 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 28/04/99
Get Online 3 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 12/05/99
Get Online 4 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 24/05/99
Get Online 5 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 27/05/99
Get Online 6 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 13/07/99
Go for IT! 3rd edn Bishop, P. Hodder Educatl Copy editing 10/07/00
Hacker's Handbook 3 Cornwall, H Century Copy-editing 27/09/87
How 2 B Computerate unid Methuen London Proofreading 24/01/83
How 2 B Computerate unid Methuen London Indexing 24/01/83
ICT for GCSE:TeachG Walmsley,D. Hod.& Stough.E Editing & cod 24/07/03
ICT in Welfare Serv Harlow, E. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 28/10/02
IGCSE ICT Brown & Wat Hodder Educatl Proofreading 29/10/09
Industry4.0,AI,&DataBali,Vikram Routledge Copy-editing 27/02/21
Informatic - 10 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 22/01/03
Informatic - 11 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 04/02/03
Informatic - 12 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 12/02/03
Informatic - 13/14 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 04/03/03
Informatic - 15-17 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 02/04/03
Informatic - 18-22 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 16/05/03
Informatic - 23-24 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 29/05/03
Informatic - 25 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 24/07/03
Informatic - 3 & 4 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 28/08/02
Informatic - 5 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 26/09/02
Informatic - 6 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 17/10/02
Informatic - 7 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 25/10/02
Informatic - 8 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 27/11/02
Informatic - 9 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 16/12/02
Informatic at Home Initiales Initiales Rewriting 14/06/02
Informatic at Home2 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 04/07/02
Informatics 26 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 14/06/04
Informatics 27 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 07/08/04
Internet, The Noble,M.ed. Foundry Co.Ltd Editorial dev 04/11/01
Internet for Older Arnold, A. Wiley Copy-editing 25/06/09
The Internet Noble,M.ed. Foundry Co.Ltd Copy-editing 08/01/02
The Internet:Append Noble,M.ed. Foundry Co.Ltd Text creation 17/02/02
Internet:screenshts Foundry Foundry Co.Ltd Screenshots 16/01/02
Internet for All Banes, D. Fulton Proofreading 04/09/00
Intr.ParallelCompu. Czech, Z. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 02/08/16
ITC ISEB McCarty Hodder Educatl Proofreading 27/02/08
MIS Development GCIS Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 04/07/95
Make Love 2 Computr Carter/Levi W H Allen & Co Anglicisation 27/03/84
Mobile Display Tech Bhowmik ed. Wiley Proofreading 11/02/08
ModernMIDISequencingMcGuire. S. Routledge Copy editing 23/05/19
New CLAIT Stud. Wbk Clarke,Alan Hod.& Stough.E Proofreading 22/10/01
New CLAIT TutorPack Clarke,Alan Hod.& Stough.E Indexing 04/03/02
New Higher Computng Walsh, J. Hod.& Stough.E Editing & cod 02/08/01
New Language of TV Premium Premium Editing 09/09/05
OCR Functional Skil Clarke,Alan Hodder Educatl Copy editing 27/01/09
OCR Computing Hodder Educ Hodder Educatl Proofreading 20/03/09
OCR ICT for GCSE Gillinder,B Hodder Educatl Copy editing 29/10/09
Prac.Guide to MIMO Brown et al Wiley Copy-editing 18/01/11
PrinciplesOfCompSci Cushing, S. Hodder Educatl Copy editing 18/12/14
Proj.BasedApp.Trans.Mitchell, R Routledge Copy editing 17/03/20
R&D & Int.Property Wake, M. Wake, M. Rewriting 23/03/05
Robot Kingdom Heddle, J. Heddle, J. Editing 18/08/05
SpreadsheetProjects Mott, J. Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 14/12/00
SpreadsheetProjects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 12/03/03
SpreadsheetProjects Mott, J. Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 17/12/07
SpreadsheetProjects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 23/12/07
Telecoms Survey Wake, M. Wake, M. Rewriting 04/10/04
Thick Big Data JemielniakD Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 16/10/19
This Is IT! Ithurralde Hodder Educatl Repag. index 09/03/99
This Is IT! 2 Ithurralde Hodder Educatl Repag. index 03/04/99
Teach Yourself Elec Plant, M. Hod.& Stough.E Proofreading 28/10/03
Trade Barrier Wake, M. Wake, M. Rewriting 14/01/06
Women's employment Compilation Berghahn Books File convers 21/06/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
A for Allergy Diet unid Corgi Books Proofreading 04/08/86
A for Allergy Diet unid Corgi Books Proofreading 29/08/86
AiA GF/DF Cook Book Le Breton,M Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 15/04/02
Artful Cook, The Unid Macdonald Orbi Indexing 07/12/87
Basket of Berries,A unid Pavilion Books Galley proofs 02/11/92
Big Flavours Eyre, David Headline Proofreading 01/11/00
Curry Club Curries Chapman, P. Piatkus Books Indexing 30/07/88
Deep Freeze:com.stp Chancerel Mirror Pubs Proofreading 31/03/80
Eatability Not named Macdonald Orbi Indexing 27/07/87
Entertaining Dimbleby, J Woodhead-Faulk Copy-editing 26/03/88
Fine French Food Thomson, M Woodhead-Faulk Edit+retyping 26/11/87
Fondue Cookery Allison, S Piatkus Books Indexing 05/08/89
Good Food fr.Sm.Kit Hodgson,M Corgi Books Copy-editing 14/07/86
Leaves fr.Walnut Tr Taruschio,A Pavilion Books Galley proofs 16/05/93
Low-Fat Gourmet,The Forsythe Granada Publg Read/report 31/08/80
NVQ Catering 1 & 2 O'Reilly, T Thomas Nelson Proofreading 16/02/96
