Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
French: Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Proofreading 01/10/86
Further French:Link Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Copy-editing 10/10/91
Parisian Vernacular Abecassis,M Abecassis, M. Editing & cod 17/12/03
Parisian Vernaculr2 Abecassis,M Abecassis, M. Editing & cod 29/03/04
Parisian Vernaculr3 Abecassis,M Abecassis, M. Proofreading 03/06/04
Parisian Vernaculr4 Abecassis,M Abecassis, M. Indexing 27/09/04
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
German: Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Copy-editing 28/07/86
German: Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Proofreading 06/10/86
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Greek Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Proofreading 07/11/91
Greek Linkword Pc Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Proof+collatn 14/11/91
Greek: Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Copy-editing 15/08/91
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Italian: Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Copy-editing 28/07/86
Italian: Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Proofreading 12/09/86
-tle Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Portuguese Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Proofreading 21/10/91
Portuguese:Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Copy-editing 15/08/91
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Spanish: Linkword Gruneberg,M Corgi Books Proofreading 01/10/86
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Age of Rights, The Bobbio, N. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 14/08/95
Atiyah'sAccidents9e Cane, P. Camb.Uni.Press Copy-editing 16/02/18
Atiyah'sAccidents9e Cane, P. Camb.Uni.Press Index editing 22/02/18
Atiyah'sAccidents9e Cane, P. Camb.Uni.Press Proofreading 23/05/18
Children's Rights Alderson, P Kingsl Indexing 14/01/00
ConstructnContracts Murdoch, J. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 28/08/95
Dev.of Nat.Leg.Theo McCoubrey,H Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 24/11/86
Dev.of Nat.Leg.Theo McCoubrey,H Croom Helm Ltd Postage/fares 25/11/86
Families of Nations CastlesF:ed Dartmouth Pubg Proofreading 20/02/93
FDI Inflows Salman,M.H. Salman Rewriting 13/07/00
FDI Inflows, Ch.3 Salman,M.H. Salman Rewriting 05/05/01
FDI Inflows, Ch.4 Salman,M.H Haitham Salman Rewriting 15/04/02
FDI Inflows, Ch.5 Salman,M.H. Haitham Salman Rewriting 02/07/02
FDI Inflows, Chs1&2 Salman,M.H. Haitham Salman Rewriting 26/05/03
FDI Inflows, Chs6&7 Salman,M.H. Haitham Salman Rewriting 29/03/04
Human Rights ... Gaete, R. Dartmouth Pubg Indexing 04/03/93
ICC & State Leg.Sov Shanidze, L Shanidze Editg on disc 28/09/00
Law & Soc.in Athens unid Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 26/07/86
Law & Soc.in Athens unid Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 06/08/86
Law, Rights & Disab Cooper, J. J. Kingsley Indexing 25/10/01
Leg.Asp.Child Healt Hendrick,J. Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 28/05/96
Mod.Intr.to Int.Law Akehurst Allen & Unwin Proofreading 27/01/82
Patent Pools M. Wake Wake, M. Rewriting 09/06/03
Penal System,The 6e Cavadino,M. Sage Indexing 29/09/19
Politics of Regulat Francis Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 19/05/93
Pols of Judiciary Griffith Fontana Proofreading 03/06/81
Risk and Safety Potter, M. Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 11/01/97
UNCITRAL Framework Dore, I.I. Graham & Trot. Editg on disc 10/03/93
Welfare Standards Cetinkaya,M Cetinkaya, M. Editing 01/07/05
World Human Rights Guide: Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 19/01/87
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Enjoy Retirement Gray, H. Northcote Hse Galley proofs 16/07/87
Holiday Mirror Tourist Bd Mirror Pubs Proofreading 09/06/81
Holiday Mirror Tourist Bd Mirror Pubs Proofreading 15/06/81
Leisure Environment Cheers, A. Macmillan Educ Copy-editing 13/06/90
Leisure Environment Cheers, A. Macmillan Educ Proof+collatn 24/10/90
Where to Join Pain,H Northcote Hse Galley proofs 20/07/87
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
1st Cuckoo:Times Gregory,K Allen & Unwin Indexing 13/07/81
Special Delivery James,C.L.R Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 05/09/95
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Croydon Library Bks Var.authors Croydon Librar Librarianshp 01/04/64
Westmin.Library Bks Var.authors WestminsterLib Librarianshp 01/09/67
1st Steps in Manage Morris, B. Library Assoc. Copy-editing 29/04/96
Dealg w.Aggr.&Viol. Pantry, S. Library Assoc. Copy-editing 10/02/96
Getting Your S/NVQ Arundale,J. Library Assoc. Copy-editing 02/08/95
Guidelines Coll.Lib Lib.Assoc. Library Assoc. Copy-editing 12/06/95
Libraries in UK:'96 Lib.Assoctn Library Assoc. Galley proofs 04/10/95
Netwkg & Fut.of Lib Dempsey ed. Library Assoc. Copy-editing 23/08/95
Pers.Prof.Dev&SoloL Bryant, S.L Library Assoc. Copy-editing 14/05/95
Ref. Info. Sources Lea & Day Library Assoc. Proofreading 11/07/96
Success at Enquiry Owen, T. Library Assoc. Copy-editing 23/02/96
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Great War ProsthesesShaheen, A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/12/19
Guide to 20c Wom.Wr Wheeler, K. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 20/06/96
Meaning of Universa Asokan, R. Asokan Rewriting 23/12/01
Readers Comp.:Biogs Parker,P.ed Helicon Text creation 12/07/94
Readers Comp.to 20c Helicon Helicon Proofreading 09/06/94
Readers Comp.to 20c Helicon Helicon Proof+collatn 13/06/94
Readers Comp.to 20c Helicon Helicon Text creation 13/06/94
Readers Comp.to 20c Parker,P.ed Helicon 2nd proofread 12/07/94
Readers Comp.to 20c Parker,P.ed Helicon Cross refs 13/07/94
Readers Comp:Biogs2 Parker,P.ed Helicon Text creation 22/07/94
Readers Comp:to 20c Parker,P,ed Helicon Index paginat 12/07/94
Transgression&RedempFerraro, T. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 15/06/20
Years, The Woolf, V. Wiley Proofreading 11/02/12
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Beauvoir, Simone de Moi Blackwell Pubs Proof index 28/09/93
Colin Wilson Dossor, H. Element Books Copy-editing 31/03/90
Dickens Companion,A Page, N. Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 23/08/82
Elegy in Arcady Browne, P. Ashford Press Postage/fares 08/07/88
Elegy in Arcady Browne, P. Ashford Press Rewriting 07/09/88
Elegy in Arcady Browne, P. Ashford Press Copywriting 07/09/88
Elegy in Arcady Browne, P. Ashford Press Copy-editing 05/12/88
Housman,AE:Crit.Bio Page,N Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 11/06/82
Housman,AE:Crit.Bio Page,N Macmillan Acad Proofreading 29/11/82
Memr of DH Lawrence Neville,G Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 02/06/81
Poor Eliz's Almanac Fuller, E. Arrow Books Read/report 28/02/80
Simenon:Mystery of Bresler, F. Heinemann/Quix Proofreading 19/10/82
Small Yes & Big No Grosz,G Allison & Busb Indexing 28/05/82
Vera Brittain Gorham, D. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 19/09/95
Voltaire en son tem Pomeau, R. Voltaire Found Index paginat 31/05/95
Voltaire en son tem Pomeau, R. Voltaire Found Index paginat 16/06/95
Voltaire en son tem Pomeau, R. Voltaire Found Index paginat 17/08/95
Wilkie Collins Clarke, W. Allison & Busb Indexing 10/06/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Churchill Playwrigh Cousin, G. Methuen London Indexing 09/05/89
Contemp.Dramatists ed.Kirkpatr St James Press Proofreading 29/12/87
Contemp.Dramatists2 ed.Kirkpatr St James Press Proofreading 01/01/88
Contemp.Dramatists2 ed.Kirkpatr St James Press Proofreading 11/01/88
Hippocratic Oath1 Chater, M. Chater, M Editing 23/05/13
Hippocratic Oath2 Chater, M. Chater, M Publication 20/10/14
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Antony & Cleopatra Shakespeare Balberry Publg Proofreading 28/09/92
Arden Series 3 [1] Shakespeare Th. Nelson Permissions 01/03/99
Arden Series 3 [2] Shakespeare Th. Nelson Permissions 31/03/99
Arden Series 3 [3] Shakespeare Th. Nelson Permissions 15/05/99
Arden Series 3 [4] Shakespeare Th. Nelson Permissions 19/06/99
Arden Series 3 [5] Shakespeare Th. Nelson Permissions 10/09/99
As You Like It Shakespeare Balberry Publg Proofreading 21/09/93
Moral Univ.of Shake unid Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 03/09/86
Othello Shakespeare Balberry Publg Proofreading 06/12/92
Shakespeare&TheActor Potter, L. Oxf.Uni.Press Copy-editing 05/01/22
Shakespeare & Time Kastan Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 01/12/81
Shakespeare's Chars McLeish Longman Group Copy-editing 16/04/85
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Country House Ethos Kenny, V. Harvester Whea Copy-editing 23/06/83
English Companion Smith,G Pavilion Books Galley proofs 24/05/84
Graffiti & Writing Fleming, J. Reaktion Books Editg on disk 16/10/00
Stepping Westward Leask,Nigel Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 24/09/19
WritingAboutAnimals Spencer, J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 03/12/19
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
