Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
50YrsOfCentralBankngNjoroge, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/20/20
Assessment of Benef Jansen,HMA Graham & Trot. Editg on disc 02/10/91
BankingOnMarkets Epstein,R.A Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 04/04/17
Banking Pol.& Struc Wilson Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 25/08/85
Building Soc.Indust Boleat, M. Allen & Unwin Copy-editing 08/02/82
Buying & Paying Noble, M. Pitman Publg Text creation 30/09/72
Cent.BankgBefore1800Bindseil,U. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 22/07/19
CombatingFiscalFraudUnger, B. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 06/08/20
Elements of Banking Perry Methuen Academ Proofreading 10/11/83
FinancialDeregulatioDrach, A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 18/12/20
FT Bus.Fin.Guide 1 Financial T Pitman Publg Proofreading 20/08/94
FT Bus.Fin.Guide 2 Jones, E. Pitman Publg Proofreading 25/08/94
Investment Appraisl Mott,G Pan Books Ltd Copy-editing 02/02/87
Open Systems Gray,Dr P A McGraw-Hill Copy-editing 19/05/90
Option Pricing Iacus, S. Wiley Copy-editing 22/11/10
Pensions:Law & Prac Longman Longman Law Proofreading 10/08/87
Politics of Banking Moran Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 26/11/82
Save Money Buying Orange D. W. Foulsham Read/report 20/07/93
Save Money Selling Orange D. W. Foulsham Read/report 20/07/93
Survive Money Probs Whitehorn,K Methuen London Indexing 17/07/83
TradingStockMarket Bustus,Theo Bustus, Theo Copy-editing 01/04/14
Training Material01 Omega Omega Editing: Angl 07/01/03
Training Material02 Omega Omega Editing: Angl 16/01/03
Training Material03 Omega Omega Editing: Angl 22/01/03
Training Material04 Omega Omega Editing: Angl 27/01/03
Training Material05 Omega Omega Editing & cod 01/02/03
Training Material06 Omega Omega Editing & cod 11/02/03
Training Material07 Omega Omega Indexing 21/03/03
Understandg Finance Byland, T. Harrap Publg Indexing 03/12/87
Who's Who (City)A-B London Int. London & Int. Proofreading 15/01/88
Who's Who (City)E-F Stock Ex.Pr London & Int. Proofreading 17/01/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
20th c.Econ.Thought Walker ed Gower Publishg Indexing 14/10/88
3rd World Mil.Expe. McKinlay,RD Pinter Pubs Proofreading 03/11/88
Antecedents of OCB Alotaibi, A A.Alotaibi Editg on disc 10/11/99
Austrian Economics Grassl ed Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 23/10/85
Austrian Economics Grassl ed Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 21/11/85
Brit.Econ.since1945 CairncrossA Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 03/08/95
Bus.Chall.Singapore Wong, Clara Dissertation Editg on disc 20/09/97
Bus. Groups in West Colpan, A. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 07/01/18
CentralBankinginTur Papadia, F. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 16/12/17
Classical Economics ed.Walker,D Gower Publishg Indexing 26/09/88
Controlling Pub.Ind Redwood Blackwell Pubs Copy-editing 22/01/82
Cooperation NetworksO'Farrill,A Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
Deindustrialization Sumner, A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 06/04/21
Deregulation Majone, G. Pinter Pubs Copy-editing 24/09/89
Dilem.Ent.Curr.Dev. Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 05/03/04
Dissertation Miele, M. Miele, M. Copy-editing 01/05/08
Disrup.ImpactFinTechAgnew, J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/04/19
Econ.&Eng.Unpredict.De Lucia,C. Routledge Copy-editing 26/10/21
Econ.Anal.Hlth Care Morris et a Wiley, John Indexing 01/02/07
Econ.OfDigiTransform Sledziewska Routledge Copy-editing 24/04/22
Economics Dissertat Al-Baqawi,S Baqawi Rewriting 15/02/01
Economics paper Ioannidou,A Conference Copy-editing 09/08/97
Economics w.Borders Matyas, L. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 23/11/16
Econ.Productn/Innov Rosegger,G. Butterworth-H. Indexing 18/09/95
Educ. Asset Pricing PE Petrakis Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 30/03/00
EMEA 2e Mankiw/Tayl Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
EMEA 3e Mankiw/Tayl Aplia Proofreading 17/04/14
Employment & Unempl Jahoda Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 25/03/82
Endogenous Particip Okochi, Y. Okochi, Y. Editing 24/09/06
Entre.& Risk Prem. Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 12/07/00
Entrepren.& Growth Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 27/10/00
Entrepren.Educ.Prog Petrakis,P. Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 04/05/04
Entrepreneur. Time Petrakis,P. Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 24/05/04
Equity Country Sel. Desrosiers Caisse Rewriting 12/12/05
Ess.in Cont.Macroec Teiwel ed Macmillan Acad Edit+collate 03/11/83
Exchange Rate Polic Batchelor Macmillan Acad Proofreading 31/12/81
Executive Summary Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 29/08/00
Global Taxation Genschel,P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 02/04/21
Globalization in Qu Hirst/Thomp Blackwell Pubs Index editing 10/10/95
Growth &Educ.Levels Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 04/05/00
Growth, Risk & Entr Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 03/10/00
Growth,Ent.& Uncert Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 27/02/04
Growth,Entrepreneur Petrakis,P. Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 06/05/04
Growth,Risk & Struc Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 29/03/04
Gt Econsts s.Keynes Blaug ed Harvester Whea Copy-editing 26/01/84
Hbk App.Econometrcs Pesaran ed. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 07/07/95
Health Exp.in EU 1 Mossialos Ashgate Copy-editing 05/12/97
Health Exp.in EU 2 Mossialos Ashgate Copy-editing 21/12/97
Health Exp.in EU 3 Mossialos Ashgate Copy-editing 12/01/98
Hist.ofCreditMarket SlavickovaP Routledge Copy-editing 29/05/20
Human Capital Conv1 Petrakis,P. Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 12/07/04
Human Capital Conv2 Petrakis,P. Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 08/02/05
Indonesian Economy Booth, A. SOAS Indexing 30/10/97
Indonesian SMEs Sobarsa,M.E Univ.Westminst Editing & cod 26/09/01
Interest and Capital ToporowskiJ Oxf.Univ.PressCopy-editing 05/06/21
Intr.to Br.Econ.Pol Hare/Kirby Harvester Whea Copy-editing 13/12/83
Intr.to Dist.Educ. Cleveland,M Routledge Copy-editing 29/05/20
Iss.in Cont.Microec Teiwel ed Macmillan Acad Edit+collate 03/11/83
Japanese Economy 4e Flath,David Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 03/12/21
JordanianLaborMarketKrafft, C. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/04/19
JustFinanc.Markets? Herzog, L. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 23/11/16
Karl Marx (vol.2) compilation Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 10/01/87
Keynes 1 ch. 16 unid Macmillan Lond Copy-editing 06/06/83
Keynes 1 chs 13-15 unid Macmillan Lond Copy-editing 03/06/83
Keynes 1: chs 1-8 unid Macmillan Lond Copy-editing 17/01/83
Keynes 1: chs 9-11 unid Macmillan Lond Copy-editing 27/04/83
Keynes' Relevance T Vicarelli e Macmillan Acad Edit+collate 03/11/83
Keynes: 1 ch.12 unid Macmillan Lond Copy-editing 16/05/83
Keynesian Heritage Shaw,G.K.ed Gower Publishg Indexing 29/11/88
Lost Glory Majumdar,S. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 05/04/18
MacroeconomicShocks1Yoshino, N. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/01/19
MacroeconomicShocks2Yoshino, N. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 09/04/19
Making of Econ.Pol. Morley Harvester Whea Copy-editing 08/09/83
Man.& Cost Acco. 1 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 2 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 3 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 4 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 5 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
Man.& Cost Acco. 6 Aplia Aplia Proofreading 07/04/11
ManagingResourceAbu Moses, J. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 09/02/17
MankiwTaylorUK 1eSE Aplia Aplia Copy-editing 23/08/10
MankiwTaylorUK1eSE1 Aplia Aplia Copy-editing 02/09/10
Mexican Econ.Hist. Lopez, R. Ramon Lopez Copy-editing 18/06/94
Mill,JS:Crit.Assess compilation Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 30/04/86
NWW Transfer Pricng Oxera Oxf.Econ.Resch Editg on disc 28/07/93
National Welfare Dohlman, E. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 23/01/88
National Welfare Dohlman, E. Oxf.Univ.Press Editl ueries 05/06/88
Network Effects Adaman et a Adaman, F. Rewriting 21/11/06
Networks Paper Adaman, F. Adaman, F. Rewriting 02/08/06
New Int.Econ.Order Hart Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 21/10/82
New Palgrave g 1 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 31/03/86
New Palgrave g 2 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 18/04/86
New Palgrave g 3 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 22/04/86
New Palgrave g 4 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 29/05/86
New Palgrave g 5 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 09/06/86
New Palgrave g 6 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 23/06/86
New Palgrave g 7 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 25/06/86
New Palgrave g 8 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 28/06/86
New Palgrave g 9 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 12/07/86
New Palgrave g 10 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 21/07/86
New Palgrave g 11 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 28/07/86
New Palgrave g 12 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 12/08/86
New Palgrave g 13 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 15/08/86
New Palgrave g 14 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Postage/fares 01/09/86
New Palgrave g 15 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 01/09/86
New Palgrave g 15 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 13/09/86
New Palgrave g 16 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 26/10/86
New Palgrave g 17 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 05/11/86
New Palgrave g 18 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 11/11/86
New Palgrave g 19 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 11/11/86