NVQ Catering 1 & 2 O'Reilly,T. Thomas Nelson Copy-editing 16/12/95
NVQ Catering 1 & 2 O'Reilly,T. Thomas Nelson 16/01/96
Party Eats I Yan-Kit So Piatkus Books Proofreading 12/08/88
Party Eats II Yan-Kit So Piatkus Books Indexing 13/08/88
Patisserie of E.Med Haroutunian Macdonald Orbi Indexing 12/05/88
Patisserie of Franc Walden, H. Macdonald Orbi Indexing 30/04/88
Patisserie of Italy Unid Macdonald Orbi Indexing 26/10/87
Patisserie of Vienn Unid Macdonald Orbi Indexing 23/10/87
Pocket Guide t Beer Mitchell B Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 19/07/90
Scandinavian Patiss Ellison,J.A Macdonald Orbi Indexing 09/10/88
Sun Sign Diet unid Corgi Books Anglicisation 06/06/86
Take Six Cooks Thames TV Macdonald & Co Indexing 14/10/87
Teas Unid Piatkus Books Indexing 11/08/89
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Black Museum, The Goodman, J. Harrap Publg Indexing 21/08/87
Bloody Wednesday Harrison, J Mirror Pubs Read/report 02/11/79
Crime Inc [Mafia] unid # Methuen London Indexing 20/08/84
Dad, Help Me Please Odell, R. W H Allen & Co Indexing 26/06/89
Deliver Us From Evi Yallop, D. Futura Indexing 23/04/81
Fiver! Whittemore Sphere Books Read/report 27/11/80
Gangbuster unid Futura Proofreading 27/09/84
Gangbuster unid Futura Indexing 27/09/84
The Hunt Morton, J. Ebury Screen edit 16/03/01
Joyce McKinney Delano, T. Mirror Pubs Proofreading 03/06/78
Laboratory Detects. Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Read/report 26/02/79
Ladykiller Mallanson,T Arrow Books Read/report 02/07/80
Ladykillers 2 unid # Granada Publg Proofreading 24/05/81
Lambs to Slaughter unid Little, Brown Copy-editing 16/11/92
Lucan Mystery,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Editl report 04/10/79
Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 05/09/78
Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Proofreading 05/09/78
Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 10/08/79
Prisons of London Byrne, R. Harrap Publg Indexing 28/11/88
Sex Killers,The Lucas, N. Mirror Pubs Read/report 30/04/79
Stalker Stalker, J Harrap Publg Indexing 08/12/87
That Was Business Campbell, D Secker & Warb. Proofreading 05/12/89
The Hunt Morton, J. Ebury Press Editing & cod 16/03/01
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Atom Bomb Spies,The Hyde,H Mont Granada Publg Read/report 25/06/80
Espionage Bennett,R.M Virgin Publg Editing & cod 12/02/02
Fortune's Hostages Moorehead Magnum,Methuen Read/report 28/02/80
Lost War, The Unid Century Read/report 23/11/87
Thr Trade Is Treach Pincher,C Granada Publg Read/report 11/04/81
Trail of the Triads Bresler, F. Futura Read/report 09/06/80
XV Roberts, G. Futura Read/report 18/03/80
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Double Cross Giancana,S Little, Brown Proofreading 02/11/92
Double Cross I Giancana,S Little, Brown Index revisng 02/11/92
Emperor of Soho Humphreys,J Mirror Pubs Expenses 10/08/79
Emperor of Soho Humphries,J Mirror Pubs Rewriting 31/05/79
Emperor of Soho Humphries,J Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 10/08/79
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
cv/resumé Alotaibi A. Alotai Editg on disc 18/02/00
CV/resumé Gilbert, A. Gilbert Editg on disc 27/04/99
CV 2003 Alin, F. Fadumo Alin Rewriting 29/05/03
CV/resume Dogar, Hana Hana Dogar Editg on disc 17/05/06
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Rhythm & Timing A.L-Owen J. Kingsley Indexing 08/02/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Abrams Battle Tank Unid Brian Trodd Copy-editing 25/11/88
CVE&RR: Design&Eval RUSI RUSI Copy-editing 21/04/16
Defence Rowe, P. Brassey's Def. Proofreading 16/06/87
Defence of W.Europe unid Croom Helm Ltd 2nd proofread 13/08/86
Encycl. of War Martel, G. Wiley Proofreading 30/09/11
ForgottenVoices WW2 Arthur, Max Ebury Press Editing & cod 07/08/04
Nuclear Weapons unid Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 03/06/85
Radar&Elect.Warfare Jane's Jane's Info Gp Proofreading 25/11/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Publish/Subscribe Tarkoma, S. Wiley-B Copy-editing 25/02/12
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Annotated Alphabet Wilks, M Pavilion Books Copy-editing 19/02/88
Annotated Alphabet Wilks, M. Pavilion Books Galley proofs 28/04/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Lost World, Book 2 Noble, M. Dorling Kind. Text creation 20/01/97
Lost World, Book 3 Noble, M. Dorling Kind. Text creation 20/01/97
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
AMD 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 25/07/84
AMD/EIC 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 21/11/84
DEIC 84 Morgan Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 19/07/83
DEIC 84 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 01/08/83
DEIC 84 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 09/08/83
DEIC 84 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 21/09/83
DEIC 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 05/09/84
DEIC 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 30/09/84
DEIC 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 07/10/84
DEIC 85 Buyers Guid Morgan Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 09/12/84
DEIC 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 30/09/85
DEIC Diary 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 26/11/84
Diary of Events Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Pasteup creat 05/09/87
Diary of Events 89 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Pasteup creat 15/06/88
EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 14/05/84
EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 01/06/84
EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 16/07/84
EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 26/07/84
EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 18/08/84
EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 16/04/85
EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 19/06/85
EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 11/07/85
EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 28/07/85
EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 18/08/85
EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 06/09/85
EBG 86 [Batch 1] Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 02/05/85
EBG 86 [Batch 2] Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 03/05/85
EBG 86 [Batch 3&4] Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 13/05/85
EBG 87 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 27/03/86
EBG 87 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 31/03/86
EBG 87 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 15/05/86
EBG 87/Exhib.Bullet Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 06/06/86
Exhibition Bulletin Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 17/09/85
LED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 27/09/85
LED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 25/11/85
LED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 02/12/85
LED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 27/12/85
LED Diary of Events Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Pasteup creat 06/10/88
LED Diary/Lists 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 20/01/85
LID 84 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 14/09/83
Mail Order Catalog. Next New Limits Des Galley proofs 11/12/87
Maps:Airports/Ferry Morgan Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 20/07/87
PED 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 28/10/84
PED 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 11/11/84
PED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 23/10/85
PED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 26/10/85
PED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 25/11/85
PED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 06/12/85
PED 87 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 28/10/86
PED 87 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 16/11/86
PED/LED 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 24/10/84
PED/LED 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 04/11/85
TTD 84 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 28/07/83
TTD 84 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 05/08/83
TTD 84 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 09/08/83
TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 17/05/85
TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 26/05/85
TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 09/06/85
TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 13/06/85
TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 18/06/85
TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 16/09/85
TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 30/09/85
TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 20/10/85
TTD 89 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 26/07/88
TTD Batch 1 Morgan Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 07/07/87
TTD Car/Green pages Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 20/06/84
TTD: Batch 2 Morgan Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 16/07/87
TTD: Batch 3 Morgan Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 17/07/87
TTD: Batch 4 Morgan Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 20/07/87
TTD: Batch 5 Morgan Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 24/07/87
TTD:Car & Coach 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Copy-editing 19/06/84
directories 85 Morgan-Gram Morgan-Grampia Proofreading 10/01/85
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
AAC & Severe Disab1 Aland/Lloyd Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 12/05/04
AAC & Severe Disabi Alant/Lloyd Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 20/04/04
Asperger S.Empl.Wkb Meyer, R.N. J.Kingsley Pub Indexing 13/10/00
Asperger Syndrome Winter, M. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 04/03/03
Brothers & Sisters Burke, P. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 15/09/03
Challenging Behavio Sigafoos, J Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 09/02/03
Gregory O'Brien Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 21/05/04
Kitch.Sense for Dis unid Croom Helm Ltd 2nd proofread 06/04/86
Non-Verb.Learng Dis Molenaar,M. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 24/06/02
Orthohope Proposal DosesOfHope Fadumo Alin Editing & cod 05/06/03
Persps. of Dementia Wilkinson,H Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 15/10/01
Prim.Care &Dementia Iliffe, S. J.Kingsley Pub Proofreading 13/05/01
Training Manual Pritchard,J Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 25/02/03
Transition & Change May, D. ed. J.Kingsley Pub Indexing 01/11/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Batchelor's Buttons Mills,S Corgi Books Copy-editing 09/09/86
Batchelor's Buttons Mills,S Corgi Books Proof+collatn 25/11/86
Bumper Book of Hint Mellor, I. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 29/04/82
Car Book (DIY) Unid Virgin Publg Indexing 23/03/88
Car Faults: com.stp Chancerel Mirror Pubs Proofreading 31/03/80
House Book Unid Virgin Publg Indexing 10/03/88
Householders Guide Woodhuysen W H Allen & Co Proofreading 16/02/83
Plumbing Book 2 Masterman,A Hutchinson Ed. Copy-editing 03/03/88