AdamXXXIV331-3(Fr.) French auth Adam Internat. Copy-editing 20/12/69
AdamXXXV334-6:Moon Noble, M. Adam Internat. Book review 31/12/69
AdamXXXV343-5:MobyD Sartre, J-P Adam Internat. Translation 31/01/70
AdamXXXV349-51:Prst Proust, M. Adam Internat. Copy-editing 28/02/70
AdamXXXV352-54:Sabr Hebrew auth Adam Internat. Proofreading 31/03/70
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
American Poetry Gray, R. Wiley Proofreading 14/10/14
10yrs In Open-Neck. Clarke, J.C Arrow Books Proofreading 10/12/82
Black Masks Fraser,John Fraser, John Editing 17/09/08
Burns,R.:York Notes Low,Donald Balberry Publg Copy-editing 10/01/95
Burns,R:York Notes2 Low, Donald Balberry Publg Editl queries 07/05/95
Collected Poems Grigson, G. Allison & Busb Proofreading 03/03/82
Consequences Fanthorpe,U Peterloo Poets Typesetting 13/05/00
Consequences (rev.) Fanthorpe,U Peterloo Poets Typesetting 24/05/00
Consequences: cover Fanthorpe,U Peterloo Poets Typesetting 15/06/00
Curse of Vampire's Jones, T. Pavilion Books Proofreading 09/02/88
Death of Ophelia 1 Balloch, J. Balloch Typing/editg 08/02/11
Death of Ophelia 2 Balloch, J. Balloch ET Typing/editg 15/02/17
For the Moment Mole, John Peterloo Poets Typesetting 20/02/00
Holding Action Sutton, D. Peterloo Poets Typesetting 20/04/00
Making a Roux Bewick, E. Peterloo Poets Typesetting 19/07/00
Making a Roux:cover Bewick, E. Peterloo Poets Typesetting 09/08/00
Marginalia Burrows, W. Peterloo Poets Typesetting 13/11/00
Marginalia CRC Burrows, W. Peterloo Poets Typesetting 15/12/00
Milton & Free Will Myers Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 28/11/86
My Favourite Poem Wilson,M ed Corgi Books Indexing 03/11/85
Poems I Al Tellawy Al Tellawy Copy-editing 25/02/08
Poems II Al Tellawy Al Tellawy Copy-editing 19/10/11
Poems of Old Freem1 Jackman, B. AESOP Pubs Copy-editing 11/08/14
Poems of Old Freem2 Jackman, B. AESOP Pubs Copy-editing 15/09/14
Poems of Old SoldierJackman, B. AESOP Pubs Copy-editing 01/04/12
Poems of Old SoldierJackman, B. AESOP Pubs Cover creation01/04/12
Poet & The Jar, The Al-Batni,B. Batni Rewriting 18/04/01
Poet & The Jar 2 Al-Batni,B. Bazza Al-Batni Rewriting 28/05/01
PoeticPriesthood17C Prakas, T. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/02/22
PrintedVoiceOfVic.P Griffiths,E Oxford Uni.Pre Proofreading 07/03/18
Revolution in Rhyme Shams, F. Oxford Uni.Pre Copy-editing 20/01/20
Revolution in Rhyme Shams, F. Oxford Uni.Pre Proofreading 19/09/20
Romanticism: 4th ed Wu, Ducan Wiley Proofg/Indexg 17/11/11
Rome & Other Poems Balloch, J. Balloch Typing/editg 14/09/15
Still a Poet at 80? Stone, B. Aesop Pubs. Copy-editing 18/07/19
Voices of Negritude Finn, J. Quartet Books Indexing 27/01/88
W. S. Graham NowellSmith Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/01/22
Wordsworth's Lang Ward Harvester Whea Copy-editing 11/01/84
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Cult Fiction Calcott, A. Prion Books Proofreading 06/04/99
Ref.Guide to Am.Lit Kirkpatrick St James Press Galley proofs 23/01/87
Ref.Guide to Am.Lit Kirkpatrick St James Press Galley proofs 02/02/87
Ref.Guide to Am.Lit Kirkpatrick St James Press Galley proofs 09/02/87
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
18th C Encounters Rogers Harvester Whea Copy-editing 03/05/84
AlgernonC.Swinburne O'Gorman,F. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 08/11/16
American Studies Bradbury, M Longman Group Copy-editing 16/03/88
Bk of Middle Englsh Burrow,J.A. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 18/09/95
Br.Infl.on Am.Lit. Peach Macmillan Acad Proofreading 25/10/81
Center of the World Howard, J. Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 10/09/18
Charles Dickens Federico,A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/02/22
Chaucer's Knight Jones, T. Methuen London Indexing 22/11/84
Creole Noise Edmondson,B Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 14/07/21
Criticism&Confessio Hardy, N. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 26/02/17
Dickens&Vict.PyscholStolte, T. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 09/12/21
Enc.Postcolon.Stud. Ray&Schwarz Wiley Copy-editing 01/07/15
Eng.Fict.of Rom.Per Kelly, G Longman Group Copy-editing 11/02/88
Eros Revisited Wagner,P. Secker & Warb. Indexing 17/08/87
EvolutionsOfMod.EpicParis, V. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 03/07/20
Exam.Gde to Eng Lit unid Longman Group Copy-editing 23/09/85
Galdos & Irony of L Urey Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 30/07/81
Helene Cixous Sellers, S. Blackwell Pubs Index editing 21/09/95
Helene Cixous Sellers, S. Blackwell Pubs Proof index 26/10/95
Honore de Balzac Brooks, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 10/01/22
Illus.Hist.of Novel Kaffel,B Granada Publg Read/report 09/11/80
Impersonals in Verc Hiyama, S. Hiyama, Susumu Editing & cod 26/10/01
John Heywood Walker,Greg Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 18/10/19
Lessing's Africa Thorpe, M. Granada Publg Read/report 25/04/80
Lit.& Pop.Culture Rogers Harvester Whea Copy-editing 07/05/84
Literary Landscapes Elwin Elwin St.Prods Copy-editing 26/04/28
Lukacs Reader, The Kadarkay, A Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 23/06/95
Lukacs Reader, The Kadarkay, A Blackwell Pubs Proof index 23/06/95
Mag.World of Inklgs Knight, G. Element Books Copy-editing 29/06/90
Modern Crit.&Theory Lodge,D ed Longman Group Copy-editing 16/02/87
Naming in Paradise Leonard Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 11/01/89
Naming in Paradise Leonard, J Oxf.Univ.Press Editl queries 14/03/89
Narrative Networks Alleyne, B. Sage Proofreading 08/10/14
Oxf.Hist.Life-Writ.7 Hayes, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 24/05/21
Perfectn.Proclaimed Smith, N Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 12/09/87
PoeticPriesthood17C Prakas, T. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/02/22
ReadgEuropeanNovel Schwarz,D.R Wiley Indexing 19/04/14
Reading Literature Short,M.ed. Longman Group Copy-editing 30/10/87
Romanticism: 4th ed Wu, Ducan Wiley Proofg/Indexg 17/11/11
Rout.HbkTransl&Media Bielsa, E. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 27/07/21
Shakespeare&Politic Fitter, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 04/04/17
Studs.in Mod.Am.Aut Taylor,G O Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 08/12/81
Theory of Criticism Selden ed Longman Group Copy-editing 23/02/87
Trollope Cent.Essys Halperin ed Macmillan Acad Proofreading 15/01/82
W. S. Graham NowellSmith Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/01/22
Wide Sargasso Sea Todd,Loreto Balberry Publg Copy-editing 28/05/94
William James Davis, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 21/01/22
YWES Vol. 72 Regan, S.ed Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 28/10/93
York Notes: Brodie Royle, T. Balberry Publg Proofreading 19/03/95
Yrs Wk Eng.Studs 71 Engl.Assoc. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 04/10/93
Yrs Wk in Eng.Studs Traherne ed Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 25/10/95
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
BVPP 2002 Glouc.Counc Gloucester C.C Indexing 17/07/02
BVPP 2003-2004 Glouc.Counc Gloucester C.C Indexing 24/07/03
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
OceanLaw Journal OceanLaw OceanL Proofreading 12/11/05
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Advanced Maths 1 unid Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 29/09/86
Advanced Maths 2 unid Pan Books Ltd Galley proofs 04/10/86
Advanced Maths 3 unid Pan Books Ltd Galley proofs 22/10/86
AdvancedMathModelingFox & Burks Routledge Copy-editing 10/02/21
Bayesian Analysis Jackman, S. Wiley Copy-editing 25/06/09
Binary Data Analysi Lui,K-J. Wiley Copy-editing 14/12/10
Corr.entre savants Peiffer ed. Voltaire Found Editg on disc 29/02/96
Dyslexia & Maths Yeo, Dorian Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 26/03/02
Hist.ModernMathStud Gorroochurn Wiley Indexing 12/01/16
Intr.To Exp.Maths Eilers, S. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 17/08/16
MathInstr.Stud.LD.3e Gurganus,S.Routledge Copy-editing 08/08/21
Maximum Likelihood Millar,R.B. Wiley Editing 21/04/11
Queueing Modelling Ng & Soong SNP Indexing 05/03/08
Teaching Fractions Lamon, S. Routledge Copy-editing 02/12/19
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Acquiring Interpers Burnard, P. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 06/04/96
Black & White Media Ross, K. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 16/08/95
Copy, Rip, Burn Berry,David Berry, D. Copy-editing 01/03/06
Death on the Rock Bolton, R. W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 19/12/89
Death on the Rock Bolton, R. W H Allen & Co Proofreading 04/01/90
Enc.Media Studies 5 Valdivia, A Wiley Copy-editing 14/06/12
Enc.Media Studies 6 Valdivia, A Wiley Copy-editing 17/08/12
Enc.Media Studies 7 Valdivia, A Wiley Copy-editing 21/10/13
End of the Street Malvern,L Methuen London Indexing 11/09/86
Inside Book Publshg Clark,Giles Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 19/05/94
Inside Journalism Niblock, S. Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 07/06/95