New Palgrave g 20 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 26/11/86
New Palgrave g 21 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Galley proofs 20/01/87
New Palgrave ms 1 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 05/12/85
New Palgrave ms 2 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 04/01/86
New Palgrave ms 3 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 02/02/86
New Palgrave ms 4 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 12/02/86
New Palgrave ms 5 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 06/03/86
New Palgrave ms 6 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 17/03/86
New Palgrave ms 7 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 25/03/86
New Palgrave ms 8 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 31/03/86
New Palgrave ms 9 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 04/04/86
New Palgrave ms 10 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 30/04/86
New Palgrave ms 11 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 24/05/86
New Palgrave ms 12 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 25/05/86
New Palgrave ms 13 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 02/06/86
New Palgrave ms 14 Palgrave ed Macmillan Ref. Copy-editing 23/06/86
Oxf.Hbk.Ethics&Econ.White, Mark Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 08/01/19
Perception of Time Petrakis,PE Petrakis, P.E. Proofreading 19/03/04
PerilsOfInt.Reg.Comp Quaglia, L.Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/02/22
Playing with Fire Akyuz, Y. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 15/02/17
Pol.Econ.Underdevel Bagchi Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 19/08/81
Pol.Proc.in Mod.Cap Ham & Hill Harvester Whea Copy-editing 25/05/83
Pol.ofGlobalCompetitCammack, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 19/05/21
Pol.ofRegimeComplexiQuaglia, L. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 11/05/20
PrivatisationInIndia Naib,Sudhir Routledge Copy-editing 24/11/21
RandomizedContTrialsGuerin, I. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/04/20
Ranking Res.& Exch. Renfrew Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 12/02/82
Referee Report Petrakis, P Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 14/06/04
Regime Dev.Belarus ObydenkovaA Di Quirico Editing 20/09/09
Reg.Trade in S Asia Pitigala,M. Pitigala, M. Rewriting 23/03/05
Remembering&Learning Cassis, Y. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 23/02/21
Rent Curse, The Auty/Furlo. Oxf.Univ.Press Indexing 10/09/18
Requirements Petrakis,P. Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 27/09/04
Risk Perception Petrakis, P Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 14/06/04
Routl.Hbk.Het.Econ Jo et al.ed Routledge Editing 06/04/17
HumanResourceDevelop SadlerSmith Sage Copy-editing 30/04/21
Salinity Paper Adaman, F. F. Adaman Rewriting 25/07/06
Scottish Economy,Th Lythe,C Allen & Unwin Copy-editing 02/03/82
Soc.Mobil.InDev.Coun Iversen, V.Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/05/21
Societal Context Adaman, F. F. Adaman Rewriting 07/07/07
Soviet Budget,The Hutchings,R Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 01/03/82
Soviet Budget,The Hutchings,R Macmillan Acad Proofreading 03/08/82
Speech, May 2004 Petrakis,P. Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 04/05/04
TAA Paper Roberge, M. Roberge, M. Editing 12/04/05
Tai Exports - Diss. Piamphongsa Piamphongsant, Rewriting 15/09/02
Third World Mil.Exp McKinlay,R Pinter Pubs Copy-editing 25/09/88
Time & Risk Ent.Cha Petrakis,P. Petrakis, P.E. Rewriting 29/07/04
Transaction Costs Pitelis, C. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 14/04/93
Two pol.econ.papers Adaman, F. Fikret Adaman Copy-editing 12/10/07
Unemp,Infl.& N.Macr Perkins Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 30/06/81
Using Economics Stead, R McGraw-Hill Proofreading 25/07/88
Vulnerable ConsumersRiefa, C. Routledge Copy-editing 03/07/20
Welfare State & Aft unid Croom Helm Ltd Indexing 04/12/84
WinEcon WorkBook Hobbs, P. Blackwell Pubs Copy-editing 10/08/95
Work,Income & Inequ Stewart ed Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 07/09/81
Work,Income & Inequ Stewart ed Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 05/11/81
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Jumpstart! Music FosterPeter Routledge Copy-editing 03/01/20
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Can We Teach..Good? unid Allen & Unwin Proofreading 16/06/82
Grant Application Alin,Fadumo Alin, Fadumo, Rewriting 02/11/04
Help Child at Schl W-Burnham,J Northcote Hse Galley proofs 21/08/87
How to Help Yr Chil O'Connor, M Harrap Publg Indexing 19/02/90
Parenting Education Wolfendale David Fulton Proofreading 09/07/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Activity Bk:Numbers Noble, M. Egmont Holding Text creation 28/01/93
Basic Montessori Gettman,D Christphr Helm Proof+collatn 26/03/87
Tell the Time Noble, M. Dean's,Octopus Text creation 15/03/82
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
EFL:Prelim.Exams O'Dell,F Longman Group Copy-editing 01/10/86
English on Course Jones, R. Heinemann Educ Galley proofs 24/08/87
Impact Graded Tests Pennycuick Falmer Press Copy-editing 21/10/87
Int.Exams in EFL O'Dell,V Longman Group Copy-editing 21/08/85
Language Testing McNamara, T Ox.Univ.Press Proofreading 12/10/99
Literacy,Textbooks Luke, A Falmer Press Copy-editing 29/11/87
Power,Pedagogy&Prac Hedge,T.ed. Ox.Univ.Press Editg on disc 19/01/96
RBT: The Internet Windeatt, S Ox.Univ.Press Editg on disc 09/08/99
Rout.HbkPlurilingualPiccardo,E. Routledge Copy-editing 10/05/21
SLA Research &Lang. Ellis, Rod Ox.Univ.Press Proofreading 25/05/97
Tech&Prin.in ELT Larsen-Free Ox.Univ.Press Proofreading 09/12/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Citizen 16+ MothersoleB Macmillan Educ Editl queries 24/02/90
Citizen 16+ (Pc) MothersoleB Macmillan Educ Proof+collatn 05/06/90
Citizen 16+ P2 MothersoleB Macmillan Educ 2nd proofread 21/07/90
Citizen 16+:2nd edn MothersoleB Macmillan Educ Copy-editing 05/01/90
Law Matters Webster, A. Macmillan Educ Proofreading 13/10/87
Law Matters Webster,A Macmillan Educ Copy-editing 12/03/87
Law Matters Webster,A Macmillan Educ CRC checking 24/07/87
Law Matters Webster,A. Macmillan Educ Proof+collatn 29/06/87
Legal Education Levine,M.ed Dartmouth Pubg Indexing 03/09/93
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Advanced Maths 1 unid Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 29/09/86
Advanced Maths 2 unid Pan Books Ltd Galley proofs 04/10/86
Advanced Maths 3 unid Pan Books Ltd Galley proofs 22/10/86
Maths in Prim Schl Hopkins, C David Fulton Indexing 04/08/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Food Facts Investig Clarke, D. Macmillan Educ Copy-editing 22/08/89
Food Facts Investig Clarke, D. Macmillan Educ Proofreading 23/11/89
Food Facts Investig Clarke, D. Macmillan Educ 2nd proofread 05/01/90
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Hidden Curriculum Lynch,K. Falmer Press Copy-editing 16/10/88
Take Care, Mr Baker compilation Fourth Estate Proofreading 08/02/88
Take Care, Mr Baker compilation Fourth Estate Proofreading 09/02/88
Take Care, Mr Baker compilation Fourth Estate Proofreading 13/02/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Effective Intervent Bennathan,M David Fulton Screen edit 24/05/00
Field Study Khalifa, S. Khalifa Rewriting 05/05/01
Field Study: Ch.07 Khalifa, S. Khalifa Rewriting 18/04/01
Maths in Prim Schl Hopkins, C David Fulton Indexing 04/08/99
Prim.Engl.Curr.Gde. Moorcroft,C David Fulton Indexing 28/08/00
Prim.Hist.Curr.Gde. Hughes, P. David Fulton Indexing 27/08/00
Princ.of Prim.Educ. Hughes, P. David Fulton Indexing 04/09/00
SEBS Emery, Carl Incentive Copy-editing 22/03/05
Somali Chant Games Farah, J. Farah, J Rewriting 16/02/07
Suffer Little Child West, E Corgi Books Copy-editing 13/04/88
Tchg Eng.in Pri.MLC Drever,Mina Drever Screen edit 14/12/00
Teachg Primary Sci. Harlen, W. Fulton Publ Copy-editing 30/04/00
Two Words Together unid Allen & Unwin Proofreading 08/09/82
Using TV in Primary Griffin, H Routledge Copy-editing 20/03/89
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
14-19 Learner Thorne, M. Thorne, M. Editg on disc 23/03/05
Art of Middle Manag Fleming, P David Fulton Editg on disc 14/09/99
Contrib.of Parents WolfendaleS David Fulton Proofreading 01/02/00
Counselling Young P Sederholm,G Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 26/09/02
Dev.of ch's Imag.Wr Cowie ed Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 25/07/83
IT: for A Level MottLeeming Hodder Educatl Indexing 23/02/00
Jumpstart! Music FosterPeter Routledge Copy-editing 03/01/20
Managing ICT Freedman, T Hodder Educatl Indexing 20/07/99
New Labour's Policy Docking, J David Fulton Editg on disc 22/11/99
Quality Circle Time Mosley/Tew David Fulton Indexing 10/08/99
Science GCSE Stockport L Ashford Press Editl.develop 25/05/88
SecondaryCurriculum Wood, M. Routledge Copy-editing 06/08/20
Supts' Leadership Wissler, D Falmer Press Proofreading 08/10/87
Teachg Seco.Science Ross, K. ed David Fulton Copy-editing 05/07/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Adolescence Daniel, B. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 27/07/02
Adult Abuse Work Pritchard,J J. Kingsley Indexing 17/01/01
Autism in Early Yrs Cumine, V. David Fulton Indexing 13/08/00
Brussels Conference EADSNE EADSNE Editing & cod 06/03/02
Children w. Autism Powell,S.ed David Fulton Indexing 05/06/00
Children's Homes Brodie, I. J. Kingsley Indexing 26/02/01
Children's Rights Hart,S. ed. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 05/06/01
Class&Schl Practice Meijer,C.ed EADSNE Rewriting 17/05/01
Class&SchlPractice2 Meijer,C.ed EADSNE Rewriting 28/05/01
Class&SchlPractice3 Meijer,C.ed EADSNE Editorial que 14/06/01
Class&SchlPractice4 Meijer,C.ed EADSNE Editing & cod 21/06/01
Class&SchlPractice5 Meijer,C.ed EADSNE Indexing 21/06/01
Class&SchlPractice6 Meijer.C.ed EADSNE Indexing 14/08/01
DangerousEncounters Davis, Bill Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 15/05/02
Dev.Coord.Disorder Ball,Morven Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 12/02/02
Disab.Childrn & Law Read, Janet Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 23/02/01
Disorganized Childr Stein, S.M. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 20/04/06