Internet Guide Tseng et al Library Assoc. Copy-editing 12/09/95
Phenom.of TalkShows Shanidze, R Shanid Rewriting 25/10/00
Rou.Comp.Media&City Stein et al.Routledge Copy-editing 23/02/22
Rou.Hbk.Health&MediaFriedman,LD Routledge Copy-editing 07/03/22
Show Me the Money Thomas, D. Ebury Editg on disc 16/07/00
Talent Book Premium Premium Editing 18/09/06
Talent Book: Wogan Premium Premium Editing 21/09/06
Television News Yorke, Ivor Butterworth-H. Editg on disc 22/01/95
Writg f.Health Pros Burnard, P. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 20/07/95
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
3rd Party Assisted Blyth, E. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 10/10/03
AAGBI Core Topics Johnston, I Wiley Copy-editing 21/07/11
ABC of CR Cancer Young et al Wiley Copy-editing 16/05/11
Acute Medicine Carroll, L. Wiley, John Copy-editing 27/01/06
Advs in Ap.Toxicolo Comp. Taylor & Franc Copy-editing 31/03/88
Aphasia:Brain Damag Code, C. ed Falmer Press Copy-editing 29/12/88
Asthma Care in Comm Waldron, J. Wiley Copy-editing 08/05/07
AtlasOfDermatopatho Burg&Kempf Wiley Copy-editing 18/12/14
Avoid.ErrorsAdultMe Reckless, I.Wiley Copy-editing 25/08/12
Avoid.ErrorsGenMed. Barraclough Wiley Copy-editing 21/08/12
Avoid.ErrorsPaediat Raine, J. Wiley Copy-editing 13/05/12
Behavioral Sc.Niger Erinosho ed Allen & Unwin Indexing 16/05/81
Bitter Pill,The Grant Corgi Books Indexing 21/07/86
Breast Ultrasound Dixon, A-M. Elsevier Proofreading 25/04/07
Children with DCD Sugden/Cham Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 07/08/04
Children with DCD 2 Sugden/Cham Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 08/09/04
Children's Speech Stackhouse Wiley, John Proofreading 05/07/07
Cochlear Implants Cooper, H. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 23/03/05
Comps,Work & Health Williams, T Taylor & Franc Proofreading 24/08/88
Comps,Work & Health Williams, T Taylor & Franc Indexing 26/08/88
Cumulative Trauma D NIOSH Taylor & Franc Proofreading 29/01/88
Cumulative Trauma D NIOSH Taylor & Franc Index paginat 29/01/88
DCD in Adults (1) Drew, S. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 09/02/05
Diabetes:Live with unid Corgi Books Copy-editing 03/10/86
Diseases of ENT LN Clarke, R. Wiley Copy-editing 23/05/13
Dyslexia & Maths Yeo, Dorian Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 26/03/02
Dyslexia and Vision Evans,Bruce Whurr Editg on disc 15/01/01
Dysphagia Cichero, J. Wiley Editg on disc 20/04/06
Dysphagia Cichero, J. Wiley Proofreading 20/04/06
Early Years Movemnt Chambers, M Whurr Pubs Ltd Proofreading 17/09/05
Early Years Movemnt Chambers, M Whurr Pubs Ltd Indexing 17/09/05
Early Years Movemnt Chambers, M Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing 29/04/05
Eating Sickness,The unid Harvester Whea Copy-editing 24/09/83
ERCP Baron et al Wiley, John Copy-editing 15/01/07
Ergonomics Wilson ed. Taylor & Franc Indexing 04/08/89
Ethical Issues in F Adshead, G Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 06/01/03
Fixed Orthodontic.. Williams et Butterworth-H. Copy-editing 12/12/94
Following the Light Merriman, A Hospice Africa Copy-editing 09/10/09
Handbook of ADHD Fitzgerald Wiley, John Copy-editing 12/12/06
Health Distinctions Louis, Y. Louis, Y. Editing & cod 04/03/02
Health, Individual Aldridge,D. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 12/02/04
Hepatitis C Virus Alexopoulou Alexop Editg on disc 22/03/01
HowToManageYrGPPrac Clarke, F. Wiley Indexing 27/07/11
HowToPerformClinPro StephensonM Wiley Copy-editing 19/03/13
Lung Cancer, 4th ed Roth,J.A. Wiley Copy-editing 04/12/13
Incontinence Mangmt unid Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 25/09/85
Integrating Care Foote, C. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 24/04/02
Intermediate Care Wade, Sian Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 17/04/03
Life Extension Rev. Kent, S. Granada Publg Read/report 18/02/80
Mgt.Data Cli.Trials McFadden,E. Wiley, John Indexing 05/06/07
Manag.Health at Wrk Wilkinson,C Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 10/02/97
MD Thesis Crick, A. Crick, A. Editing 06/04/06
MD Thesis McEntagart McEntagart, M. Editing & cod 14/05/03
MD Thesis TattonBrown Tatton-Brown,K Editing 03/12/05
Measles:Hist.Geogr. Cliff et al Blackwell Pubs 2nd proofread 26/07/93
Men's Health Peate, Ian Wiley, John Editing & cod 22/02/07
Microneedle-mediate Donnelly, R Wiley-Blackw. Editing 30/06/11
Multiple Sclerosis Burgess, M. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 30/07/01
NonRepTheory&Health Andrews,G.J Routledge Indexing 13/12/17
On Death, Dying ... Houghton, P Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 13/07/01
Osteoporosis Sutcliffe,A Wiley Indexing 11/11/05
Osteoporosis: D&M Stovall, D. WileyJ Copy-editing 20/04/13
Paediatrics LN, 9e Newell,S.J. Wiley Copy-editing 02/08/13
Pills and You Mindell,E Arlington Bks Glossary prep 15/01/84
Pkt.Gde Gastrointes Wolfe,M.ed. Wiley Copy-editing 13/09/13
Pre-edit Trial Laserword John Wiley Copy-editing 12/10/07
Prim.Care & Dementi Iliffe, S. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 24/07/01
Princ.of Surg.Resch Mathie,R.ed Butterworth-H. Proofreading 12/07/95
Protein NMR Spectro Lian,L-Y ed Wiley Copy-editing 04/03/11
Rapid Ophthalmology Mirza, Z. Wiley Copy-editing 21/02/13
REM sleep Dharani, N. Dharani, N. Editg on disc 26/01/05
Res.Meth.Nurses&Mid Harvey&Land Sage Copy-editing 19/10/16
Running a Practice Jones et al Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 18/01/85
Shocktrauma Franklin Futura Read/report 25/11/79
Solutions in SLT Burns,Kidge Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 27/09/04
Speech&Lang.Dis.MS Murdoch, B Whurr Pubs Editg on disc 13/12/99
STDs for Nurses Peate, I. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 23/03/05
Stoma Care Burch,J.ed. SNP Editg on disc 22/02/08
Stoma Care 1 Burch,J.ed. SNP Editg on disc 26/02/08
Stroboscopy Boehme, G. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 19/06/03
Stroboscopy, Ch. 9 Boehme/Gros Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 28/01/03
Stroke Survivor McCann, A. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 03/12/05
Thesis D. Ruddy Ruddy, Deborah Editing & cod 16/01/04
TNM Supplement Wittkeind Wiley Indexing 16/01/12
Treatment Handbook MacGregor,R Methuen London Indexing 24/02/88
Tropical MedicineLN Beeching,N. Wiley Copy-editing 25/06/13
Underst.LD&Dementia Kerr, Diana Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 02/08/07
Vaccine Anxieties Leach, M. Earthscan Indexing 05/08/07
VD ms unid Grant McIntyre Copy-editing 06/04/81
Voice Disorders Freeman, M Whurr Editg on disc 24/02/00
XRay Interpretation Larsen, D. Wiley Proofreading 05/09/05
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Gold unid Macdonald Orbi Copy-editing 01/03/83
Gold unid Macdonald Orbi Proofreading 06/04/83
Info Sources Metals Patten,M.N. Bowker-Saur Copy-editing 07/01/89
Info Sources Metals Patten,M.N. Bowker-Saur 2nd proofread 15/10/89
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
20th C.Warfare (1) Frankland e Mitchell Beaz. Copy-editing 02/11/88
20th C.Warfare (4) Frankland e Mitchell Beaz. Copy-editing 21/12/88
20th C.Warfare(2&3) Frankland e Mitchell Beaz. Copy-editing 09/12/88
Great Generals:Alle 1st Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Rewriting 24/03/95
Great Generals:Foch 1st Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Rewriting 28/03/95
Great Generals:Giap 1st Info Gp 1st Info.Group Rewriting 03/05/95
Great Generals:Haig 1st Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Rewriting 19/03/95
Great Generals:Hind 1st Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Rewriting 23/03/95
Great Generals:Hind 1st Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Edit+proofrd 12/05/95
Great Generals:Ike 1st Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Rewriting 16/04/95
Great Generals:Patt 1st.Info Gp 1st Info.Group Rewriting 24/04/95
Great Generals:Romm 1st Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Rewriting 22/03/95
Great Generals:Tech 1st Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Copy-editing 12/06/95
Great Generals:biog 1st.Info.Gp 1st Info.Group Copy-editing 20/06/95
Great Generals:styl 1st Info Gp 1st Info.Group Copy-editing 18/05/95
Warfare of 20th C Grant, C Hamlyn Publg Copy-editing 21/01/88
Warfare of 20th C Grant, C Hamlyn Publg Proofreading 25/04/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Courage in th.Skies Johnson/Luc Stanley Paul Indexing 18/05/92
Dambusters Arthur, Max Virgin Copy-editing 02/07/08
Dict.of Battles Young, P. New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 12/06/78
For Valour [VC] Percival Methuen London Indexing 08/05/85
Gunners at Larkhill James Gresham Books Copy-editing 01/06/83
Malta Lucas,Laddi Stanley Paul Indexing 19/06/91
Military history Farrar-Hock Andre Deutsch Indexing 15/02/88
Napoleon & Hitler Seward, D Harrap Publg Indexing 04/08/88
Opening Rounds Farrar-Hock Andre Deutsch Proofreading 11/02/88
Soldiers of Scotlnd Baynes, J Brassey's Def. Copy-editing 25/02/88
Warfare of 20th C Grant, C Hamlyn Publg Galley proofs 20/02/88
Winged Victory Lucas, L. Stanley Paul Indexing 05/12/94
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Abrams Battle Tank Unid Brian Trodd Copy-editing 25/11/88
Defence Rowe, P. Brassey's Def. Proofreading 16/06/87
Defence of W.Europe unid Croom Helm Ltd 2nd proofread 13/08/86
Encycl. of War Martel, G. Wiley Proofreading 30/09/11
ForgottenVoices WW2 Arthur, Max Ebury Press Editing & cod 07/08/04
ForgottenVoiceBlitz Levine, J. Ebury Press Copy-editing 22/07/06
F.Voices: Holocaust Smith, Lyn Ebury Press Copy-editing 22/03/05
How It Was in ThWar Smith, G Pavilion Books Permissions 27/02/89
How It Was in t.War Smith, G Pavilion Books Permissions 19/06/89
Nuclear Weapons unid Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 03/06/85
Private Battles Garfield, S Ebury Press Copy-editing 16/06/06
Radar&Elect.Warfare Jane's Jane's Info Gp Proofreading 25/11/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Cunard Liners of30s Kerbrech Conway Maritim Copy-editing 16/11/87
Fast Sailing Ships MacGregor,D Conway Maritim Proofreading 01/12/87
Hit First, Hit Hard Smith, P.C. Futura Read/report 14/04/80
Joyita Mystery,The Maugham,R Granada Publg Read/report 08/09/80
Lost Treasure Ships Pickford,N. Pavilion Books roofreading 30/03/99
Merchant Schooners dreenhill.B Conway Maritim Galley proofs 24/01/88
Ships of the Am.Rev Hahn, H.M. Conway Maritim Copy-editing 07/08/87
Ships of the Am.Rev Hahn, H.M. Conway Maritim Proof+collatn 06/10/87
Whither O Ship Green, S W Peter Owen Ltd Proofreading 30/01/89
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Brit's Naval Future dable, J. Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 30/06/82
Naval Warfare unid Macdonald Orbi Galley proofs 18/11/82
Vol.H Bk of Lights UKHO UKHO Proofreading 14/01/03
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Hbk.Neuropsych.Lang Faust, M. Wiley Indexing 23/08/11
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Crit.Care Outreach Cutler, Lee Wiley Copy-editing 20/04/06
Forensic Nursing Robinson, D J. Kingsley Indexing 23/09/99
Health Visiting Luker, K. Wiley Copy-editing 01/07/11
Intr.to Cancer Care McCready,T. Wiley Indexing 16/11/05
Nursing Care,3rd ednSmith/Field Routledge Copy-editing 18/07/19
NursgPsychiat.Emerg Ward, M.F. Butterworth-H. Editg on disc 16/05/95
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Birds of Israel,The unid Christphr Helm 2nd proofread 25/11/86
Birdwatching in 70s Wallace, I. Macmillan Lond Proofreading 05/04/81
Nat.Hist.of Birds Simms,E J.M.Dent & Son Copy-editing 13/04/81
Wales (WTWB) Saunders,D Christphr Helm 2nd proofread 06/07/87
West Midlands(WTWB) Harrison,G Christphr Helm 2nd proofread 26/06/87
Wheatear, The Conder, P. Christphr Helm Proof+collatn 04/05/89
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Lost World, Book 2 Noble, M. Dorling Kind. Text creation 20/01/97
Lost World, Book 3 Noble, M. Dorling Kind. Text creation 20/01/97
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
edit.assist.01/3/82 Mirror list Mirror Pubs Editl assist. 05/03/82
edit.assist.23/7/82 Mirror list Mirror Pubs Editl assist. 26/07/82
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
GloriousGrandparent Hunniford,G Vermilion Editing 02/09/10
Love Without Fear Chesser, E. Arrow Books Indexing 27/05/83
Okay Parenting Klein, M Piatkus Books Proofreading 21/12/90
Shared Parenthood Roeber,J Century Proofreading 04/02/87
Shared Parenthood Roeber,J Century Indexing 09/02/87
Suddenly Single Wilson,M Columbus Books Proofreading 05/03/85
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
After Discourse Olsen, B. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
AgencyInMentalDisordKing & May Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 15/06/21
AmericanLinguistics Newmeyer,F. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 21/12/21
Appearing of God Lacoste,J-Y Oxf.Univ.Press Proof+collatn 17/07/18
Aquinas&Nichomacean Hoffmann,T. Camb.Univ.Pres Editing 01/03/13
Aquinas&Nichomacean Hoffmann,T. Camb.Univ.Pres Proof+collatn 09/05/13
Augustine'sCityOfGod O'Daly, G. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/04/20
Bad Beliefs Levy, Neil Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 27/05/21
Berkeley's Doctrine Flage Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 09/07/86
Causation in Scienc Amjum, R.L. Oxf.Univ.Press Proof+collatn 11/07/18
Christology&MetaphysCross, R. Oxf.Univ.press Copy-editing 04/03/22
Companion to Philos Bunnin ed. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 21/10/95
Conditionals,ParadoxWalters, L. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 14/10/19
Continental Philoso Unid Blackwell Pubs Index editing 04/06/96
Contradictory ChristBeall, Jc Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 31/07/20
Creation&Relig.Plur.Cheetham,D. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/01/20
Creativity of Actio Joas Blackwell Pubs Index editing 10/06/96
Critical Thinking Huen, Kenny Huen, K. Copy-editing 14/01/09
Curr.Controversies Dasgupta,S. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
Data Science Ethics Martens,D. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/09/21
Descartes Grene Harvester Whea Copy-editing 27/10/84
DivinePowLateAnt. 1 Marmodoro,A Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 18/10/16
DivinePowLateAnt. 2 Marmodoro,A Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 23/11/16
DoingProcessResearchSimpson, B. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 04/03/22
Doing Semiotics Oswald, L. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 31/12/19
EmergenceOfFunctionsFrajzyngier Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 23/06/20
Enc.Writing Systems Coulmas Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 28/06/95
EnglishRhythm&Blues Larroque,P. Routledge Copy-editing 02/06/21
EpistemicEntitlementGraham&Pede Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 18/07/19
Ethics of Personal. Heller, A. Blackwell Pubs Proof index 23/08/95
Everything I Know Rowlands,M. Ebury Press Editing & cod 05/07/04
Fabricatn of Virtue Evans Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 30/11/81
FieryTestOfCritique Proops, Ian Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 04/11/20
Fixing Language Cappelen,H. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 19/12/17
Foundation of RealitGlick,Darby Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 18/10/19
Frank Ramsey Misak, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 26/08/19
Frank Ramsey Misak, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 12/11/19
Functionalism Withheld Withheld Editing 01/07/05
Future Morality Edmonds, D. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 10/02/21
Gram.Disord.Aphasia Bastiaanse Whurr Pubs Editg on disc 12/03/99
GrammarOfExpressivi Gutzmann,D. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 10/07/18
Hbk Semantic Theory Lappin, S. Blackwell Pubs 2nd proofread 18/08/95
HeideggerOnBeingSelfWithy, K. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/10/21
Hist.of Engl.Phonol Jones, C. Longman Group Copy-editing 31/07/88
How Nature Matters James, S. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 04/04/22
HumanBeing,BodilyBe Ram-PrasadC Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 15/02/18
I, Me, Mine Longuenesse Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 18/10/16
Idioms&Idiomaticity Fernando, C Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 08/05/96
Inclusive Ethics Persson, I. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 26/09/16
Instrum. RationalityBrunero, J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 17/10/19
InterperspecContent Ludlow, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 10/09/18
KantsJustific.EthicsWare, Owen Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 30/08/20
Language,Form&Logic Ludlow&Ziva Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 18/08/21
Leg.Thry of Eth.Pos Campbell,TD Dartmouth Pubg Indexing 10/11/95
Levinas Davis,Colin Blackwell Pubs Index editing 21/05/96
Linguistic Choices Smakman, D. Routledge Copy-editing 08/02/22
Linguistic Meaning Duffley, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 18/03/20
Linguistics of HumorAttardo, S. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/01/20
Linguistics,Pragmat Chaika, E. Whurr Pubs Editg on disc 08/06/99
Locke'sImageOfWorld Jacovides,M Oxf.Uiv.Press Proofreading 20161031
Logical Form Hornstein,N Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 20/06/95
Logical Form Hornstein,N Blackwell Pubs Proof index 20/06/95
MayaInBhagavataPuranGupta, G.K. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/04/20
Meaning&MetaphysicalHaze, T. G. Routledge Copy-editing 13/02/22
Mental Simulation Davies,M ed Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 21/07/95
Mental Stimulation Davies,M.ed Blackwell Pubs Proof index 31/07/95
MetaphysicsFreeWill Fischer,JM Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 16/04/94
MismeasureOfTheSelf Tanesini,A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 26/11/20
Modality & Eng.Moda Palmer Longman Group Copy-editing 07/12/88
MoralPsychInternCon Ellis, R. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 25/08/17