Dyslexia & ITC Keates, A. David Fulton Copy-editing 19/10/99
Dyslexia & Literacy Hjelmquist Whurr Pubs Ltd Indexing 15/08/02
Dyspraxia Macintyre,C David Fulton Copy-editing 12/10/99
Early Years Daniel, B. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 26/07/02
Freaks, Geeks & AS Jackson, L. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 20/05/02
Getting Services Hyatt-Foley Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 13/02/02
HbkAsses.GiftedLearnJohnsen, S. Routledge Copy-editing 04/03/22
IEPs: Dyslexia Tod, Janet David Fulton Copy-editing 09/08/99
Intro to SEN 2nd ed Alcott, M. Hod.& Stough.E Indexing 04/03/02
Mapping Report Meijer,C.ed EADSNE Rewriting 29/08/03
National Overviews EADSNE EADSNE Rewriting 31/03/03
National Overviews2 EADSNE EADSNE Rewriting 08/09/03
Parenting ADD Child Pentecost,D J. Kingsley Indexing 16/02/00
Pupils:Learning Dif Lacey, P David Fulton Indexing 30/09/99
School Phobia Csoti, M. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 24/07/03
School Years Daniel, B. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 27/07/02
Small Steps Forward Newman, S. J. Kingsley Copy-editing 29/03/99
Socrates Analysis EADSNE EADSNE Rewriting 05/11/02
Spec.Educ.Provision Wearmouth,J Hodder Educatl Indexing 06/04/00
Spec.Educ.in Europe EADSNE EADSNE Rewriting 31/10/02
Views of Disabled Connors, C. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 24/10/02
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Adam Horvath essay Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 27/05/04
Brooks/Brady essay Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 27/05/04
Connected Schools 2 Stewart, J. Premium Rewriting 02/06/04
Connected Schools 3 Premium Pub Premium Editing & cod 14/06/04
Connected Schools 4 Premium Pub Premium Editing & cod 24/06/04
Cultures of Arab Sc Herrera, L. Linda Herrera Indexing 09/08/06
DesigningLearning Lim, F.V. Routledge Copy-editing 05/05/20
DigitalTech PE Educ Koekoek, J. Routledge Copy-editing 21/02/18
John English essay Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 12/05/04
Lyle Oberg Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 13/05/04
Mark Edwards essay Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 16/05/04
Paul Liao Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 20/05/04
Prof.G.Richardson Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 12/05/04
Training to Teach Denby,N.ed. Sage Proofreading 05/06/15
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Gde to Self-Assess. Hinett, K. OCSLD Copy-editing 18/04/99
German Skills Mach. Culpepper Berghahn Books Copy-editing 08/03/99
GuideToStudy&Employ.Everett, S. Sage Proofreading 14/09/20
Guide to T'ing Int. OCSLD OCSLD Editg on disc 15/03/00
Improv.Stud.Learng2 Gibbs, G.ed OCSLD Copy-editing 27/04/95
Improvg Stud.Learng Gibbs, G.ed OCSLD Copy-editing 28/03/95
Imp.Stu.Learning6:1 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 05/03/99
Imp.Stu.Learning6:2 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 25/03/99
Imp.Stu.Learning6:3 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 10/04/99
Imp.Stu.Learning6:4 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 24/05/99
Imp.Stu.Learning6:5 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 18/06/99
Imp.Stu.Learning7:1 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 04/04/00
Imp.Stu.Learning7:2 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 30/04/00
Imp.Stu.Learning7:3 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 15/05/00
Imp.Stu.Learning7:3 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 15/05/00
Imp.Stu.Learning7:4 Rust, C.ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 02/06/00
Imp.Stu.Learning 8 Gibbs (ed.) OCSLD Editg on disc 15/03/01
Induction&Monitor'g Bleach, K. David Fulton Copy-editing 11/05/99
Internat.Conversion Aplia Aplia Angliciation 28/04/10
ISL 1-5 Compendium DeVries ed. OCSLD Editg on disc 05/05/00
Major Am.HE Issues Miller,RI J. Kingsley Indexing 24/01/99
Post-Compuls.Educat Gray, F. ed J. Kingsley Indexing 20/03/00
Quality Circle Time Mosley/Tew David Fulton Copy-editing 08/06/99
Suppg More Students Gibbs, G. OCSLD Copy-editing 03/02/95
Using Research to.. Gibbs (ed.) OCSLD Editg on disc 24/04/96
What's It Worth? McNamara,C. McNamara, C. Copy-editing 24/10/14
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Changing Subject Henriques e Methuen Academ Cross refs 19/01/84
Changing Subject Henriques e Methuen Academ Proofreading 19/01/84
Children's Learning Lee, V.: ed Hodder & Stoug Copy-editing 25/04/90
Cognitive Approache Sugden, D. Falmer Press Copy-editing 18/05/88
ELT in Greek ed.sys Gantidou, E Gantidou, E. Rewriting 30/10/02
Fieldwork Education Alsop,A. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 21/02/96
Health Promo.School Denman,S.ed Wearset Proofreading 30/06/01
Literature 1 Gantidou,E. Gantidou, E. Rewriting 07/03/03
Module EED 7003 Gantidou, E Gantidou, E. Rewriting 20/11/02
Numeracy Teaching Koshy,Valsa Hodder Educatl Indexing 29/06/99
Persp.on Behaviour Ayers, H David Fulton Editg on disc 30/11/99
Perspectives on TPD Holly,M.L. Falmer Press Copy-editing 01/03/88
Practical Ideology Everhart, R Falmer Press Copy-editing 03/01/88
Psychology Assignmt Gantidou,E. Gantidou, E. Editing & cod 26/10/01
Research Approaches Gantidou,E. Gantidou, E. Rewriting 29/11/01
Respondg Adol.Needs Lowe, P. Cassell plc Rewriting 18/08/87
Supe.in Teacher Trg unid Methuen Academ Proofreading 03/10/83
Thesis: Lit. Review Gantidou,E. Gantidou, E. Editing & cod 25/06/01
Transformative Educ Pope, M. Whurr EC Editg on disc 22/05/00
Transformative PP Denicolo, P Whurr Editg on disc 03/04/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Contemporary Britai Catterall,P Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 20/07/93
Enc.Buddhist Wisdom Bridgewater Bridgewater Copy-editing 15/06/99
Enc.of Horse Breeds Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Pubs Indexing 30/10/94
Enc.of Insultg Behr Encyclopaed Futura Proofreading 13/07/81
Enc.ofSigns&Symbols Nozedar, A. HarperCollins Copy-editing 25/01/08
Enc.of World Facts Noble, M. Foundry Text 24/07/98
Enc.Writing Systems Coulmas Blackwell Pubs Proofreading 28/06/95
Encyclo:Database:US Helicon Helicon Proofreading 19/07/94
Encyclo:DatabaseUS2 Helicon Helicon Proofreading 22/07/94
Encyclop.of Singles Paragon Foundry Text creation 17/02/98
Helicon database Helicon Helicon Editl trainng 08/12/93
Int.Enc.Heavy Metal Jasper,T ed Sidgwick & Jac Copy-editing 13/06/83
Multimedia Encyclop Helicon Helicon Proofreading 15/07/94
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 1 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 26/11/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 2 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 03/12/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 3 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 07/12/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 4 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 11/12/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 5 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 19/12/90
Rock'n'Roll Enc. 6 multi Octopus Publg Copy-editing 16/01/91
What Are 7 Wonders D'Epiro Metro Publg Indexing 05/07/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Applied Intell.Cont Chan & Shi Wiley Editg on disc 23/09/10
Asphalt Surfacing Nicholls,J. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 10/06/97
Cathodic Protection Chess, Paul Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 22/07/97
Condition Monitorng Davies,Alan Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 08/07/97
Contaminated Land Cairney, T. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 25/05/97
Crack&Deek Aboot 01 DML DML Proofreading 27/05/00
Explosive Loading Bulson, P. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 09/01/97
Fdmtls Noise & Vib Fahy, Frank Routledge Editg on disc 19/02/97
Hbk Food Safety Eng Sun,Da-Wen Wiley Copy-editing 20/05/11
Joining Processes Nicholas, M Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 19/12/97
Large-Scale Inverse Biegler eds Wiley Copy-editing 27/06/10
OffsiteProd&Manufac.Goulding,J. Routledge Copy-editing 08/04/19
Probabilistic Risk Stewart Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 04/04/97
Process Control King, Myke Wiley Copy-editing 23/08/10
Process PlantDesign Helmus, F.P SNP Rewriting 25/09/07
Rapid Resp.Manuf'g Dong, Jian Chapman & Hall Proofreading 01/10/97
Repair of Concrete Perkins, P. Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 26/01/97
Resin Transfer Mldg Potter, K. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 27/09/96
Sculpt.Surf.Maching Choi/Jerard Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 16/01/98
Seismic Loading Sen, Tapan Wiley Copy-editing 07/11/08
Theory of Lift McBain, G. Wiley Copy-editing 30/01/12
Woven Arch Bridge Liu Yan Routledge Copy-editing 06/08/20
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Acid Politics Boehmer, S Pinter Pubs Copy-editing 20/09/90
Agropolis Mougeot,L.J Earthscan Indexing 30/06/05
Competitive Cities Duffy,Hazel Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 26/10/94
ConservatnForNewEra IUCN IUCN Indexing 20090919
Contaminated Land Cairney, T. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 25/05/97
Countryside Conserv Green, Bryn Chapman & Hall Proofreading 07/10/96
Countryside Recreat Curry, N. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 02/11/93
Creating Built Envi Holes, L. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 01/07/96
Dirty Water (I) Cook, J. Unwin Hyman Indexing 11/09/89
Dirty Water (P) Cook, J. Unwin Hyman Proofreading 11/09/89
Envir.Asst.of Prods Hauschild,M Chapman & Hall Proofreading 07/10/97
Envir.Hlth Procedu. Bassett, WH Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 02/10/97
Environment & Trade Bernasconi Earthscan Indexing 14/11/05
European Cities Berry/McGre Chapman & Hall Copy-editing 18/03/94
Fire Risk Assessmnt Yung, D, Wiley Copy-editing 08/09/08
Food Security Lawrence,G. Earthscan Indexing 19/09/09
GEO-3 UNEP UNEP Indexing 12/05/02
Governing Technolog Murphy,J.ed Earthscan Indexing 03/10/06
Greening Post-Indus McKendry,C. Routledge Copy-editing 07/06/17
Human & Env.Securit Dodds, F ed Earthscan Indexing 19/07/05
Inert Cities Donald,S.H. I.B. Tauris Proofreading 10/06/14
Marginalisat.&UtopiaTedde, A. Routledge Copy-editing 08/12/21