Morality by Degrees Norcross,A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 19/11/19
NeurocognitiveMechanPiccinini,G Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 11/05/20
Non-ExistOfRealWorldWesterhoffJ Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 15/10/19
Non-IdentityTheodicyVitale,V.R. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 31/07/20
ObjectMarkngRomanianHillMardale Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 06/01/21
On Believing Hunter, D. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/09/21
Oxf.Hbk.EventStruct.Truswell,R. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 10/09/18
OxfStudsInNormEth.10Timmons, M. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 01/06/20
Oxf.Studs.Phil.Lang2Lepore&Sosa Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 14/04/21
Petitionary Prayer Davison,S.A Oxf.Uiv.Press Proofreading 25/09/16
Phil.in Britn.Today unid Croom Helm Ltd 2nd proofread 16/07/86
Phil.of Relig.Lang. Stiver,D.R. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 21/09/95
Philosopher at End Rowlands, M Ebury Press Editing & cod 04/02/03
Philosophy:Guide Teichman,J. Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 10/05/99
Philosophy in Pract Morton,Adam Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 28/10/95
Phonological Devel2 Vihman,M.M. Blackwell Pubs Proof index 21/10/95
Phonological Develo Vihman,M.M. Blackwell Pubs Proof index 11/10/95
Pragmatics:An Intro Mey, Jacob Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 26/05/93
PrincipsOfNewEthics1Wang, H. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
PrincipsOfNewEthics2Wang, H. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
Psycholinguistics Scovel, T. Oxf.Univ.Press Editg on disc 14/08/97
Quantum NonLocality Maudlin, T. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 30/09/93
RationalityOfPercep Siegel, S. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 25/09/16
Readgs in Lang&Mind Geirsson ed Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 17/10/95
Realism,Meaning,Tru Wright, C. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 07/04/93
Reform.Comm.LearningHotson, H. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 30/08/20
Relevance Sperber/Wil Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 25/08/95
RespectingToleratio Balint, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 26/07/16
Responsibility Robichaud,P Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 10/05/17
Rilke: LifeOfTheWorkLouth, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 04/01/20
Rou.Hbk.Lang.&GlobalMakoni, S. Routledge Copy-editing 04/04/22
Semantics, 2nd edn Saeed, J.I. Blackwell Publ Proofreading 13/09/02
SemanticsHonorificatMcCready,E. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 28/02/19
Social Theory Pract Turner, S. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 30/09/93
Sociolinguistics Spolsky, B. Oxf.Univ.Press Editg on disc 09/06/97
Sounds of W's Langs Ladefoged,P Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 02/11/95
Speech&Lang.Dis.MS Murdoch, B Whurr Pubs Editg on disc 13/12/99
SpinozaOnLearningTo James, S. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 17/01/20
Sweet Reason Henle, J. Wiley Copy-editing 08/04/11
ThinkingAboutEmotns Cohen&Stern Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 14/04/17
Understanding "I" Bermudez,JL Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 25/09/16
Unknowable, The Mander,W.J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 02/12/19
Var.Sociolinguistic Tagliamonte Wiley Copy-editing 15/04/11
Varro:DeLinguaItaliaDe Melo,WDC Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 21/01/19
Western Philosophy CottinghamJ Blackwell Pubs Index editing 09/05/96
Western Philosophy CottinghamJ Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 23/05/96
WisdomInChrist.Trad.Plested, M. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 24/11/21
Wittgenstein Biblio unid Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 20/03/86
Wittgenstein Biblio unid Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 21/07/86
Wittgenstein Biblio unid Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 14/08/86
Wittgenstein'sPlace Hacker, PMS Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 17/05/96
World Philosophies Cooper, D.E Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 18/07/95
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Medium-Format Manua Freeman, M. Mitchell Beaz. Americanising 04/06/88
Medium-Format Manua Mitchel Bea Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 25/05/88
Video Handbook Kluwer Kluwer Pubs Proofreading 10/04/84
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Hippocratic Oath Chater, M. Chater Editing 23/05/13
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Ben Ali's Tunisia Wolf, Anne Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 17/04/22
BiafranWar&PostCol. Heerten, L. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 11/05/17
Chollo Kingdom Dhaanho,DN Dhaanho,DN Editing 11/11/12
MultiethnicDemocracyHorowitz,J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/07/1
Pol.Indaba Resource Bature, C. Bature, C, Copy-editing 27/09/04
Somaliland Alin,Fadumo Fadumo Alin Rewriting 20/11/02
WAfrica Partitioned Hargreaves Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 30/11/83
Weekenders, The Deedes etal Ebury Press Editing & cod 20/08/01
Weekenders, The 2 Deedes etal Ebury Press Proofreading 22/09/01
Zimbabwe Stoneham,C. Pinter Pubs Proofreading 21/11/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Amer.Polit.Process Grant, A. Ashgate Indexing 14/08/97
America's Middlemen GrynaviskiE Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 20/10/17
Inf.Sect.in Ecuador Middleton,A Routledge Copy-editing 18/07/19
Jack:Struggs of JFK Palmet, H. Granada Publg Read/report 24/05/80
Presidents of USA 2nid David&Charles Proofreading 20/03/81
Tocayo Navarro,A Granada Publg Read/report 18/11/80
American Govt.11e Jilsson, C. Routledge Copy-editing 30/09/20
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
2 Mins over Baghdad Perlmutter Frank Cass Rewriting 13/08/81
2 Mins over Baghdad Perlmutter Frank Cass Copy-editing 03/09/81
Conflict Propaganda BoydBarrett Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 19/10/21
Egyptian Politics Erlich, H. Frank Cass Rewriting 05/08/87
Immigrant Imposters?Ben-Nathan Ben-Nathan, G. Editing 08/01/19
ProactionJewishSta1 Ben-Nathan Ben-Nathan, G. Editing 15/07/14
ProactionJewishSta2 Ben-Nathan Ben-Nathan, G. Proofreading 15/07/14
ProactionJewishSta3 Ben-Nathan Ben-Nathan, G. Cover creation15/07/14
ProactionJewishSta4 Ben-Nathan Ben-Nathan, G. Publication1 15/07/14
ProactionJewishSta5 Ben-Nathan Ben-Nathan, G. Publication2 15/07/14
ProactionJewishSta6 Ben-Nathan Ben-Nathan, G. Publication3 15/07/14
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Going Nowhere Fast Lawreniuk,S Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/01/20
HowIndiaBecameDemoc Shani, O. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 25/07/17
Mao Tse Tung Chou, E. Granada Publg Read/report 12/10/80
Populism&Patronage Kenny, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 27/04/17
Turning Wheel,A Shaplen,R Futura Read/report 22/07/80
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Diaries: Vol.1 Benn, T. Hutchinson Bks Indexing 15/07/87
Diaries: Vol.1 Benn, T. Hutchinson Bks Indexing 20/07/87
Hitler's Vienna unid Granada Publg Read/report 20/10/80
Major:Making of PM Anderson,B. Fourth Estate Indexing 21/05/91
Major:Making of PM2 Anderson,B. Fourth Estate Index revisng 02/06/91
Office without Powr Benn, T. Hutchinson Bks Indexing 21/07/88
Paradise Raped Mancham,J R Methuen London Indexing 04/02/83
Perons,The Pitt,I Methuen London Copy-editing 29/05/82
Withheld Withheld Greenberg,Loui Editing & cod 29/03/04
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Affluence,Austerit1 Whiteley, P CUP Copy-editing 09/05/13
Affluence,Austerit1 Whiteley, P CUP Proofreading 07/07/13
Commons Today,The Walkland/R Fontana Proofreading 04/11/80
Crisis of MeritocracMandler, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 23/12/19
Crisis of MeritocracMandler, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 28/02/20
Essay 1 Gilbert, A. Gilber Editg on disc 11/11/00
Essay 2 Gilbert, A. Gilbert, A. Editing & cod 21/01/02
Essay 3 Gilbert, A. Gilbert, A. Rewriting 18/04/02
Foreign/Domc.Policy Sodaro/Wolc Macmillan Acad Proofreading 14/04/83
Irish Liberation O'Connor ed Granada Publg Read/report 08/09/80
Natural&NecessUnionsRobinson,D. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 25/05/20
Pol.&Urb.Sec.15CEng.Hartrich,E. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 28/02/19
Politics &Reviewer Shattock,J Pinter Pubs Proofreading 25/02/89
Politics of Food,Th Cannon, G. Century Copy-editing 06/03/87
Politics&Constitut. Bogdanor,V. Dartmouth Pubg Copy-editing 25/08/95
SelectedEssaysVol.1 Rhodes, R. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 02/02/17
SelectedEssaysVol.2 Rhodes, R. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 02/02/17
TU Qstn.in Brit.Pol Taylor, R. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 20/07/93
Vol.1 Anglo-Irish T Durham Rep Macmillan Acad Proofreading 13/11/81
Vol.2:Fr.Br.to Com. Durham Rep Macmillan Acad Proofreading 13/11/81
Whitehall Hennessy, P Secker & Warb. Proofreading 03/08/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Ambiv.OfGayLiberatioGriffiths,C Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 06/08/20
Book Proposal DiQuirico,R DiQuirico Rewriting 01/08/12
Book: 1st chapters DiQuirico,R DiQuirico Rewriting 21/06/13
Catalonia McRoberts,K Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 26/07/21
Challenging the EuroDiQuirico,R DiQuirico Rewriting 22/12/19
Civ-Mil.Rels:1.Bulg Wiberg,H ed COPRI Rewriting 19/02/00
Civ-Mil.Rels:2.Alba Wiberg,H ed COPRI Rewriting 01/03/00
Civ-Mil.Rels:3.Roma Wiberg,H ed COPRI Rewriting 04/03/00
Civ-Mil.Rels:4.Slov Wiberg,H.ed COPRI Rewriting 22/03/00
Conclusion Isakovic, Z COPRI Rewriting 10/03/00
Conclusion (EQ) Isakovic, Z COPRI Editl queries 15/03/00
CurrencyTheyWantNoMoDiQuirico,R Quirico Editing 30/03/20
Cyprus Diez, T.ed. COPRI Editg on disc 05/03/01
Democrat.Govt & Sec DCAF DCAF Rewriting 07/06/02
Dip.&Confl.Kosovo 1 Isakovic,Z COPRI Editg on disc 04/02/99
Dip.&Confl.Kosovo 2 Isakovic,Z COPRI Editg on disc 07/02/99
Eastern Europe Rugg,D S Longman Group Copy-editing 17/08/84
Economics w.Borders Matyas, L. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 23/11/16
Emotions,Protest,DemEklundh,E. Routledge Copy-editing 05/11/18
Environment in Turk Arsel, M. Arsel, M. Editg on disc 23/03/05
Essays on Italy DiQuirico,R DiQuirico Rewriting 30/09/21
Estonia Andersen,E COPRI Editg on disc 04/07/98
Estonia Andersen,E COPRI Indexing 04/07/98
Estonia Andersen,E COPRI Repag. index 26/02/99
ESU after the Crisi Vandenbr. F Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 27/04/17
Ethnicity&Conflict1 Wiberg, H. COPRI Rewriting O4/07/98
Ethnicity&Conflict2 Wiberg, H. COPRI Rewriting 31/08/98
Ethnicity&Conflict3 Wiberg, H. COPRI Rewriting O1/09/98
Ethnicity&Conflict4 Wiberg, H. COPRI Rewriting O8/09/98
Ethnicity&Conflict5 Wiberg, H. COPRI Rewriting O3/11/98
Ethnicity&Conflict6 Wiberg, H. COPRI Rewriting O8/12/98
Europe's Other Fitzpatrick Ashgate Copy-editing 31/07/97
Ext.Econ.Constraint DiQuirico,R Di Quirico, R. Rewriting 21/07/09
FRG & EC Membership Schweitzer Pinter Pubs Indexing 14/08/90
From Grotius to UN Isakovic,Z COPRI Editg on disc 19/02/99
Fut.Comm.Tec.Balkan Isakovic,Z COPRI Editg on disc 20/06/99
Ident.&Sec.inYugo.1 Isakovic,Z COPRI Editg on disc 05/05/99
Ident.&Sec.inYugo.2 Isakovic,Z COPRI Editg on disc 12/05/99
Ident.&Sec.inYugo.3 Isakovic,Z COPRI Editg on disc 26/05/99
Ineq.Aft.Transition Karakoc, E. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 03/05/18
Italy&GlobalEconCro DiQuirico,R Di Quirico, R. Editg on disc 20/09/10
JCMS45 Ann. Review JCMS Blackwell indexing `16/07/07
Lithuania Miniotaite, COPRI Rewriting 23/02/00
Macedonia Isakovic, Z COPRI Rewriting 25/02/20
Macedonia (EQ) Isakovic, Z COPRI Editl queries 13/03/20
New Gen.of European Lutz, W. Earthscan Indexing 20/04/06
PeripheralDemocracy DiQuirico,R DiQuirico Rewriting 20/05/09
Pols & Eur.Recessn Cox ed Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 14/05/81
Popul.Protest&IdealsCohn Jr,S.K Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/07/21
Reconfig.Eur.States LeGales, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 28/10/16
Renaissance of DCAF DCAF DCAF Rewriting 20/11/02
Saving Italy DiQuirico,R Quirico Editing 03/07/20
SSEF: SE Europe DCAF DCAF Rewriting 31/03/03
SSR in PCW Europe Germann,W.N DCAF Rewriting 24/07/03
Scramble for Bosnia Belloni, R. Belloni, Rober Editing & cod 24/06/04
Secur.Sector Reform Shalamanov DCAF Rewriting 21/05/03
Structural Crisis Amable, B. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 23/11/16
Success & Failure DCAF DCAF Rewriting 25/02/04
Theory of Pol.Power Isakovic.Z. COPRI Editg on disc 30/09/99
Thesis: Chs 1 & 2 Oscar, Emil Oscar, Emil Editing 22/03/05
Thesis: Chs 3 etc. Oscar, Emil Oscar, Emil Editing 29/04/05
Thesis: 3 Oscar, Emil Oscar, Emil Editing 30/09/09
Thesis: 4 Oscar, Emil Oscar, Emil Editing 08/10/09
Thesis: 5 Oscar, Emil Oscar, Emil Editing 30/10/09
Thesis: 6 Oscar, Emil Oscar, Emil Editing 01/12/09
Thesis: 7 Oscar, Emil Oscar, Emil Editing 18/01/10
Tracing Interlocked DiQuirico,R Di Quirico, R. Editing 05/02/10
Transforming Police Caparini,M. DCAF Rewriting 24/11/03
Transnat.Parties EU Bell & Lord Ashgate Proofreading 10/10/97
TUs, Immig.& Immigs Penninx ed. Berghahn Books Copy-editing 29/01/99
Values & Copenhagen Kusdil, E. Kusdil, E. Editing 19/09/06
Welfare in Warfare2 Cronberg, T COPRI Editing & cod 13/05/02
Yearbk of W Balkans DCAF DCAF Editing & cod 05/08/03
Yugoslavia Isakovic, Z COPRI Rewriting 24/04/00
Yugoslavia (EQ) Isakovic, Z COPRI Editl queries 26/04/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Pol.Geog.of Conflct Waterman,S Pinter Pubs Copy-editing 29/07/90
Political Geography Taylor Longman Group Copy-editing 18/03/84
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Alliance Strategies Jordan,R.S. Pinter Pubs Proofreading 12/05/90
Article Osmond, M. Osmond, M. Editing & cod 02/11/03
Ben Ali's Tunisia Wolf, Anne Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 17/04/22
Breaking the Curfew Duncan, E. Michael Joseph Proofreading 07/11/88
BuildingTrust&Democ Horne, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 02/02/17
CFE Treaty, The Croft, S. Dartmouth Pubg Indexing 08/11/93
Children's Rights John, M. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 21/03/03
Citizshp,Natlty&Eth Oommen,T.K. Blackwell Pubs Index editing 09/08/96
Clash of Civilizat. Burke,V.Lee Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 09/08/96
Comparative Politic Lane/Ersson Blackwell Pubs Galley proofs 21/02/94
Democ.& Development Leftwich Blackwell Pubs Index editing 07/08/95
Democ.& Globl.Order Held, David Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 11/08/95
Democratic StabilityCornell, A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 11/11/19
Forging the Allianc Cook, D. Secker & Warb. Proof index 03/01/89
Frontiers Anderson Blackwell Pubs Index editing 25/10/95
Global Politics BrethertonC Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 28/09/95
Int.Cris.in Caribbn unid Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 31/10/83
Intell.Dem.StatecrafLeuprecht,C Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 06/01/21
Interplaces Phelps, N. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 02/02/17
1slam and Its Past Bakhos, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 02/02/17
Just Another Star? Grayling,C Harrap Publg Indexing 16/09/88
JustFinancialMark:I Herzog, L. Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 02/02/17
Marxisms&Capitalism Adaman, F. Adaman, F. Editing 24/09/06
NATO Alliance Cook, D. Secker & Warb. Indexing 05/12/88
Nationalism Guibernau,M Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 01/08/95
Nationalism Guibernau,M Blackwell Pubs Proof index 01/08/95
NewPathsForSelectingSandri, G. Routledge Copy-editing 10/02/21
Okinawan Peace Diss Sato,Tomoko Sato, Tomoko Rewriting 19/10/01
Oxford Hbk on UN,2e Weiss/Daws Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 16/01/18
Peacebuilding Legacy Podder, S. Oxfo.Univ.PressCopy-editing 09/12/21
Pol.Econ.CleanEnerg Arendt, D. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 02/02/17
Pol.Econ.RuralUrban McDougal,T, Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 30/11/16
PoliticsOfLastResortWhite, J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/07/19
Profits & Sustainab Jones, G. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 02/02/17
Realities Beh.Diplo Kennedy,P Fontana Proofreading 19/11/80
Research Proposal Kamara, A. Kamara, A. Rewriting 19/12/06
Routl.HbkOfBelt&RoadFang/Nolan Routledge Indexing 08/04/19
Spread of Mod. Ind. O'Rourke Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 02/02/17
StrainsOfCommitment Banting, K. Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 02/02/17
TUs, Immigration Penninx ed. Berghahn Books Copy-editing 29/01/99
UN & Peace Enforce1 Osman, M.A. Osman Editg on disk 13/05/01
Unravelg Global Apa Alexander,T Blackwell Pubs Proof index 19/04/96
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Reluctant Entrepren Paton, R Open Univ.Pres Copy-editing 28/04/89
War & the Marxists Kissin,S.,F Andre Deutsch Proofreading 24/07/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Cities&Immigration de Shalit,A Oxfo.Univ.PressProofreading 01/08/18
CriminalizingAtrocitBerlin,Mark Oxfo.Univ.PressCopy-editing 30/09/19
Cultural Evolution Inglehart,R Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 20/11/17
EpistemicTheoryDemo Goodin,R.E. Oxfo.Univ.PressProofreading 10/02/18
FirmsAsPol.Entities Ferreras, I Cambridge U.P. Proofreading 02/08/17
Hayek Gamble, A. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 23/10/95
Investig.Polit.Soc. Kirby, M. CollinsEducat. Proofreading 14/09/95
Managing Local Govt Fenwick, J. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 25/01/95
Peacebuilding Legacy Podder, S. Oxfo.Univ.PressCopy-editing 09/12/21
PeacekpgInMidstOfWarHultman, L. Oxfo.Univ.PressCopy-editing 23/05/19
Political Oratory Jackson, J. Wiley Editg on disc 09/10/12