Mezzanine I Hemels Hemels Proofreading 06/04/06
Mezzanine 2 Hemels Hemels Proofreading 24/05/06
Mezzanine 3 Hemels Hemels Proofreading 04/10/06
Negotiating Develmt Healey,P.et Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 12/04/95
New Map of Africa Wisner et a Earthscan Editing 30/06/05
People,Land & Water Bessette,G. Earthscan Indexing 08/05/06
Planning Applicatns Bryan Butterworth-H. Proofreading 30/08/96
Positive Deviant Parkin,Sara Earthscan Indexing 04/08/10
Postmodern Urbanism Ellin, Nan Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 18/09/95
Realizing Community Vanclay, J. Earthscan Indexing 01/09/06
Renewable Energy Siefried, D EarthscaN Editing 23/08/10
SPS in Water Mgmt Gooch,G.D. Earthscan Indexing 11/03/10
Sust.Future for Med Benoit, G. Earthscan Indexing 28/09/05
Trop.Forest & Envir Longman Longman Group Copy-editing 06/07/86
Urban Diseases Xiaocheng,L Routledge Copy-editing 03/12/21
Urban Nat.Conservat Kendle,A.D. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 24/03/97
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Cosmology:untitled Van Buren,E Hamlyn Publg Rewriting 12/11/79
Global Brain,The Russell Granada Publg Read/report 26/07/80
Intro.Mod.Cosmology Liddle, A. Wiley Copy-editing 18/12/14
Invisible Influence Temple,R Futura Read/report 07/12/80
occult:untitled Van Buren,E Hamlyn Publg Copy-editing 02/12/79
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Direct Encounters Gansberg, J Futura Read/report 24/04/80
Dracula's Magic Hindle, M. Granada Publg Read/report 28/10/80
East Lancs' Ghosts Whitaker Granada Publg Read/report 21/08/80
Elements of Prophec Stewart, RJ Element Books Copy-editing 27/11/89
Fulcanelli Phenomn. Johnson,K Granada Publg Read/report 08/12/80
Gdns of Anct.Wisdom Gooch,S Fontana Proofreading 16/09/80
Ghosts and Haunting Bardens, D. Mirror Pubs Read/report 26/02/79
Icons & Myst.Christ R.C.C.T. Element Books Copy-editing 18/04/90
Incarnation of Evil Stableford Granada Publg Read/report 21/04/80
Lord of the Night Paul, Haydn Element Books Copy-editing 11/09/90
Lost Surv.of Deluge Hassler,von Mirror Pubs Read/report 30/11/79
Love Lives Golder, C. Piatkus Books Copy-editing 14/11/88
Love Lives Golder, C. Piatkus Books Copy-editing 01/12/88
Magic Symbols Goodman, F Brian Trodd Copy-editing 03/10/88
Magic Symbols Goodman, F Brian Trodd Galley proofs 30/11/88
Magic Symbols Comp. Goodman, F Brian Trodd Copy-editing 28/12/88
Marr,Divorce & Astr King,T Allison & Busb Proofreading 14/03/82
Occult:An Anthology Holzer, H. Mirror Pubs Read/report 02/11/79
Pagans & Witchcraft Holzer, H. Mirror Pubs Read/report 02/11/79
Pennine UFO Mystery unid Granada Publg Copy-editing 16/08/82
Psychic Bridge, The Friedman,J. Granada Publg Read/report 02/02/81
Some of My Best Fr. Holzer, H. Mirror Pubs Read/report 02/11/79
Sorcerors Apprentic Suster, G Rider, Century Copy-editing 25/11/87
Star Ghosts Holzer, H. Mirror Pubs Read/report 22/10/79
Superseduction Holzer, H. Mirror Pubs Read/report 02/11/79
Telling the Future Darlinda Mirror Pubs Read/report 27/11/80
True Mag.Astrology True Mag. Mirror Pubs Read/report 15/02/81
UFO Guide Book unid New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 19/02/79
Unexplained, The Orbis Macdonald Orbi Indexing 15/10/88
Wheel of Fortune,Th Line, D & J Thorsons Galley proofs 22/01/88
Where Science & Mag Dougal, S.R Element Books Copy-editing 25/07/90
Witch-huntg in Euro Levack Longman Group Copy-editing 07/02/86
Your Psychic Growth Rider, C. Piatkus Books Indexing 09/08/88
Your Psychic Power Rider, C. Piatkus Books Proofreading 07/08/88
occult titles (13) Holzer, H. Mirror Pubs Read/report 19/12/78
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
4 days in Eternity MarentetteW Marentette,Way Blurbs, press 24/02/00
Architect.&SacramentWang, David Routledge Copy-editing 03/01/20
Awakening to Change Holbeche,S. Piatkus Books Copy-editing 08/06/93
Biodata Insight 1 Hodgkins, Z Biodata Editg on disc 26/10/97
Biodata Insight 2 Hodgkins, Z Biodata Editg on disc 04/12/97
Biodata PR & FAQ Hodgkins,Z. Biodata Editg on disc 24/02/01
Book of Self-Knowl. Batchelor Mirror Pubs Read/report 30/11/79
Catching a Feather Unid Element Books Copy-editing 04/12/90
Celtic Parables Van de Weye Bridgewater Proofreading 14/04/99
Colour Therapy Wk 2 Gimbel,Theo Element Books Copy-editing 17/12/92
Colour Therapy Wk 3 Gimbel,Theo Element Books Copy-editing 21/12/92
Colour Therapy Wkbk Gimbel,Theo Element Books Copy-editing 13/11/92
Colour Your Life Sun, H.& D. Piatkus Books Editl report 14/10/91
Colour Your Life Sun, H.& D. Piatkus Books Rewriting 19/12/91
Complete Colour Dic Westgate,A. Ivy Press Proofreading 14/04/99
DefendingGod16thCentDuquette,J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 03/07/20
Divine Order&Univ1 MTIAD MTIAD Rewriting 07/11/13
Divine Order&Univ2 MTIAD MTIAD Cover creation19/01/14
Divine Order&Univ3 MTIAD MTIAD Publication 29/03/14
Dream of Life 1 MarentetteW Marentette Rewriting 30/07/99
Dream of Life 2 MarentetteW Marentette Rewriting 17/11/99
Earth Harmony Pennick,N Rider, Century Proofreading 25/03/87
Elements of Sufism Haeri, F Element Books Copy-editing 03/03/90
Enc.Buddhist Wisdom Bridgewater Bridgewater Copy-editing 15/06/99
Energy-Sense Balcombe, B Piatkus Books Copy-editing 18/09/92
ExcuseMe,TheOtherPl WainwrightC MotherTurtle Editing 10/09/12
Feng Shui Fundamtls Bridgewater Bridgewater Captions 13/05/97
Feng Shui Game Pack Bridgewater Bridgewater Copy-editing 24/04/97
Feng Shui Gardens Bridgewater Bridgewater Editg on disc 01/09/97
Fire in the Heart Housden, R Element Books Copy-editing 16/12/89
Flight to Arras St Exupery Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 28/08/86
4 days in Eternity MarentetteW Marentette Jacket blurb 24/02/00
From Fear to Enligh Mahadevima Mahadevima Fdn Editing 13/03/06
Gift,Prayer,Offerng Busia, K.A. Element Books Read/report 21/03/91
Gift,Prayer,Offerng Busia, K.A. Element Books Postage/fares 27/03/91
Hermetic Harmonics Goldman, J. Element Books Copy-editing 21/10/91
Joseph's Angel WainwrightC Wainwright,Car Rewriting 04/12/02
Joseph's Angel 1 Wainwright Wainwright,Car Rewriting 06/01/03
Journey to Myself 2 McCaffry,A. Element Books Rewriting 10/02/92
Journey to Myself 3 McCaffry,A. Element Books Rewriting 29/07/92
Journey to Myself 4 McCaffry,A. Element Books Rewriting 08/08/92
Journey to Myself B McCaffry,A. Element Books Copywriting 10/02/92
Journey to Myself E McCaffry,A. Element Books Copy-editing 10/03/92
Journey to Myself:a McCaffry,A. Element Books Rewriting 08/01/92
Journey to Wholenes Taylor, T. Element Books Read/report 30/03/90
Life at Death Ring,K Granada Publg Read/report 15/12/80
Lover & Serpent,The Vaughan-Lee Element Books Copy-editing 07/01/90
Magic&PowerEmot.Int.Braun, Y. Janina Moore Copy-editing 10/12/21
Master Game,The Ropp,R de Granada Publg Read/report 26/07/80
Natural Creation Davidson, J Element Books Copy-editing 21/11/90
Night Before Me,The Fettel, C. New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 07/08/78
No Apple No Lies Valentine,A Valentine Editg on disc 25/03/99
Oliver's Message WainwrightC Wainwright,Car Text creation 27/01/03
On th Way to Satori Ital, G. Element Books Copy-editing 08/02/90
Out of Your Mind Shapiro,E&D Element Books Copy-editing 18/09/91
Power of the Self Wiesbeck,B. Unpublished Screen editg 09/08/97
Power of Yr Dreams Holbeche,S. Piatkus Books Proofreading 09/08/91
Power of Yr DreamsI Holbeche,S. Piatkus Books Indexing 09/08/91
Prac&Psych.of VedanaPeacock, J. Routledge Indexing 24/08/19
Psycho-Regression Rossetti, F Piatkus Books Proofreading 03/08/92
Psycho-Regression:I Rossetti, F Piatkus Books Indexing 04/08/92
Sacred Scriptures Freke, T. Bridgewater Copy-editing 29/04/97
Secret Lang.ofDream Fontana, D. Duncan Baird Galley proofs 05/05/94
Self-Healing Book Waters, A. Piatkus Books Copy-editing 16/05/93
Seminar Booklet Al Tellawy Al Tellawy Copy-editing 12/05/08
Seminar Booklet 2 Al Tellawy Al Tellawy Copy-editing 06/06/08
Spiritual Dimension MacKinlay,E Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 24/05/01
Spiritual Healing HodgkinsonL Piatkus Books Indexing 22/05/90
Stepping into Magic Edwards, G. Piatkus Books Copy-editing 10/02/93
Surat an-Nahl Commended A Commended Aim Rewritingw 19/04/07
Tao of Art,The Willis,B Rider, Century Indexing 15/04/87
Things that Count Waller,J Granada Publg Read/report 02/08/80
This Is My Bel. Son Murray, I. Murray, i.G. Copy-editing 14/04/07
Thousand Journeys,2 Winkler, K Element Books Copy-editing 10/02/90
Thousand Journeys,A Winkler, K Element Books Copy-editing 12/01/90
Truth & Meditation Noordwyk,B. Noordwyk, B, Cop-editing 30/06/05
Truth & Meditation2 Noordwyk,B. Noordwyk, B. Copy-editing 03/12/05
Unorthodox Encounte Geller, Uri Robson Books Proofreading 11/10/01
Warrior's Way Ropp,R de Granada Publg Read/report 02/08/80
Wind,Sand & Stars St Exupery Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 28/08/86
Words of Hope Harrison, C Element Books Copy-editing 09/08/91
Words of Hope 1 Harrison, C Element Books Copy-editing 16/12/91
Zen Koan Cards Bridgewater Bridgewater Copy-editing 24/04/97
Zen Wisdom Freke, T. Bridgewater Captions 19/02/97
Zen Wisdom Freke, T. Bridgewater Proofreading 19/02/97
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Axis Sally 1 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 23/03/05
Axis Sally 2 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 29/04/05
Axis Sally 3 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 22/07/05
Axis Sally 4 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 11/11/05
Axis Sally 5 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 03/12/05
Axis Sally 6 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 20/04/06
Axis Sally 7 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 11/05/06
Axis Sally 8 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 07/08/06
Axis Sally 9 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 12/12/07
Axis Sally 10 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 08/03/07
Axis Sally 11 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 29/03/07
Axis Sally 12 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 08/05/07
Axis Sally 13 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 16/01/08
Axis Sally 14 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 29/01/08
Axis Sally 15 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 14/03/09
Axis Sally 16 Lucas, R. Richard Lucas Copy-editing 15/04/09
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Ascent of Man, The Bronowski,J Futura Copy-editing 29/10/80
Evolution fr.Space Hoyle,F J.M.Dent & Son Proofreading 22/03/81
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Chewing Gum Book Kennedy Pub Kennedy Pubs Editing 19/07/05
Confection magazine Kennedy Pub Kennedy Pubs Editing 30/06/05
Hbk Food Safety Eng Sun,Da-Wen Wiley Copy-editing 20/05/11
Making Chocolates Kennedy Pub Kennedy Pubs Editing 15/08/05
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Games,Tricks,Puzzle Noble, M. Dean's,Octopus Text creation 14/05/82
Games,Tricks,Puzzle Noble, M. Dean's,Octopus Proofreading 14/05/82
Games,Tricks,Puzzle Noble, M. Dean's,Octopus Pasteup creat 14/05/82
More Things to Make Noble, M. Dean's,Octopus Text creation 30/06/82
More Things to Make Noble, M. Dean's,Octopus Copy-editing 30/06/82
More Things to Make Noble, M. Dean's,Octopus Pasteup creat 30/06/82
More Things to Make Noble, M. Dean's,Octopus Proofreading 30/06/82
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Blockbusters Central TV Helicon Verification 09/01/94
Blockbusters 2 Central TV Helicon Verification 18/02/94
Blockbusters 3 Central TV Helicon Verification 29/03/94
Blockbusters 4 Central TV Helicon Verification 16/04/94
Book of Answers Guinness Guinness Super Galley proofs 09/03/89
Book of Answers b.2 Guinness Guinness Super Galley proofs 20/03/89
Book of Answers b.3 Guinness Guinness Super Galley proofs 23/03/89
Book of Answers b.4 Guinness Guinness Super Galley proofs 04/04/89
Dr Who:Crossword Bk unid W H Allen & Co Proofreading 09/09/82
Dr Who:Quiz Book 2 unid W H Allen & Co Copy-editing 05/06/83
Dr Who:Quiz Book 2 unid W H Allen & Co Proofreading 26/07/83
Forties Quiz Book Anglo, M. New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 31/08/78
Krypton Factor QB unid # Arrow Books Proofreading 20/12/83
New Puffin Quizbook Puffin/Peng Penguin Books Proofreading 19/09/83
Roy of Rovers Quizb unid Mirror Pubs Proofreading 19/07/78
Thirties Quiz Book Anglo, M. New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 09/05/78
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
British Berries Lang, D.C. Harrap Publg Indexing 17/08/87
British Berries Lang, D.C. Harrap Publg Indexing 26/08/87
Clematis Kellaway, D Pavilion Books Galley proofs 10/09/93
Container Gardening Unid Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 20/01/90
Container Gardg. 2 unid Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 23/01/90
Container Gardg. 3 unid Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 24/01/90
Cottage Garden Year unid Croom Helm Ltd Proofreading 23/02/86
Cottage Garden Year unid Croom Helm Ltd Indexing 23/02/86
Garden Plants Crinkell, C Duncan Baird Proofreading 14/11/94
Garden Structures Wiles, R. Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 04/12/89
Garden Structures 1 Wiles, R. Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 14/01/90
Garden Structures 2 Wiles, R. Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 18/01/90
Gardening Unid Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 09/10/89
Gardening Technique Titchmarsh, Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 09/05/90
Gardening in Time 1 Unid Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 19/10/89
Gardening in Time 2 Unid Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 15/11/89
Gardening in Time 3 goisset, C. Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 18/11/89
Gardening in Time 4 goisset, C. Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 06/12/89
Gardening in Time 5 Boisset, C. Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 19/12/89
Gardening in Time 6 Boisset, C. Mitchell Beaz. Index revisng 22/12/89
Gnomes & Gardens Pavilion Pavilion Books Editg on disc 27/11/99
Going to Pot Hamilton,H BBC Books Proofreading 30/06/85
Horticulturalist's Handbook Kluwer Pubs Proofreading 09/02/84
Horticulturalist's Handbook Kluwer Pubs Proofreading 09/07/84
Love in Code McCormick Methuen London Proofreading 23/06/80
Nat.Trust:Gardening Hobhouse,P Pavilion Books Proof index 11/08/87
Plant Propagation Browse,P.M. Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 08/05/90
Plants as Pets Bauman,R P W H Allen & Co Proofreading 09/01/83
Seasonal Gardening DBP Duncan Baird Proofreading 26/10/94
Seasonal Gardening2 DBP Duncan Baird Proofreading 28/10/94
Seasonal Gardening3 DBP Duncan Baird Proofreading 08/11/94
Shell Gardens Book Hollis,S Andre Deutsch Indexing 24/12/88
Some Flowers Sackville-W Pavilion Books Galley proofs 01/12/92
Vegetables: rev.ed. Biggs, T. Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 30/04/90
Vertical Gardening Mitchell Be Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 07/06/88
Vertical Gardening Unid Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 28/04/88
Vertical Gardening Unid Mitchell Beaz. Proofreading 24/05/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Hamlyn books 1967 Var.authrs Hamlyn Publg Permissions 01/12/67
Hamlyn books 1968 Var.authrs Hamlyn Publg Permissions 01/01/68
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Granada books 1972 Var.authors Granada Publg Copy-editing 01/08/72
Granada books 1972 Var.authors Granada Publg Read/report 01/08/72
Granada books 1972 Var.authors Granada Publg Copywriting 01/08/72
Granada books 1972 Var.authors Granada Publg Proofreading 01/08/72
Granada books 1973 Var.authors Granada Publg Edl.commissng 01/01/73
Granada books 1973 Var.authors Granada Publg Read/report 01/01/73
Granada books 1973 Var.authors Granada Publg Proofreading 01/01/73
Granada books 1973 Var.authors Granada Publg Copywriting 01/01/73
Granada books 1973 Var.authors Granada Publg Rewriting 01/01/73
Granada books 1974 Var.authors Granada Publg Edl.commissng 01/01/74
Granada books 1974 Var.authors Granada Publg Read/report 01/01/74
Granada books 1974 Var.authors Granada Publg Proofreading 01/01/74
Granada books 1974 Var.authors Granada Publg Copywriting 01/01/74
Granada books 1975 Var.authors Granada Publg Edl.commissng 01/01/75
Granada books 1975 Var.authors Granada Publg Proofreading 01/01/75
Granada books 1975 Var.authors Granada Publg Copywriting 01/01/75
Granada books 1975 Var.authors Granada Publg Read/report 01/01/75
Granada books 1975 Var.authors Granada Publg Rewriting 01/01/75
Granada books 1976 Var.authors Granada Publg Edl.commissng 01/01/76
Granada books 1976 Var.authors Granada Publg Read/report 01/01/76
Granada books 1976 Var.authors Granada Publg Copywriting 01/01/76
NEL books 1976 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Edl.commissng 01/09/76
NEL books 1976 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 01/09/76
NEL books 1976 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Copywriting 01/09/76
NEL books 1977 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Edl.commissng 01/01/77
NEL books 1977 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 01/01/77
NEL books 1977 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Copywriting 01/01/77
NEL books 1977 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Read/report 01/01/77
NEL books 1977 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Rewriting 01/01/77
NEL books 1978 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Edl.commissng 01/01/78
NEL books 1978 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 01/01/78
NEL books 1978 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Read/report 01/01/78
NEL books 1978 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Copywriting 01/01/78
NEL books 1978 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Rewriting 01/01/78
NEL books 1979 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Edl.commissng 01/01/79
NEL books 1979 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 01/01/79
NEL books 1979 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Read/report 01/01/79
NEL books 1979 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Rewriting 01/01/79
NEL books 1979 Var.authors New Engl.Lib. Permissions 01/01/79
NEL books 1979 Var.authrs New Engl.Lib. Copywriting 01/01/79
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Pitman books 1970 Var.authors Pitman Publg Copywriting 01/09/70
Pitman books 1970 Var.authors Pitman Publg Text creation 01/09/70
Pitman books 1971 Var.authors Pitman Publg Copywriting 01/01/71
Pitman books 1971 Var.authors Pitman Publg Text creation 01/01/71
Pitman books 1972 Var.authors Pitman Publg Copywriting 01/01/72
Pitman books 1972 Var.authors Pitman Publg Text creation 01/01/72
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Doreen Massey:Crit. Werner, M. Agenda Copy-editing 13/04/18
Irel.& Ir.Australia MacDonagh Croom Helm Ltd 2nd proofread 09/08/86
Qatar:Energy & Devt unid Croom Helm Ltd Indexing 04/02/85
UnderstCulturalGeog.Anderson,J. Routledge Copy-editing 26/11/20
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Anct.Sediment.Envir Selley, R. Chapman & Hall Editg on disc 06/03/95
Arid Zone Geology Thomas,D.ed Pinter Pubs Proofreading 10/12/88
Intro.to Soil Scien Fitzpatrick Longman Group Copy-editing 15/08/85
Mineral Resources unid Longman Group Copy-editing 11/05/84
Ocean Basins,The Open Univer Pergamon Press Indexing 23/07/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Art as Therapy Kramer, E. J. Kingsley Indexing 29/08/00
Art as Therapy:rev Kramer, E. J. Kingsley Indexing 25/01/01
Expressive Body Halprin, D. J. Kingsley Indexing 17/10/02
Healing Arts Therap Innes, A. J. Kingsley Indexing 12/09/01
Intr.to Playtherapy Jennings,S. J. Kingsley Indexing 03/03/99
More than Just Meal Makin, S.R. J. Kingsley Indexing 03/02/00
Music Therapy Aldridge,D. J. Kingsley Indexing 11/08/00
Music Therapy: Comp Wigram, T. J. Kingsley Indexing 07/06/02
Music,Music Therapy Sutton, J. J. Kingsley Indexing 28/02/02
Printmaking as Ther White, L.M. J. Kingsley Indexing 25/03/02
Process in ArtsTher Cattanach,A J. Kingsley Indexing 23/03/99
Psychodrama Trauma Kellermann J. Kingsley Indexing 06/09/00
Res.Arts Therapies Grainger,R. J. Kingsley Indexing 17/06/99
Resrch in Arts Ther Ansdell, G. J. Kingsley Indexing 31/12/00
Rhythm & Timing A.L-Owen J. Kingsley Indexing 08/02/99
Sand,Water,Silence Markell,M.J Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 07/04/02
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Earth on WhichLive Vogel, M. Vogel Editing 12/02/01