Public Inquiries Stark, A. Oxfo.Univ.Pres Index editing 17/08/18
Reinvention of Poli Beck,Ulrich Blackwell Pubs Index editing 17/07/96
Space Between Us Enos,Ryan D Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 08/06/17
Well-OrderedRepublic Lovett, F. Oxfo.Univ.PressCopy-editing 08/02/22
When Soldiers Rebel Harkness,K. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 15/02/18
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Logic of Destructn Abramian, S Abramian Editg on disk 18/02/00
Moscow Diary Micunovic,V Granada Publg Read/report 24/05/80
Soviet Mil.Thinking Leebaert Allen & Unwin Indexing 28/05/81
SovietPolitics45-53 unid Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 19/09/83
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Bed & Breakfast Bk Gundrey, E. Piatkus Books Indexing 25/11/88
How to MakeAMillion McCauslandG Premium Publg Rewriting 25/09/07
London Property Gde Segrave, C. Mitchell Beazl Proofreading 16/03/00
Rent&Buy Prop:Italy Hinton, A. How To Books Copy-editing 20/09/93
Rent&Buy Prop:Italy Hinton, A. How To Books Proofreading 19/10/93
Rented Housing Nat.Housing Nat.Fed.Housg Galley proofs 17/02/88
Timeshare Mason, B Robert Hale Copy-editing 20/09/87
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Aut. Spectrum Dis. Jordan, R David Fulton Indexing 05/08/99
Battle for the Mind Sargent, W. Granada Publg Read/report 02/02/81
Challenge for Psych de Schill,S Jessica Kings Indexing 28/04/99
Deliberate Regressn Harbison, R Granada Publg Read/report 08/01/81
Systems-Centred App Agazarian,Y Jessica Kings Indexing 15/01/01
Unquiet Mind, The Sargent, W. Granada Publg Read/report 02/02/81
What Is a Case? Wing/Bebbi Grant McIntyre Indexing 26/02/81
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
7Principles of LTDs Dryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 03/06/21
7Principles of REBT Dryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 27/02/21
7Principles of SST Dryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 27/02/21
7PrincipMentalHealthDryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 06/01/21
2003: 21(1) Spring JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 31/03/03
2003: 21(2) Summer JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 06/06/03
2003: 21(3/4)Winter JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 28/08/03
2004: 22(1) Spring JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 14/10/03
2004: 22(2) Summer JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 11/03/04
2004: 22(3) / 22(4) JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 25/08/04
2005: 23(1) Spring JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 29/04/05
2005: 23(3) Autumn JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 27/09/05
2005: 23(4) Winter JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 24/01/06
2006: 24(1) Spring JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 20/04/06
2006: 24(2) Summer JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 06/07/06
2006: 24(3) & 24(4) JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 15/11/06
2007: 25(1) Spring JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 02/04/07
2007: 25(2) Winter JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 30/09/07
2008: 26(1) JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 28/02/08
2008: 26(2) JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 07/11/08
2009: Jan/Feb JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 05/03/09
2009: April/May JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 03/06/09
2009: Sep-Dec JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 31/12/09
2010: Jan-Apr. JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 26/04/10
2010: May-July JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 28/07/10
2010: Aug-Sep. JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 30/09/10
2011: Jan-Mar. JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 31/03/11
2011: Apr-Sep. JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 19/10/11
2012: Nov.-Mar. JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 31/03/12
2013: Apr.-Apr. JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 08/04/13
2014: Apr.-Apr. JREBT Journal of REB Proofreading 14/04/14
8 Deadly Emotions Dryden, W. Sheldon Press Editing 16/03/11
ABCs Revisited Dryden, W. Springer Editing 14/04/12
ABCs Revisited Dryden, W. Springer Proofreading 14/11/12
Additional Consids David, D. Windy Dryden Editing 09/12/07
Appl.Behaviour Anal Keenan,M.ed Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 11/11/05
Asperger in Adolesc Willey, L.H Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 10/02/03
Assertion Coaching Dryden&Cons Constantinou, Rewriting 07/01/03
Assertion Coaching Dryden&Cons Dryden, Windy Rewriting 07/01/03
Assertion Coaching1 Dryden&Cons Constantinou, Rewriting 31/03/03
Assertion Coaching2 Dryden&Cons Constantinou, Rewriting 30/05/03
Autism:Resrch2Pract Gabriels,R. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 07/06/02
Aut. Spectrum Dis. Jordan, R David Fulton Indexing 05/08/99
Battle for the Mind Sargent, W. Granada Publg Read/report 02/02/81
Building on Bion Lipgar,R.M. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 19/12/02
CBT Books 1&2 (1) Dryden, W. RationalityPub.Copy-editing 30/07/16
CBT Books 1&2 (2) Dryden, W. RationalityPub.Copy-editing 16/08/16
CBT Handbook, The Dryden etal Safe Pubs Copy-editing 04/06/11
Change for t Better McCormick,E Unwin Hyman Indexing 25/02/90
CaseStudsAppl.Psych Edmonds, A. Wiley Editing 30/06/11
ChallengesCult.Psyc Jovanovic,G Routledge Copy-editing 25/06/18
Clinical Child Psyc Lindsay ed Gower Publishg Proofreading 14/08/88
Cogn.Behav.Coaching Spry, D. Spry Synopsis 11/03/11
Counselling Individ Dryden, W. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 05/08/03
Counsellg Nutshell Dryden, W. Sage Editing 10/07/10
Counsellg Nutshell1 Dryden, W. Sage Proofreading 07/09/10
Culture & Mental H. Eshun, S. Blackwell Editing 01/07/08
Culture,Subject,Psy Molino, A. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 29/03/04
Deliberate Regressn Harbison, R Granada Publg Read/report 08/01/81
Dictionary of PCP Tudor, K. Whurr Editg on disc 14/05/01
Dictionary of PCP 2 Tudor, K. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 30/05/01
Different Minds Lovecky,D.V Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 29/10/03
Differntial Diagn. Dodd, B. Whurr Pubs Editg on disc 22/01/05
Essays & Reports Abramov, L Limor Abramov Editing 15/08/07
Essential REB Ther. Neenan, M Whurr Pubs Editg on disc 23/08/99
Evolutn.& Dev.Psych Butterworth Harvester Whea Copy-editing 22/02/84
Exposure Anxiety Williams,D. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 05/09/02
First Steps in Usg Dryden, W. Dryden, W. Rewriting 20/09/10
FlexibilityBasedCBT Dryden, W. Dryden, W. Rewriting 22/09/17
FocusGroupMethodolo Liamputtong Sage Pubs Proofreading 23/11/10
Forensic Case Form1 Sturmey, P. Wiley Copy-editing 16/03/11
Forensic Case Form1 Sturmey, P. Wiley Indexing 16/03/11
Freud:Modern Reader Perelberg,R Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 02/11/04
Freud:ModernReader2 Perelberg,R Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 22/01/05
Genetic Hearing Imp Stephens,S. Wiley Copy-editing 20/04/06
Handbook of ADHD Fitzgerald Wiley Copy-editing 12/12/06
Handbook of CBT Dryden, W. Dryden, W Rewriting 07/01/10
HbkIndividTher6e 2 DrydenReeve Sage Copy-editing 16/06/13
HbkIndividTher6e 2 DrydenReeve Sage Proofreading 29/07/13
Hbk.Neuropsych.Lang Faust, M. Wiley Indexing 23/08/11
HbkOfTher.Storytell Hammel, S. Routledge Copy-editing 25/06/18
Healthy Thinking Dryden, W. Dryden, W. Copy-editing 20/04/10
Hidden Self-Harm Turp,Maggie Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 10/09/02
Holocaust Trauma Hassan, J. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 03/12/02
Human Physiology 5e Pocock, G. Oxford Univ.Pr.Proofreading 22/09/17
Hurt papers 1 & 2 Dryden, W. Routledge Copy-editing 22/08/13
Hypnosis & Child Ab Degun-Mathe SNP Editg on disc 20/04/06
Intr.CoachingSkills Nieuwerburg Sage Copy-editing 27/06/13
Intro.Kleinian Theo Bronstein,C Whurr Pubs Editg on disc 28/02/01
Intuition in Psycho Charles, R. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 10/03/04
L.BkTher.RationalityDryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 08/02/22
Low Self-Esteem Dryden, W. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 29/04/03
Managing Anxiety Dryden, W. Dryden Abridgement 27/12/10
Mindscapes in Manag Maruyama,M. Dartmouth Pubg Indexing 04/10/93
Narr. in Psychiatry Greenberg,M Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 08/08/02
Nature & Nurture DeFries ed. Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 07/09/93
Object Relations Nolan,I & P Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 16/03/02
Occupational Therap Breines, E. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 09/11/03
Orgs, Anxieties & D Hinshelwood Whurr Pubs Ltd Indexing 17/08/01
Parent-Infant Psych Rafael-Leff Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 07/06/02
Pers.Construct Meth Caputi etal Wiley Editing 02/06/11
Personality Disorde Castillo, H Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 20/11/02