Earth on WhichLiveI Vogel, M. Vogel Indexing 13/04/01
Earth on WhichLiveP Vogel, M. Vogel Proofreading 13/04/01
Elements of Herbal. Hoffmann, D Element Books Copy-editing 22/05/90
Emerg.of Homeopathy Danciger,L. Rider, Century Indexing 18/06/87
Green Pharmacy,The Griggs,B Jill Norman &H Proofreading 24/06/81
Green Pharmacy,The Griggs,B Jill Norman &H Indexing 02/07/81
Guide to Alt.Medic. Coleman, V. Corgi Books Copy-editing 26/02/87
Healing with gems Holbeche,S Piatkus Books Copy-editing 06/02/89
HealingPowerCrystal Palmer, M Rider, Century Proof+collatn 25/11/87
HealingPowerCrystal Palmer, M Rider, Century Copy-editing 26/11/87
Herbal Tea:Healing Ceres Thorsons Galley proofs 16/11/87
Holistic Therapies McGuinnessH Hodder Educatl Indexing 07/05/00
Is That My Child? Pauci,Robin Virgin Editing 20/04/06
New Holistic Herbal Hoffmann, D Element Books Copy-editing 22/05/90
Self-healing Proto, L. Piatkus Books Indexing 24/11/89
Simple Relaxation Mitchell,L John Murray Proofreading 26/08/87
Stress Beaters Henderson,R Metro Books Indexing 21/07/99
Superfoods Massey, A. Virgin Americaising 20/04/06
Yoga: com.stp Chancerel Mirror Pubs Proofreading 31/03/80
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Beauty Therapy Whittaker,M Hodder Educatl Indexing 05/05/99
Vogue Bk.of Blondes Phillips,K. Pavilion Books Copy-editing 10/05/99
Vogue Bk.of Blondes Phillips,K. Pavilion Books Indexing 11/05/99
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
HealthcareSupportWorGriffin, R. Routledge Copy-editing 15/04/22
Paramedic at Work McCann, Leo Oxf.Uni.Press Copy-editing 11/01/22
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Counsellors in Heal Etherington Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 08/07/01
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Bulimia Nervosa Cooper, M. J. Kingsley Proofreading 22/06/00
Mirror Calorie Gde Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Proofreading 26/01/81
No Yo Yo Diet 1 Holmes, M. Holmes Editing 05/09/13
No Yo Yo Diet 2 Holmes, M. Holmes Editing 16/12/13
No Yo Yo Diet 3 Holmes, M. Holmes Editing 07/01/14
Slimrs Gde to Healt Hopkirk,J Mirror Pubs Proofreading 12/12/80
Total Nutrition Pfeiffer Granada Publg Proofreading 02/09/81
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Health & Safety Smith, S Macmillan Educ CRC checking 13/07/88
Health & Safety Smith, S Macmillan Educ Proofreading 13/09/88
Health & Safety Smith,S Macmillan Educ Copy-editing 14/03/88
Health Educ.in Schl Cowley ed Harper & Row Indexing 20/04/81
Health and Safety Smith, S Macmillan Educ Proof+collatn 24/05/88
Parenting MHS Profs Gupta/Theus SNP Editing 03/12/05
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Beautiful Body/Skin Knox, N. Piatkus Books 2nd proofread 02/02/90
Beautiful Body/Skin Knox, N. Piatkus Books Indexing 03/02/90
Good Age, A Comfort, A. Mitchell Beaz. Galley proofs 16/10/89
Good Vibrations Hayman,Suzi Piatkus Books Indexing 21/10/91
Health & Beauty 2 Winyard, G. Longman Group Copy-editing 03/02/92
Health & Beauty Gde Winyard, G. Longman Group Copy-editing 05/11/89
Live To Be 100 Weston,Dr W H Allen & Co Proofreading 14/04/82
New Teenage Body Bk Unid Piatkus Books Anglicisation 28/09/88
New Teenage Body Bk Unid Piatkus Books Indexing 20/12/88
No Smoke Towers Granada Publg Read/report 21/08/80
Protect Yourself! Davies, J. Piatkus Books Indexing 18/06/90
Safer Sex RichardsonD Unwin Hyman Indexing 13/03/90
Saga Health Guide Gray, Dr M. Unwin Hyman Proofreading 18/04/88
Staying Alive Noble, M. Heinemann (Wm) Text creation 22/11/82
Take Me I'm Yours Owens, T. Mirror Pubs Editl report 30/11/79
Teen.Veg.Surviv.Gde Grose, A. Red Fox, Arrow Indexing 28/12/91
Your Total Image unid Piatkus Books Indexing 24/01/90
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Pills and You Mindell,E Arlington Bks Indexing 03/02/84
Shaping up with Vit Mindell,E Arlington Bks Indexing 19/07/85
Vitamin Bible Mindell,E Arlington Bks Indexing 12/03/85
Vitamin Bible,The Mindell,E Arlington Bks Indexing 21/05/82
Vitamin Bible:Child Mindell,E Arlington Bks Indexing 09/12/82
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Intr.to Playtherapy Jennings,S. J. Kingsley Indexing 03/03/99
Profiles of Play Chazan,S.E. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 09/12/01
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Snapshots in Time Paragon Foundry Editg on disc 04/12/97
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Africa:A Mod.Hist. Sagay/Wils Granada Publg Read/report 01/05/80
Jews of Zambia Shapiro, F. Frank Cass Copy-editing 17/09/93
Modern Africa 2nd e Davidson, B Longman Group Copy-editing 05/12/88
Slavery in Dahomey Manning Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 21/07/81
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
American Dream Wright, E. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 01/10/95
American Dream Wright, E. Blackwell Pubs Proof index 01/10/95
American Dream, The Wright, E. Blackwell Pubs Index editing 18/09/95
Aztecs, The Smith, M.E. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 07/06/96
Citizen of th.World Dyck, I. ed Christphr Helm 2nd proofread 27/06/87
Dict.American Hist. Purvis,T.L. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 28/07/95
Stars,Stripes,Swast Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 01/10/13
US & World Court Dunne, M. Pinter Pubs Copy-editing 30/06/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Cults of Roman Emp. Turcan. R. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 30/08/96
Encyc.Ancient Hist. Bagnall,R.S Wiley Copy-editing 17/04/11
Illus.Hist.of World Roberts,JM Helicon Galley proofs 02/07/93
Short Hist.Anc.Egyp James,T G H Balberry Publg Copy-editing 12/11/94
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Advs of Ibn Battuta Dunn Croom Helm Ltd 2nd proofread 03/07/86
Ec.Stru.Anc.Nr East Silver,M Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 27/06/85
Ibn Khaldun:Es.in R unid Frank Cass Proofreading 11/03/81
PeaceToEndAllPeace Fromkin,D Andre Deutsch Indexing 12/11/88
Studies in Al-Kimya Gabarin, A. Gabarin, A. Editing 17/07/09
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Anglo-Jap.Alienatn Nish ed Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 18/11/81
China:Belief/Ritual Chiang, J-F J-Feng Chiang Editg on disc 10/01/00
Imperialist Japan Montgomery Christphr Helm Proof+collatn 30/07/87
Monuments,Power&Pov Bhalla, A.S I.B. Tauris Proofreading 24/10/14
Shanghai Sergeant, H Jonathan Cape Copy-editing 21/03/90
Shanghai (I) Sergeant, H Jonathan Cape Indexing 20/06/90
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
1933 unid Century Read/report 14/04/88
Br's 1st Socialists Brockway, F Granada Publg Read/report 21/04/80
Br.Policy t.Ott.Emp Heller, J. Frank Cass Copy-editing 16/03/81
Brit.Trade Unionism Rule, J. ed Longman Group Copy-editing 17/09/87
Britain & the World Jones Fontana Proofreading 21/06/80
Britn.& Grand Tour Black Croom Helm Ltd Indexing 13/02/85
Cobbett in His Time Osborne, J. Pinter Pubs Copy-editing 23/01/90
Comp.to Brit.Hist. Baker, C A- Wearset P Proofreading 27/09/00
Continuatio Eulogii Given-Wilso Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 18/07/19
Drink and Culture Kadel, B. I.B. Tauris Proofreading 24/10/14
Early Stuart Englnd Cust/Hughes Longman Group Copy-editing 19/03/88
Early Tudor Nobilit unid Harvester Whea Copy-editing 26/05/84
Eng's Apprenticeshp Wilson,C Longman Group Copy-editing 21/01/84
English history HDM/Paladin Granada Publg Proofreading 01/08/76
Gaunty'sBestOfBrit. Gaunt, Jon Virgin Copy-editing 22/07/08
Gen.Strike of 1926 Florey,R A Granada Publg Read/report 17/11/80
King Stephen:new ed Davis, RAC Longman Group Copy-editing 15/03/89
Monmouth Rebellion Wigfield,W Granada Publg Read/report 01/10/80
NormanConq.Eng.Hist.Garnett, G. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/01/20
Pov.&Pol.in Tud.Eng Slack Longman Group Copy-editing 16/01/87
Rural England Iwamoto,Y. Iwamoto, Y. Copy-editing 26/04/10
SickNote:Hist.Brit.W Millward,G.Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 02/11/21
Treasures of Scotld Magnusson,M Weidenfeld & N Copy-editing 02/12/80
UsefulHistoryBritain Braddick,M.Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 17/03/21
Victorians & NumbersGoldman, L. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 26/07/21
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
China:Belief&Ritual Chiang, J-F Chiang Screen editg 10/01/00
ChinaFromRuinsOfAthe Murray, C. Oxfo.Univ.Press Screen editg 20/01/20
ChineseHeritageSites Zhang, R. Routledge Screen editg 18/12/19
Hist.ofChin.Theatre1 Fu Jing Routledge Screen editg 20/01/20
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Gibbon/Bancroft Pro Helicon Helicon Proofreading 01/10/97
On This Day Helicon Helicon Proofreading 01/03/94
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Derbyshire [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Text creation 22/10/84
Essex [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Text creation 01/02/85
Hertfordshire [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Text creation 05/11/84
Hunts [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 30/04/85
Hunts [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 09/05/85
Leics [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 09/05/85
Notts [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 14/05/85
Oxfordshire [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Text creation 21/11/84
Shropshire [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 17/06/85
South East:AD 1000 Drewett, P. Longman Group Copy-editing 03/05/87
South West: AD 1000 Todd,M Longman Group Copy-editing 13/05/86
Suffolk [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 27/06/85
Sussex [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 29/05/85
W.Midlands: AD 1000 Rowlands Longman Group Copy-editing 24/12/85
Warwickshire [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Text creation 12/12/84
Wessex from AD1000 Bettey Longman Group Copy-editing 24/02/85
Westmorland [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 29/05/85
Wiltshire [Gaz] Doomsday Bk Phoebe Phillip Copy-editing 05/06/85
Yorkshire AD 1000 Hey Longman Group Copy-editing 23/05/85
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Scribal Repertoires Cromwell, J Oxf.Uni.Press Proofreading 24/10/17
Short Hist.Anc.Egyp James,T G H Balberry Publg Copy-editing 12/11/94
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Ancestors Eurobook Eurobook Research 11/02/92
Croatia Vankovska,B COPRI Rewriting 08/04/00
Economic Thought Psalidopoul Wearset Editing & cod 30/07/01
Euro.Ideas in Hist. Russian Frank Cass Rewriting 06/04/93
European Reformatns Lindberg,C. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 10/10/95
Europe'sUncertainPa Alexander,R Wiley Editing 26/07/11
Germans, The Elias, N. Blackwell Pubs Index editing 03/10/95
Greek Islands Hirst, A. Godart Screen edit 31/03/00
Greek islands 1 Hirst, A. Godart Curle Editorial rep 15/06/01
Handbk Mod.Eur.Hist unid Longman Group Copy-editing 24/07/86
In Search of Trojan Wood,M BBC Books Proofreading 17/10/84
Lib.& Order 1650-18 Shennan Longman Group Copy-editing 28/06/85
Panorama Comment, B Reaktion Books Indexing 03/08/99
Reformatn,ResistanceMortimer,S. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/01/21
Rise of W Christend Brown, P. Blackwell Pubs Proof index 08/10/95
Rise of W.Christend Brown, P. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 23/08/95
Secrets of Notebook Haas, Eve HarperCollins Editing 09/12/08
Soc.Prot.in C.Europ Mommsen/Hir Macmillan Acad Copy-editing 24/07/81
Soc.Prot.in C.Europ Mommsen/Hir Macmillan Acad Proofreading 18/12/81
Socialism&ExpOfTime Wright, J. Oxf.Univ.Press Proofreading 04/04/17
Soul of the North Kent, Nick Reaktion Books Indexing 15/12/99
Yugoslavia Vankovska,B COPRI Rewriting 13/07/00
Macedonia Vankovska,B COPRI Rewriting 19/07/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
These Scattered I Mavrikis,K. Ox.Mar.Resrch Screen edit 31/03/00
These Scattered I.1 Mavrikis,K. Ox.Mar.Resrch Screen edit 02/08/10
These Scattered I.2 Mavrikis,K. Ox.Mar.Resrch Screen edit 17/09/10
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Genealogy of Health Kitazawa, K Kitazawa, K Editg on disk 03/11/98
Greenwood submissn Horino, Mac Horino, Mac Editing & cod 21/11/02
Japan's Self-Denial Horino, Mac Horino, Mac Editing & cod 17/10/02
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Countryside Grigson, G. Ebury,Random H Pict.captions 17/12/81
Front Line Cty:Kent Rootes,A Granada Publg Read/report 21/08/80
London Walks unid Robson Books Proofreading 07/12/84
Old Phot:Burnham Blackman, D Alan Sutton Copy-editing 08/07/93
Old Phot:Mansfield Crute, D. Alan Sutton Copy-editing 17/06/93
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Courage in th.Skies Johnson/Luc Stanley Paul Indexing 18/05/92
Dambusters Arthur, Max Virgin Copy-editing 02/07/08
Dict.of Battles Young, P. New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 12/06/78
For Valour [VC] Percival Methuen London Indexing 08/05/85
Gunners at Larkhill James Gresham Books Copy-editing 01/06/83
Malta Lucas,Laddi Stanley Paul Indexing 19/06/91
Military history Farrar-Hock Andre Deutsch Indexing 15/02/88
Napoleon & Hitler Seward, D Harrap Publg Indexing 04/08/88
Opening Rounds Farrar-Hock Andre Deutsch Proofreading 11/02/88
Soldiers of Scotlnd Baynes, J Brassey's Def. Copy-editing 25/02/88
Warfare of 20th C Grant, C Hamlyn Publg Galley proofs 20/02/88
Winged Victory Lucas, L. Stanley Paul Indexing 05/12/94
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Fictive Orders More, A. Oxf.Univ.Press Editing 02/08/17
Illus.Hist.of Popes Walsh,M Granada Publg Read/report 17/11/80
Mod.Pur.& Eliz.Ch. Lake Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 12/10/81
Perfectn Proclaimed Smith, N Oxf.Univ.Press Editl queries 04/01/88
Subdued Fires O'Connor,G. History Press Editing 12/03/13
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Cults of Roman Emp. Turcan. R. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 30/08/96
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Afgh.under Sov.Dom. Hyman Macmillan Acad Proofreading 24/11/81
PolicingProstitutionHearne, S. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 30/06/20
Soviet Era, The Ponton, G. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 28/09/93
Welfare in Warfare Cronberg, T COPRI Editg on disc 10/01/00
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
1930s spec. issue Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Research 20/06/81
Alabama 40 Years On Cannon, P. Matthews,M.& D Read/report 14/11/77
Archaeol.of Capital Johnson, M. Blackwell Pubs Index editing 29/08/95
Archaeol.of Capital Johnson, M. Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 22/09/95
Disordered Lives Lis & Soly Blackwell Pubs Index editing 08/10/95
Disordered Lives Lis & Soly Blackwell Pubs 2nd proofread 01/11/95
Festival of Britain Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 26/01/81
Gretna Green Sinclair, O Unwin Hyman Indexing 19/09/88
LGBT Victorians Joyce,Simon Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/02/22
Lost Children Empir Bean, P. Unwin Hyman Indexing 27/12/88
Sex,Politics & Socy Weeks, J Longman Group Copy-editing 22/05/88
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Aims of History,The Thompson,D Granada Publg Read/report 21/08/80
Exploring Urb.World Cannadine Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 10/03/82
Pursuit of History Tosh Longman Group Copy-editing 16/12/83
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Globalization & Geo Blouet,B.W. Reaktion Books Editg on disc 15/08/00
Illus.Hist.of World Roberts,JM Helicon Galley proofs 02/07/93
Monarchies1000-2000 Spellman,W. Reaktion Books Editg on disc 09/09/00
Nemesis of Power Kleinschmid Reaktion Books Editg on disc 08/10/99
Wireless World Potter et al.Oxf.Univ.PressCopy-editing 07/03/22
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Entour.of Wilhelm 2 Hull Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 28/10/81
Great War ProsthesesShaheen, A. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 05/12/19
Roses of Nomansland MacDonald, Granada Publg Read/report 01/12/80
WW1 on CD ROM 1 Times News Multimed. Editg on disc 18/11/95
WW1 on CD-ROM 2 Times, The News Multimed. Editg on disc 01/12/95
WWI Battlefields Unid. Pavilion Books Copy-editing 25/03/93
Wilhelm II:New Ints Rohl/Sombar Cam.Univ.Press Proofreading 02/07/81
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Astounding State of Lucas, R. Lucas, Richard Editing 13/03/12
Blitz,The:facsimile Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Copy-editing 26/01/81
Chindit James, R.R. Granada Publg Read/report 20/10/80
Colour of War Pavilion Pavilion Editg on disc 12/05/99
Colour of War:Intro Pavilion Pavilion Rewriting 19/06/99
Colour of War:Intro Pavilion Pavilion Abridgement 22/06/99
Deadly Embrace,The Read/Fisher Michael Joseph Indexing 13/03/88
Forged in Fury Elkins, M. Magnum,Methuen Read/report 15/04/80
Formn.of Nazi Const unid Croom Helm Ltd 2nd proofread 09/09/86
Impossible Victory Harpur Granada Publg Read/report 21/08/80
Last of the Few Arthur, Max Virgin Copy-editing 18/03/10
Night at the Garden Lucas, R. Lucas, Richard Editing 15/12/12
Operns.Most Secret Trenowden Futura Read/report 08/05/80
Outbreak Charman, T. Virgin Copy-editing 22/05/09
Poetic Justice Lucas, R. Lucas, Richard Editing 15/02/13
Special.Ops Europe Davidson Granada Publg Read/report 01/05/80
SpiritOfTheBlitz Addison, P. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 03/07/20
Stars,Stripes,Swas1 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 01/10/13
Stars,Stripes,Swas2 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 15/07/14
Stars,Stripes,Swas3 Lucas, R. Lucas Copy-editing 18/08/14
StormsOverTheBalkansRieber,A.J. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 11/10/21
U-Boat Killer MacIntyre,D Granada Publg Read/report 01/05/80
WW2 on CD-ROM 3 Times, The News Multimed. Editg on disc 04/01/96
WW2 on CD-ROM 4 Times, The News Multimed. Editg on disc 18/01/96
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
25 Years of Viz Cook, W. Boxtree Editing & cod 08/03/04
Allen,Woody:Joking McKnight,G Allen,W.H. & C Proofreading 27/01/82
Allen,Woody:Joking McKnight,G Allen,W.H. & C Indexing 27/01/82
Another weird year3 Davies, Huw Ebury Press Editing & cod 19/06/04
Another Weird Year4 Davies, Huw Ebury Press Editing 30/06/05
Austin Powers Lane, Andy Boxtree Proofreading 13/08/02
Benrik Diary Benrik Ltd Boxtree Editing 30/06/05
Book of Sex Lists Gerber, A. W H Allen & Co Rewriting 15/01/82
Bounder's Companion Chance, H. Ebury Press Proofreading 04/07/01
Brooks,Mel:Com.Art Yacowa, M. Allen,W.H. & C Proofreading 30/03/82
Brooks,Mel:Com.Art Yacowa, M. Allen,W.H. & C Indexing 30/03/82
Carry On Secombe Secombe, F. Joseph, Michae Proofreading 20/09/88
Centre of Universe Wallace,Dan Ebury Press Editing 06/04/06
Dawn French: Biog. Bowyer, A. Headli I Indexing 14/07/00
Dawn French bio:pbk Bowyer, A. Headli Ir Repag. index 04/03/01
Eating Your Auntie Arnott, S. Ebury Press Editing & cod 20/05/04
Enc.of Insultg Behr Encyclopaed Futura Proofreading 13/07/81
EnemiesOfThePeople Jordison,S. HarperCollins Copy-editing 14/04/17
Footballers Wives Reynolds,J. Boxtree Editing & cod 19/06/03
Footlights Hewison, R Methuen London Indexing 08/03/83
Freddie Starr Unwra Starr, F. Virgin Publg Editing & cod 16/04/01
From Fringe to F.Cs Wilmut, R. Methuen London Proofreading 28/03/80
From Fringe to F.Cs Wilmut,R Methuen London Indexing 17/06/80
Gimme Gimme Gimme Harvey, J. Boxtree Proofreading 24/06/02
Gnomes & Gardens Pavilion Pavilion Books Editg on disc 27/11/99
Googlewhack Gorman, D. Ebury Press Editing & cod 30/10/03
Green Side Up Parker, C. Mirror Pubs Read/report 10/08/79
Growing Old Disgrac Candappa, R Ebury Press Editing & cod 17/05/02
High Hopes: Corbett Corbett, R. Ebury Proofreading 12/07/00
High Hopes:CorbettI Corbett, R. Ebury Indexing 12/07/00
Hope,Bob: Superstar Thompson,C Methuen London Indexing 30/04/81
How to Avoid Yr Rnd unid New Engl.Lib. Proofreading 01/06/79
Jim Davidson 2 Davidson, J Ebury Press Editorial que 28/07/01
Jim Davidson autob. Davidson,J. Ebury Press Editing & cod 03/07/01
Join Me Wallace, D. Ebury Press Editing & cod 21/02/03
Join Me, 2nd edn Wallace, D. Ebury Press Proofreading 22/03/04
Keaton, Buster Dardis, T. Granada Publis Reading and r 08/04/80
King Nicholas Copeman, N. Ebury Press Editing 27/09/04
King of the Castle Plimmer, M. Ebury Press Editing & cod 12/05/02
Krankies Joke Book Krankies W H Allen & Co Text creation 15/03/87
L.Bk of Camel Sutra Candappa, R Ebury Press Proofreading 29/10/01
Linguistics of HumorAttardo, S. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 08/01/20