Pos.Approach Autism WaterhouseS J. Kingsley Indexing 27/07/99
Prospectus 2009-10 City Minds City Minds Ltd Editing 08/05/09
Psychoanal.Perspect Fonagy/Targ Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 13/02/02
Psychol. Aesthetics Maclagan,D, J.Kingsley Pub Indexing 15/12/00
Psychology catalogu Methuen &Co Methuen Academ Proofreading 11/11/83
Rat.Beliefs in REBT Dryden, W. Springer Editing 20/09/12
Rationality & Plura Dryden, W. Taylor & Franc Proofreading 29/11/12
Rationality & Plura Dryden, W. Taylor & Franc Indexing 29/11/12
REBC:Distinct.Feat. Dryden, W. Routledge Copy-editing 19/06/17
REBT & Depression Opie, Sarah Opie, Sarah Rewriting 22/05/02
REBT & Depression Opie, Sarah Opie, Sarah Proofreading 14/08/02
REBT & Depression 1 Dryden W. Dryden, Windy Rewriting 22/05/02
REBT chapter Dryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 22/02/11
REBT Clients Manual Dryden, W. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 01/07/03
REBT Group Therapy Dryden, W. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 30/12/01
REBTPktCompClients2eDryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 08/02/22
REBTTherap.Pkt.Comp.Dryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 05/07/21
Rescript.Family Exp Hills,J.ed. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 09/10/01
Rescript.FamilyExp2 Hills,J.ed. Whurr Pubs Ltd Editing & cod 11/10/01
Sexual Variations Wilson/Goss Futura Read/report 25/11/79
Spectrum of Autism Lawson, W. J.Kingsley Pub Indexing 05/02/01
SSI-CBT:Dist.Feat.I Dryden, W, Routledge Copy-editing 30/07/16
SSI-CBT:Dist.Feat.I Dryden, W, Routledge Indexing 01/11/16
SST@Onlinevents Dryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 12/06/21
Strange,ButRational Dryden, W. Dryden, W. Indexing 11/03/10
StrengthOfSelf-Acce Dryden, W. Springer Proofreading 12/03/13
Studs in Exper.Psyc Ferguson Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 10/10/81
Subject to Ourselve Elliott, E. Blackwell Pubs Index editing 02/10/95
Suicide-Related Beh McLaughlin SNP Copy-editing 10/02/07
Suicide-Related BeI McLaughlin SNP Indexing 30/04/07
Therapeutic Communi Rawlings,B. J.Kingsley Pub Indexing 22/03/01
Time of Communities Clarke, L. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 05/08/03
UnderstandingSocial Mensah, J. Mensah, J. Copy-editing 05/05/14
Understdg Cognition Hampson, P. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 23/08/95
Understdg Cognition Hampson, P. Blackwell Pubs Proof index 24/08/95
Understdg Incels Van Brunt,B Routledge Copy-editing 06/08/20
Unique or Freak? Thomas, D. DMTInt Rewriting 18/04/07
Unquiet Mind, The Sargent, W. Granada Publg Read/report 02/02/81
Very Brief CBC Dryden, W. Routledge Copy-editing 24/11/16
Very Brief CBC Dryden, W. Routledge Indexing 02/02/17
Website maintenance Dryden, W. Dryden Website 26/10/20
What Is a Case? Wing/Bebbi Grant McIntyre Indexing 26/02/81
WindyDrydenCollectedDryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 05/07/21
Windy Dryden Live! Dryden, W. Dryden, Windy Copy-editing 03/06/21
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Bk of Sports Quotes Green/Atyeo Mirror Pubs Read/report 30/11/79
Concise Quotes Helicon Helicon Editg on disc 02/02/95
Concise Quotes:rev. Helicon Helicon Editg on disc 09/02/95
Dict.Religious Quot Pepper, M Andre Deutsch Indexing 01/10/88
Dict.Religious Quot Pepper, M Andre Deutsch Indexing 11/10/88
Dict.Religious Quot Pepper, M Andre Deutsch Proof index 16/11/88
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Proofreading 29/10/93
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Editg on disc 08/11/93
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Proof to disc 15/11/93
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Proof to disc 26/01/94
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Editl.develop 31/03/94
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Editl.develop 23/04/94
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Editl report 02/06/94
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Editg on disc 31/08/94
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Editg on disc 10/11/94
Dict.of Quotations Helicon Helicon Editg on disc 26/11/94
It Gives Me Great P Unid Piatkus Books Indexing 05/06/91
It Gives Me Grt P.2 Unid Piatkus Books Indexing 25/06/91
Quotes database Helicon Helicon Editg on disc 29/01/95
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Fictive Orders More, A. Oxf.Univ.Press Editing 02/08/17
Illus.Hist.of Popes Walsh,M Granada Publg Read/report 17/11/80
Lost Ark of the Cov Parfitt, T HarperCollins Copy-editing 07/09/07
Mod.Pur.& Eliz.Ch. Lake Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 12/10/81
Perfectn Proclaimed Smith, N Oxf.Univ.Press Editl queries 04/01/88
Subdued Fires O'Connor,G. History Press Editing 12/03/13
WisdomInChrist.Trad.Plested, M. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 24/11/21
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Dict.of Evang.Biog1 Lewis, D.M. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 08/08/95
Dict.of Evang.Biog2 Lewis, D.M. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 10/08/95
Religion Toolkit Morreall,J. Wiley Proofreading 03/07/11
Wiley Comp.Afr.Reli Bongmba,E.K Wiley Proofreading 21/02/12
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Awakening to Change Holbeche,S. Piatkus Books Copy-editing 08/06/93
Book of Self-Knowl. Batchelor Mirror Pubs Read/report 30/11/79
Catching a Feather Unid Element Books Copy-editing 04/12/90
Celtic Parables Van de Weye Bridgewater Proofreading 14/04/99
Elements of Sufism Haeri, F Element Books Copy-editing 03/03/90
Enc.Buddhist Wisdom Bridgewater Bridgewater Copy-editing 15/06/99
Energy-Sense Balcombe, B Piatkus Books Copy-editing 18/09/92
Feng Shui Fundamtls Bridgewater Bridgewater Captions 13/05/97
Feng Shui Game Pack Bridgewater Bridgewater Copy-editing 24/04/97
Feng Shui Gardens Bridgewater Bridgewater Editg on disc 01/09/97
Fire in the Heart Housden, R Element Books Copy-editing 16/12/89
Flight to Arras St Exupery Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 28/08/86
Gift,Prayer,Offerng Busia, K.A. Element Books Read/report 21/03/91
Gift,Prayer,Offerng Busia, K.A. Element Books Postage/fares 27/03/91
Hermetic Harmonics Goldman, J. Element Books Copy-editing 21/10/91
Journey to Myself 2 McCaffry,A. Element Books Rewriting 10/02/92
Journey to Myself 3 McCaffry,A. Element Books Rewriting 29/07/92
Journey to Myself 4 McCaffry,A. Element Books Rewriting 08/08/92
Journey to Myself B McCaffry,A. Element Books Copywriting 10/02/92
Journey to Myself E McCaffry,A. Element Books Copy-editing 10/03/92
Journey to Myself:a McCaffry,A. Element Books Rewriting 08/01/92
Journey to Wholenes Taylor, T. Element Books Read/report 30/03/90
Life at Death Ring,K Granada Publg Read/report 15/12/80
Lover & Serpent,The Vaughan-Lee Element Books Copy-editing 07/01/90
Master Game,The Ropp,R de Granada Publg Read/report 26/07/80
Natural Creation Davidson, J Element Books Copy-editing 21/11/90
Night Before Me,The Fettel, C. New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 07/08/78
No Apple No Lies Valentine,A Valentine Editg on disc 25/03/99
On th Way to Satori Ital, G. Element Books Copy-editing 08/02/90
Out of Your Mind Shapiro,E&D Element Books Copy-editing 18/09/91
Power of the Self Wiesbeck,B. Unpublished Screen editg 09/08/97
Power of Yr Dreams Holbeche,S. Piatkus Books Proofreading 09/08/91
Power of Yr DreamsI Holbeche,S. Piatkus Books Indexing 09/08/91
Sacred Scriptures Freke, T. Bridgewater Copy-editing 29/04/97
Secret Lang.ofDream Fontana, D. Duncan Baird Galley proofs 05/05/94
Self-Healing Book Waters, A. Piatkus Books Copy-editing 16/05/93
Spiritual Healing HodgkinsonL Piatkus Books Indexing 22/05/90
Stepping into Magic Edwards, G. Piatkus Books Copy-editing 10/02/93
Tao of Art,The Willis,B Rider, Century Indexing 15/04/87
Things that Count Waller,J Granada Publg Read/report 02/08/80
Thousand Journeys,2 Winkler, K Element Books Copy-editing 10/02/90
Thousand Journeys,A Winkler, K Element Books Copy-editing 12/01/90
Warrior's Way Ropp,R de Granada Publg Read/report 02/08/80
Wind,Sand & Stars St Exupery Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 28/08/86
WisdomInChrist.Trad.Plested, M. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 24/11/21
Words of Hope Harrison, C Element Books Copy-editing 09/08/91
Words of Hope 1 Harrison, C Element Books Copy-editing 16/12/91
Zen Koan Cards Bridgewater Bridgewater Copy-editing 24/04/97
Zen Wisdom Freke, T. Bridgewater Captions 19/02/97
Zen Wisdom Freke, T. Bridgewater Proofreading 19/02/97
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Buckingham Palace Banks, P.J. Sue Mogweni Edit+retyping 10/03/89
Family Royal,The Whiting,A W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 23/04/82
Family Royal,The Whiting,A W H Allen & Co Copywriting 23/04/82
Portrts of Princess Jephson, P. Boxtree Proofreading: 24/06/04
Queen & Commonwealt McDonald Methuen London Indexing 29/05/86
Queen's Family,The Fisher, G&H W H Allen & Co Proofreading 15/03/82
Royalty spec.issue Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Research 15/06/81