Megawatts Watts, M. Hudson Editg on disc 24/05/00
Officl Sick Joke Bk Hodes Futura Proofreading 06/08/80
One Hit Wonderland Hawks,Tony Ebury Press Editing & cod 28/05/02
Out of Order Johnson Robson Books Indexing 11/08/82
Phoenix Nights Kay, Peter Boxtree Proofreading 26/06/03
Planet Simpson Turner, C. Ebury Press Editing: Angl 06/06/04
Playing Muldovans Hawks, Tony Ebury Press Editg on disc 16/09/99
Punch selection Freud,C Robson Books Proofreading 20/07/82
Ruby Wax Autiobiog. Wax, Ruby Ebury Press Editing & cod 08/08/02
Sit-Down Comedy Hardee,M.ed Ebury Press Editing & cod 17/04/03
Sling Your Hook Parker, C. Mirror Pubs Read/report 10/08/79
Spythatcher Rushden, W. Pavilion Books Proofreading 14/09/87
Stress for Success Candappa,R. Ebury Editg on disc 20010323
Stupid Boy, A Perry,Jimmy Purdie, Andrea Editing & cod 26/08/02
Sweet & Sour Labrad Carrott, J. Arrow Books Proofreading 26/07/82
Taking Off unid Methuen London Indexing 31/07/84
Talking Cock Herring, R. Ebury Press Editing & cod 26/06/03
Wallace & Gromit Lane, Andy Boxtree Editing & cod 25/03/04
Where Did It All Go Collins, A. Ebury Press Editing & cod 11/06/02
Working Stiff Stoddard, G Virgin Editing 27/11/06
World Beard Champs Ames, M. Boxtree Proofreading 01/06/04
World of Waite Mirror spec Mirror Pubs Pict.captions 28/04/81
Xmas Files, The Winder, N. Winder, N. Editing 27/09/04
Xmas Files, The (2) Winder, N. Winder, N. Editing 23/01/05
Xmas Files, The (3) Winder, N. Winder, N. Editing 01/07/05
Xmas Files, The (4) Winder, N. Winder, N. Editing 24/10/05
Yes Man, The Wallace, D. Ebury Press Editing 04/04/05
Yes Minister: Vol.2 Lynn,Jay # BBC Books Galley proofs 27/07/82
Yes Minister: Vol.2 Lynn,Jay # BBC Books Proofreading 01/09/82
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Anglo Saxon Chrons Savage,A tr Phoebe Phillip Galley proofs 03/06/82
Anglo Saxon Chrons Savage,A tr Phoebe Phillip Galley proofs 23/07/82
Anglo Saxon Chrons Savage,A tr Phoebe Phillip Galley proofs 29/07/82
BookExp.&Image Read Maekawa, K. K.Maekawa Editg on disc 26/01/01
13thC Picture Books Maekawa, K. K.Maekawa Editg on disc 07/12/98
13thC Picture Books Maekawa, K. K.Maekawa Editg on disc 05/03/99
BookExp.&Image Read Maekawa, K. K.Maekawa Editg on disc 26/10/10
Textual Sources Maekawa, K. K.Maekawa Editg on disc 01/11/11
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
Qur'an of Oppressed RahemtullaS Oxf.Uni.Press Indexing 05/10/16
Title Author Publisher Editorial service/Date
3GL Program Design GCIS Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 04/07/95
Access for A Level Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 06/04/01
Adv.Computing Scien Bishop, P. Pan Books Ltd Proofreading 19/12/86
Adv.DB.Proj.3rd edn Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 29/11/07
Adv.DB.Proj.3rd eCD Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 07/12/07
Adv.SS.Proj.3rd e Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 17/12/07
Adv.SS.Proj.3e: CD Mott,Julian Hodder Educatl Copy editing 23/12/07
Artificial Intellig Born ed. Croom Helm Ltd Proof+collatn 07/10/86
Business Models Kaul,S etal SNP Indexing 21/02/08
Comics & Videogames Rauscher,A. Routledge Copy editing 03/07/20
Connected Govt Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 02/11/04
Connected Homes 01 Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 05/07/04
Connected Homes 02 Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 12/07/04
Connected Homes 03 Premium Premium Rewriting 06/08/04
Connected Homes 04 Premium Premium Rewriting 27/09/04
Connected Manufactu Kuppens ed. Premium Rewriting 30/06/05
Connected Manufact. Premium Pub Premium Rewriting 22/01/05
Controlg w.Computrs Billingsly McGraw-Hill Proofreading 27/09/88
Creat.iMediaSkills Wells, K. Hodder Educatl Proofreading 06/02/17
CV 2005 Blackburn,R Blackburn, R. Rewriting 23/03/05
DarkwebCyberThreat Robertson,J Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 19/10/16
Data Science Ethics Martens,D. Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 20/09/21
Database Projects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 12/03/03
Database Projects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 29/11/07
Database Projects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 07/12/07
DK: KISS Internet Foundry Foundry Screenshots 09/03/00
DK: KISS Internet Foundry Foundry Captions 09/03/00
DK: KISS Internet Foundry Foundry Proofreading 06/05/00
DK: KISS Internet Foundry Foundry Screenshots 08/05/00
DK: KISS Windows:S Foundry Foundry Screenshots 29/03/00
DK: KISS Windows:C Foundry Foundry Captions 29/03/00
DK: KISS Windows:S2 Foundry Foundry Screenshots 02/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:C2 Foundry Foundry Captions 02/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:Sr Foundry Foundry Screenshots 10/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:S3 Foundry Foundry Screenshots 10/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:C3 Foundry Foundry Captions 10/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:S4 Foundry Foundry Screenshots 12/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:C4 Foundry Foundry Captions 12/04/00
DK: KISS Windows:s Foundry Foundry Screenshots 24/05/00
DK: KISS Windows: P Levin, Rich Foundry Proofreading 07/06/00
DK: Kiss Windows:s1 Levin, Rich Foundry Screenshots 14/06/00
DK: KISS Windows:5 Foundry Foundry Screenshots 01/05/00
DK: Kiss WinME: S1 Levin, Rich Foundry Screenshots 11/11/00
DK: Kiss WinME: S2 Levin, Rich Foundry Screenshots 14/12/00
Encyc. cards Initiales Initiales Rewriting 22/01/05
Eur.Comp.Driv.Licen Clarke, A. Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 13/09/00
GCSE in Applied ICT Cushing, S. Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 21/01/02
GCSE in Applied ICT Cushing, S. Hod.& Stough.E Indexing 31/03/02
Get Online 1 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 07/04/99
Get Online 2 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 28/04/99
Get Online 3 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 12/05/99
Get Online 4 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 24/05/99
Get Online 5 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 27/05/99
Get Online 6 Eaglemoss Eaglemoss Editl report 13/07/99
Go for IT! 3rd edn Bishop, P. Hodder Educatl Copy editing 10/07/00
Hacker's Handbook 3 Cornwall, H Century Copy-editing 27/09/87
How 2 B Computerate unid Methuen London Proofreading 24/01/83
How 2 B Computerate unid Methuen London Indexing 24/01/83
ICT for GCSE:TeachG Walmsley,D. Hod.& Stough.E Editing & cod 24/07/03
ICT in Welfare Serv Harlow, E. Kingsley,Jessi Indexing 28/10/02
IGCSE ICT Brown & Wat Hodder Educatl Proofreading 29/10/09
Industry4.0,AI,&DataBali,Vikram Routledge Copy-editing 27/02/21
Informatic - 10 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 22/01/03
Informatic - 11 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 04/02/03
Informatic - 12 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 12/02/03
Informatic - 13/14 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 04/03/03
Informatic - 15-17 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 02/04/03
Informatic - 18-22 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 16/05/03
Informatic - 23-24 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 29/05/03
Informatic - 25 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 24/07/03
Informatic - 3 & 4 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 28/08/02
Informatic - 5 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 26/09/02
Informatic - 6 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 17/10/02
Informatic - 7 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 25/10/02
Informatic - 8 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 27/11/02
Informatic - 9 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 16/12/02
Informatic at Home Initiales Initiales Rewriting 14/06/02
Informatic at Home2 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 04/07/02
Informatics 26 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 14/06/04
Informatics 27 Initiales Initiales Rewriting 07/08/04
Internet, The Noble,M.ed. Foundry Co.Ltd Editorial dev 04/11/01
Internet for Older Arnold, A. Wiley Copy-editing 25/06/09
The Internet Noble,M.ed. Foundry Co.Ltd Copy-editing 08/01/02
The Internet:Append Noble,M.ed. Foundry Co.Ltd Text creation 17/02/02
Internet:screenshts Foundry Foundry Co.Ltd Screenshots 16/01/02
Internet for All Banes, D. Fulton Proofreading 04/09/00
Intr.ParallelCompu. Czech, Z. Cambridge U.P. Copy-editing 02/08/16
ITC ISEB McCarty Hodder Educatl Proofreading 27/02/08
MIS Development GCIS Blackwell Pubs CRC checking 04/07/95
Make Love 2 Computr Carter/Levi W H Allen & Co Anglicisation 27/03/84
Mobile Display Tech Bhowmik ed. Wiley Proofreading 11/02/08
ModernMIDISequencingMcGuire. S. Routledge Copy editing 23/05/19
New CLAIT Stud. Wbk Clarke,Alan Hod.& Stough.E Proofreading 22/10/01
New CLAIT TutorPack Clarke,Alan Hod.& Stough.E Indexing 04/03/02
New Higher Computng Walsh, J. Hod.& Stough.E Editing & cod 02/08/01
New Language of TV Premium Premium Editing 09/09/05
OCR Functional Skil Clarke,Alan Hodder Educatl Copy editing 27/01/09
OCR Computing Hodder Educ Hodder Educatl Proofreading 20/03/09
OCR ICT for GCSE Gillinder,B Hodder Educatl Copy editing 29/10/09
Prac.Guide to MIMO Brown et al Wiley Copy-editing 18/01/11
PrinciplesOfCompSci Cushing, S. Hodder Educatl Copy editing 18/12/14
Proj.BasedApp.Trans.Mitchell, R Routledge Copy editing 17/03/20
R&D & Int.Property Wake, M. Wake, M. Rewriting 23/03/05
Robot Kingdom Heddle, J. Heddle, J. Editing 18/08/05
SpreadsheetProjects Mott, J. Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 14/12/00
SpreadsheetProjects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 12/03/03
SpreadsheetProjects Mott, J. Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 17/12/07
SpreadsheetProjects Mott,Julian Hod.& Stough.E Copy-editing 23/12/07
Telecoms Survey Wake, M. Wake, M. Rewriting 04/10/04
Thick Big Data JemielniakD Oxf.Univ.Press Copy-editing 16/10/19
This Is IT! Ithurralde Hodder Educatl Repag. index 09/03/99
This Is IT! 2 Ithurralde Hodder Educatl Repag. index 03/04/99
Teach Yourself Elec Plant, M. Hod.& Stough.E Proofreading 28/10/03
Trade Barrier Wake, M. Wake, M. Rewriting 14/01/06
Women's employment Compilation Berghahn Books File convers 21/06/00